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Finance Committee Minutes 03/10/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of March 10, 2008
Senior Center Great Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Nancy Bone, Robert Kelly, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Fire Chief Daniel Silverman
Absent: Mac Hay

Chair Patricia Foley opened the hearing at 7:00 p.m.

CIP Hearing
Arlene Kirsch asked Paul Sieloff how the five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) had been developed.  Marilyn Crary answered this question, saying it is formed by Department Head requests.  From this the Capital Budget is made.  Kirsch went on record to say that this was a wish list just as it had been in the past.  She wanted the CIP to be a real plan.  Sieloff said he would consider it as a long range plan.  He said he had talked to the Town Accountant, the Interim Town Administrator and the Administrative Assistant who had formed the current CIP.   He discussed in particular the Shellfish Dept. truck with FinCom.  Crary mentioned keeping the overall plan going in terms of debt service and maintaining a steady infrastructure.  Kirsch said she would like a process where the TA and Accountant have a plan for major projects for the next five years that look at the total operating budget and capital budget estimates together.  She said that Capital needs could not be put off and there was a need for an overall perspective.  John Makely pointed to the COA generator in the CIP.  This is not in the Budget, but it still appears in the CIP, Sieloff said.  Sieloff discussed the need for two shelters at a future time, but he said they were investigating grants.  He said it would appear next year along with Biodiesel, also in the Projects. Crary went through and told which items were put into FY10 or Debt Exclusion or reduced in numbers

Crary said the balanced Budget is in the Capital Budget.  What goes beyond the balance goes into debt exclusion.    FinCom was looking for the total Budget figure, but Crary did not have that final figure.  The votes at Town Meeting also affect this.  

Foley asked about items on FY09 Debt Service.  The DPW vehicles in question, the road grader and street sweeper, had been approved on the last Warrant.  

Crary said she used the CIP for short term interest as well as long term debt service, which goes out to the year 2023.  

Dan Silverman said the Fire Department was successful in getting a grant that would eliminate some of the future Fire requests that appear in the CIP.  Silverman had asked for a change in the Operating Budget to match the grant money.  Silverman asked about items over $5,000 appearing on the Capital Budget.  He questioned the very large requests – are they really capital expenditures?  Crary said the Fixed Asset Program sets the figure at $5,000.  Bruinooge said that the state also has parameters for the Fixed Asset Program.  

Kirsch moved to accept the 5 year Capital Plan as amended.  Makely seconded.  The motion carried 8-0.  

Sylvia Smith questioned Paul Sieloff about open windows in winter at Town Hall.  Sieloff said an examination of building maintenance was on his list of things to investigate.  Sieloff discussed street light problems as well and conducting an energy savings analysis.  From the floor, Dan Silverman said there had been a great deal of interest in performance evaluation on energy use, but most companies had considered Wellfleet’s scale too small for their programs.  Kirsch mentioned the Building Needs Committee as a source of ideas for energy saving suggestions.  

Warrant Recommendations
Article 1 Transfer of funds
Crary explained there would be additional money added to 155 Computerization.  Free cash would have $45,000 left for Special and Annual Town Meeting. Bruinooge asked about Fire line on overtime, which Dan Silverman explained.  
Makely moved to recommend Article 1 for $109.5 Bruinooge seconded. The motion carried 7-0-1(Kelly abstaining).

Article 2 New Ambulance
Bruinooge will do research on this before FinCom makes a decision.

Article 3 Marina
The Harbormaster had provided some bid information, but FinCom needed more information before making a recommendation. The Article needs borrowing language also.  

Article 1 Operating Budget
FinCom was not ready to vote on this before the Selectmen made their recommendations.

Article 2 Capital Budget
FinCom was not ready to take a vote on this.

Article 3 Marina
Dennis Murphy discussed savings on parking lot paving projects.  Sieloff discussed the drainage issues at the Marina parking lot.  Crary and Sieloff said they would look into this further.  Makely said Mark Vincent should also be contacted about paving of parking lots.  FinCom decided it was not ready to vote on Article 3.

Article 4 Contracts
FinCom was not ready to vote on this.

Article 5 Town Collector Wages
Kelly moved to recommend Article 5.  Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 7-1.

Article 6 Town Clerk Wages
Bruinooge asked about the 14% wage increase which the Town Clerk had requested.  Bruinooge consider this a large increase for one year.  She did not want to establish the salary as a benchmark for future town clerks.  Makely spoke about the lack of a Personnel Board, which would have handled the request had that board been functioning.  Makely moved to recommend Article 6.  Kirsch seconded.  The motion did not carry 4-4.

Article 7 Fireworks
Smith moved to recommend Article 7.  Bruinooge seconded.  Discussion of holding fireworks followed.  Holding the fireworks on the Fourth of July, overtime costs for Police and Fire and DPW, asking for contributions on the night of the works,  and doing things just for fun were discussed.  Silverman expressed his opinion that the cost of fireworks is not justified when wages and essential services are being cut.  If business people believe it is an asset to the Town, he said, the business community should sponsor the display.  The motion to recommend Article 7 carried 7-1.

