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Finance Committee Minutes 03/20/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of March 20, 2008
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Robert Kelly, Arlene Kirsch, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith
Also Attending: DPW Director Mark Vincent, Selectman Ira Wood
Absent: Nancy Bone, Mac Hay, John Makely

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Warrant Recommendations & Comments
Berta Bruinooge made opening comments on Articles 6 and 38.  She said that with the Town facing overrides, she did not like the timing of the one non-union position that is increasing 14%.  Bruinooge said that was a terrible message to send to the WEA union employees.  Bruinooge said she felt strongly about Article 6 and said the tie vote was something she wished had been a stronger negative vote.  Foley said that Wellfleet is the only town on the Cape that has a combined Clerk/Treasurer.  Murphy moved to reconsider Article 6.  Smith seconded. Discussion followed on the merits of revisiting the vote, the additional duties the Town Clerk/Treasurer faces, and splitting the position in the future.  Ira Wood discussed how State mandates have contributed to extra duties and looking at the future of the position.  The motion to revisit the vote carried 4-1-1.

Bruinooge moved to not recommend Article 6.  Kelly seconded.  The motion to not recommend Article 6 carried 5-1.

DPW Director Mark Vincent was in attendance to explain DPW vehicle Articles.  
Article 14 DPW One-ton Truck
Vincent said that repairs for the one-ton truck could possibly be $3,000.  The vehicle would be used by the summer staff at the beaches and cemeteries. It could be used for plowing in needed in winter.  The truck is currently used for snow plowing and sanding.  
Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 14.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried 5-1.

Article 15 DPW Flail Mower
Mark Vincent said the price had changed and the total request was for $68,000. Repairs for the old one would be $26,600 for a new clutch, mower head assembly, the hydraulic arm and hoses.  Air conditioning repair was not included in the request.   There was discussion of the period of service this machine has performed.
Kirsch moved to recommend Article 15. Smith seconded, and motion carried 6-0.

Article 16 DPW Refuse Trailer
This is the open top trailer that needs $60,000 in repairs.  Foley moved to recommend Article 16.  Kirsch seconded. Discussion of open top trailer and compacting methods followed. The motion to recommend Article 16 carried 6-0.

Article 18 DPW Front End Loader  
This Article is for the purchase of a new front end loader for $145,000.  There was a discussion of the needed repairs for the existing 1996 front end loader and what possibility there was for keeping it.  The most important job it does, Vincent said, is heavy duty snow plowing.  The insurance remains the same for a new or old vehicle, according to Smith.  Estimated cost for repair if the vehicle is not replaced is $37,000 to $40,000.  Vincent would like to increase reliability and avoid down-time for repairs by replacing the vehicle.  
Bruinooge moved to recommend.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried 3-2-1

Before leaving, Vincent said he would like to see the Vehicle Policy adhered to for everyone who comes with a vehicle proposal.  

There is a change in Article 1 on the Computerization Line #155 that FinCom noted.   FinCom’s vote stayed the same.

Article 2 New Ambulance
Before making a recommendation, FinCom would like the language to  be changed to state that the sum of $180,000 is to be transferred from the Ambulance Fund.  
Kirsch moved to reserve recommendation to Town Meeting.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 4 Marina  
Kirsch  moved to reserve recommendation to Town Meeting.  Murphy seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 1 Operating Budget  
Kirsch reviewed FinCom draft comments on Article 1 on the School Budget.  This concerned a transfer of Special Ed funds that was reimbursed by the State this year.  FinCom comments will clearly explain for the voters the transfer of money and the dollar amount, but the figures have to be recalculated.  

School Budget Line
Bruinooge moved to reduce the School Budget to $2,063,705.  Kirsch seconded. The motion carried 5-1.

The Town Administrator’s Budget Line #123
Kirsch moved to recommend line #123 at $175,506.  Kelly seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

The Operating Budget with the School figure subtracted amounts to $13,038,031.  
Kirsch moved to approve the Budget at $13,038,031.  Murphy seconded.  The motion carried 5-1.  

Article 2 Capital Budget  
Smith moved to not recommend the Shellfish Truck.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  

Kirsch moved to recommend. The Capital Budget at $1,441,489. Smith seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  

Article 3 Marina  
Kirsch moved to reserve recommendation to Town Meeting.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  

Article 4 Contracts  
Kirsch moved to reserve recommendation of Article 4 to Town Meeting.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 9 Flex Bus
Kirsch moved to recommend Article 9.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 20 CPC Affordable Housing $240,000
Finance Committee found it hard to vote if the property is not specified in the Article.  Smith moved to reserve recommendation.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 22 CPC Housing Support $60,000  
Kirsch moved to recommend Article 22.  Kelly seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Article 31 Housing – Transfer of Town-owned property –Old King’s Highway/Old Long Pond Rd.   and  
Article 32 Housing – transfer of Town-owned property –Long Pond and Lawrence Roads (old Senior Center)   
Kirsch moved to reserve recommendation for Articles 31 and 32.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion for both carried 6-0.

Comments for the Warrant
FinCom revised opening statements and the Overview draft that Kirsch had prepared.  Certified Free Cash, overrides, debt-exclusion votes, reduction of services, Stabilization Funds were discussed.  Kirsch said she would write up FinCom comments based on the considerations discussed at the meeting.

STM Comments
Article 4 Comments
Kirsch will write a comment that FinCom is waiting for the actual bid.  

ATM Comments
Budget Process Page
Kirsch said this is the Selectmen’s Warrant, and someone should take responsibility for the Budget Process page if it is to be included in the Warrant.  If no one claims authorship, it should not be included, FinCom agreed.

Article 1 Comments
School is covered in Kirsch’s comments for Article 1.  There will be an added expression of thanks to the departments who stayed within the 3%.

Article 2 Shellfish Truck Comments
The comment will reflect that Vehicle Rollover Policy data was absent in the request.

Article 6 Comments
Bruinooge will write her viewpoint and Kirsch will give the minority report as comments for Article 6.

Article 7 Comments
The Overtime figures for Police and Fire will be included in the comments.

Article 8 Comments
There will be a comment on providing funds to the Chamber of Commerce because it supports tourism, a major Wellfleet business.

Articles 14 – 18 Comments
The comments will thank the DPW Director for completing paperwork and for his collaboration with FinCom on Budget preparation.  The one comment will cover all the other DPW Articles.  

Kirsch will prepare the comments for email tweaking by Tuesday, March 25. There will be a FinCom meeting on Thursday, April 3, 2008 to make decisions on  recommendations for Articles that have been reserved.

Minutes of 2/28/08 and 3/10/08
Kirsch moved to approve the amended minutes of February 28, 2008.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 5-0-1

Bruinooge moved to approve the minutes of March 10, 2008.  Murphy seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. by consensus.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 4/3/08