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Finance Committee Minutes 02/28/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of February 28, 2008
Senior Center Great Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith

Also Present:  Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, School Committee Members Jan Plaue, Mort Inger, Terri Frazier, and Margaret Ward

Absent: Nancy Bone, Mac Hay, Robert Kelly

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

School Committee Budget
John Makely distributed a comparison sheet of FY09 Budget and FY08 by departments.  His figures for the Wellfleet Elementary School were calculated by “Regular Day” expenses.  According to Makely’s figures, the School Committee had requested over the 3% Budget.  School Committee Chair Jan Plaue explained that the School figures are done by combining “Regular Day” and “Special Education” expenses.  All of the services, presented together, are within the 3% Budget, Plaue said.  She explained increases in the salary line and along with Marilyn Crary discussed the use of Chapter 70 money for Special Education.   Makely asked for further explanation of lines 4019, 4026, 4094 and 4005, which members of the School Committee discussed with FinCom.

Makely expressed an interest in using MCAS scores as a measure of performance of the school.  Terri Frazier briefly discussed the need for an understanding of MCAS, but said that it would take a separate meeting to cover that topic.  Frazier stated that the School Budget had to be calculated with the Special Education figures.  

Berta Bruinooge asked about the expected enrollment for next year.  It is roughly 126 pupils, according to Terri Frazier.  Arlene Kirsch discussed “multiple realities” in terms of the School Committee and Finance Committee’s different missions; MCAS scores; and school salaries.  Kirsch spoke on behalf of merit pay and asked that School Committee bring that to the Superintendent’s attention.  Kirsch asked about the possibility of a year in which there is an increase in Special Education costs, but a decrease in Chapter 70 funds.  Margaret Ward said there is a state-wide program to help in cases like this.  Circuit Breaker Funds help absorb costs for towns in this situation.

There was further discussion of MCAS testing; students attending Truro Elementary School; and the School Committee’s $4,000 Budget Line, which, Plaue explained, is used for conferences and a secretary.

Before the School Committee members departed, Makely asked that clarifications for lines 4019, 4026, 4094 and 4005 be given in writing to FinCom. Mort Inger stated that the School Budget had come in at 3 %, and the School Committee group left.

FinCom continued the discussion of the School Budget, suggesting that the “Regular Day” figures come into line more with the 3 %.  Marilyn Crary said on the Cherry Sheet there is money going out for “School Choice” as well as Special Education.  Crary reminded FinCom that the figures for FY09 are estimates. Sylvia Smith explained how the Special Needs figures fluctuate.  Smith mentioned having a principal who also teaches in the classroom.  

FY09 Budget
Selectman Ira Wood, who had other meeting commitments, stopped by to offer answers to Budget questions.  Sylvia Smith reported, for the record, on comments she had heard after December 3, 2007 Special Town Meeting.  After the new fire station is built, people were concerned about additional staff that would be requested, according to Smith.

Marilyn Crary had distributed a Draft Budget 09 which FinCom reviewed. A general discussion covered percentage increases, debt exclusions, the SPED Contingency figure, Free Cash, Chamber of Commerce as a Budget line item each year, and the Flex Bus.

Special Town Meeting Warrant Recommendations
FinCom discussed STM Article 2 on the ambulance replacement.  Bruinooge commented on having three ambulances.  Kirsch first intended to vote on STM Article 2, but decided against it.  

STM Article 3 is for Uncle Tim’s Bridge.  The project now involves a complete replacement of the structure.  Bruinooge moved to recommend STM Article 3.  Smith seconded.  The difference in funding needed is $187,000.  The other funding is coming from CPA funds.  The motion to recommend STM Article 3 carried 4-2.  

STM Article 4 is a borrowing article for the Marina. Crary explained that the Article needs to be rewritten to reflect that the Town will borrow $600,000, and the Marina will pay it back to the Town over twenty years.   Bruinooge moved the recommend Article 4 as a borrowing item.  Smith seconded.  Dennis Murphy discussed the mark-up on the Hot Mix that would be involved.  Bruinooge rescinded her recommendation, and Smith rescinded her second.   FinCom will send a memo to the Harbormaster and copy the Town Administrator, asking how many bids were made, the dollar amounts of the bids and who made the bids.
Budget Process Page
Kirsch addressed the second paragraph and final paragraph in the Budget Process, page 9.  She questioned the phrase “modified zero-based budget method.”   FinCom will send a memo to the Town Administrator and copy the Selectmen, asking that the terminology be “level-funding approach.”   FinCom would also like the author of the Budget Process page be identified.