Article 8 Chamber of Commerce
Kirsch moved to recommend Article 8.  Makely seconded.  The motion to recommend carried 7-1.

Article 9 Flex Bus
FinCom decided to skip this Article until the figures are in.

Article 10 Property Disposal
Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 10.   Bone seconded.  There were questions on two of the vehicles, the Sweeper and the John Deer Front End Loader.  There was also a question on the Dodge Dump Truck.  The motion carried 7-0-1(Kirsch abstaining).  Kirsch said she would bring this up at Town Meeting.

Article 11 Stabilization Fund
A total of $268,000 is in the Stabilization Fund, according to Crary.  Kelly moved to recommend Article 11, Kirsch seconded, and the motion carried  8-0.  

Article 12 Chapter 90 Funds
Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 12. Bone seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Article 13 Ed Reform Act
Kirsch moved to recommend Article 13, Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried  8-0.

Article 14 Special Education
Kelly moved to recommend Article 14.  Smith seconded.  Crary said Administration had discussed use of the Stabilization Fund if Special Needs expenses were needed since the money would be tied up in a Special Ed Fund.  Bruinooge spoke against it.  Kirsch said the extraordinary circumstance only happened one year.  The motion to recommend failed to carry 0-8.  
Kirsch moved to rescind the previous vote. Kelly seconded, and the vote to rescind carried 8-0.

Kirsch moved to not recommend Article 14. Smith seconded. The motion to not recommend Article 14 carried  8-0.

Article 15  Fire – Geothermal Heating System for Fire Station
Dan Silverman said that this Article would be withdrawn from the Warrant because the station did not have suitable space and water for the proposed system.  This means that Question 1 will also be withdrawn.

Article 16 DPW One-ton Truck
Makely moved to recommend Article 16.  Bruinooge seconded.  Discussion of the vehicle mileage, maintenance, and age followed.  FinCom wanted to know if the list of vehicles in Article 10 was up-to-date.  Murphy discussed prioritizing the DPW vehicle requests.  Makely withdrew his motion and Bruinooge withdrew her second.  There was no decision on Article 16.

Article 17 DPW Flail Mower
FinCom decided to wait for further explanation from the DPW Director.

Kirsch said that Articles with Ballot questions should be written with a statement that the vote is contingent on the outcome of the ballot question.  

Article 18 DPW Refuse Trailer
There was a discussion of the existing trailer and compacting methods, but FinCom decided to put a decision on hold.

Article 19 DPW Compactor
Paul Sieloff said he had placed this Article, and he explained present practices. He discussed the benefits of using the compacting equipment since it frees up workers to do other work.  He said it also minimizes Workers Comp claims.  It also eliminates the need for replacement plastic bags.  It cuts back on the number of trips, he said.  With all that in mind, Sieloff said he considers it a worthwhile plan.  He recommended this program along with a recycling plan at the beaches.  Discussion on cleaning the containers and truck followed.  The plan would free up three workers and two trucks, but it won’t be implemented until next fall at the earliest.  Kirsch moved to recommend Article 19.  Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Article 20 DPW Front End Loader
Article 20 was put on hold until there was further information from the DPW Director.

Article 21 CPC Modern House Trust
Nancy Bone moved to recommend Article 21.  Bruinooge seconded.  Crary discussed available CPA funds and allotments to each category.  The motion to recommend carried 6-1-1.  

Article 22 CPC Affordable Housing $300,000
FinCom decided to wait for an expected adjustment to this figure which will come through a pending CPC vote.

Article 23 CPC Open Space 105 Pilgrim Spring Rd. Purchase
Bone moved to recommend Article 23.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried 8-0.

Article  24    CPC Housing Support $60,000
FinCom will wait for the CPC adjustment of the Article 22 figure before voting on this Article.

Article 28    CPC Percentages
Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 28.  Bone seconded.  There was discussion of the calculations.  The motion to recommend carried 8-0.

Article 32  Conservation Land – Nauset Rd. transfer of Town-owned property
Makely moved to recommend Article 32. Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried  7-1.  

Article 33 Housing – transfer of Town-owned property –  Old King’s Highway/Old Long Pond Rd.

Makely moved to approve Article 33.  Kirsch seconded.  A discussion of the wording of the Article prompted Makely and Kirsch to rescind the motion and second.  FinCom put Article 33 on hold until the Article is revised.   

Article 37    Library -  Solar Energy (Petitioned Article)
Kirsch moved to not recommend.  Bone seconded.  Discussion of the cost that is not included in the Budget followed. The motion to not recommend carried 7-0-1.

Article   39   WEA Wages (Petitioned Article)
Bruinooge moved to not recommend Article 39.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried to not recommend 8-0.  
Sylvia Smith distributed a School Committee memo that will be discussed with the School Committee at their meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2008.

Other Business
Pat Foley said that three FinCom members’ terms would expire in June and asked that they let her know their intentions for re-upping.  The Charter revision provides for two FinCom alternates who will also be needed.  

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)

These minutes were approved at the FinCom meeting held 3/20/08.