Operating Budget
FinCom considered the FY09 Operating Budget pages of the draft Warrant.

Lines 114, 115, 121, and 122
Kirsch moved to recommend Lines 114, 115, 121, and 122.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

123 Town Administrator
Crary said there was a $10,000 raise for the Assistant Town Administrator.  
There was no motion for Line 123.

124 General Administration
There is a $6,000 increase in General Administration.  Bruinooge moved to recommended Line 124.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

Lines 131, 132, 135, 141, 145, and 146
Kirsch moved to recommend Lines 131, 132, 135, 141, 145, and 146.  Makely seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Line 151 Legal Expenses
Kirsch asked that there be an explanation for the figure.  Kirsch moved to recommend Line 151.  Makely seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Line 153 Computerization is level funded.  Makely discussed the current temporary contract.  There is a transfer in STM that will be necessary for FY08.  
Makely moved to recommend Line 153.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Lines 158, 162, 171, 174, 176, 177, and 178  
Kirsch moved to recommend Lines 158, 162, 171, 174, 176, 177, and 178.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

179 Shellfish and 180, 181, and 183
Crary explained a suggestion from the TA about combining the Shellfish lines in the future.  Bruinooge moved to recommend Lines 179, 180, 181, and 183.  Kirsch seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Lines 186, 189, 190, 195, and 196
Line 186 Urban Development is for the Landing Strip property and the 335 Main St. cupola.  The Consultancy line 196 is for the Fire Station.  Kirsch moved to recommend Lines 186, 189, 190, 195, and 196.  Makely seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

210 Police and Line 215
Makely moved to recommend Lines 210 and 215.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

220 Fire and Lines 241, 291, 292, 293, 294, 298, and 299
Discussion included the high figures, the transfer in STM, overtime amounts, regionalization, call fire fighters and the town population.  Bruinooge moved to recommend Lines 220, 241, 291, 292, 293, 294, 298, and 299.  Kirsch seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

FinCom skipped over the Education lines.

417 DPW Lines 420, 422, 423, 424, 435, 426, 433, 441, 442, and 443
The total DPW Budget had increased.  Dennis Murphy expressed an interest in investigating negotiation costs.  Crary reported on Snow Removal figures for this year.  Kirsch spoke about electricity costs.  Murphy mentioned that items had been taken off the Capital Plan.  He wondered if the Operating Budget had been adjusted accordingly.  The Operating Expenses line had been increased by $4,000.  John Makely said he will talk to the DPW Director about the changes.  
FinCom decided to skip a vote on the DPW lines at this time.

Lines 510, 520, 541, 542, and 543
Kirsch moved to recommend Lines 510, 520, 541, 542, and 543. Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

610 Library  
John Makely moved to recommend Line 610.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

630 Recreation
Bruinooge discussed the Town Hall office time of the Recreation Dept.  FinCom asked about the increases in the Recreation request.  Seasonal help and a skateboard park monitor were reasons.  Makely moved to recommend Line 630.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 4-0-2.

Lines 690, 691, 692, 699
Bruinooge moved to approve Lines 690, 691, 692, 699.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Beach 699       
Bruinooge recused herself because she works for the Beach Department.
Smith moved to recommend Line 699. Makely seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Lines 753, 756, 911, 913, 914, 915, 916, 940, 944, 945, and 946
Kirsch moved to approve the remaining lines. Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Computerization Policy
Chair Foley reported that the Selectmen had approved Part I of the Computerization Policy.  Foley thanked everyone who had worked on the IT policy.             

Minutes of 2/14/08
Kirsch moved to approve the minutes of February 14, 2008.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Other Business
Environmental Partners Group (EPG), DPW issues,  and McMansions’  effects on the financial character of the town were topics planned for consideration at  future meetings

A police memo concerned the communications unit antenna replacement.

Kirsch moved to adjourn.  Bruinooge seconded and the meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)

These minutes were approved at the FinCom meeting held 3/20/08.