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Finance Committee Minutes 02/14/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of February 14, 2008
Senior Center Great Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Nancy Bone, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith

Absent: Mac Hay, Robert Kelly, Berta Bruinooge

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Computerization Policy
The Computerization Policy had been presented to the Selectmen Tuesday night, and Department Heads will be submitting comments on it.  Makely moved to accept the Computerization Policy dated January 23, 2008.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  

Budget Considerations
John Makely distributed the Town Clerk/Treasurer’s salary request.  Because there is no functioning Personnel Board at this time, he had brought it to the attention of FinCom.  He distributed revisions to the FY09 Operating and Capital Budget worksheet.  Also there was a message from DPW Director Mark Vincent, outlining changes in the DPW budget requests.  The Capital Improvement Plan Hearing will be held Monday, March 10, 2008.

Fire Chief Daniel Silverman was present to discuss Fire Department information on vehicle rollovers which he had prepared as a memo regarding the replacement of Ambulance-99 with data on ambulance repairs and mileage comparisons with other towns.  Silverman also added information of fuel used during idling, a necessary practice for ambulances.  He stressed the need to keep ambulances in reliable condition.  Silverman said he would also try to get State documentation on ambulance specifications.  In the future Silverman anticipates a cost saving on sending vehicles out of town for pump testing.  Silverman answered questions on the ambulance trade-in, the comparisons with other towns, future maintenance records, simultaneous runs of all three ambulances, and use of outside repair shops.  

Silverman also discussed additional cuts in the FY09 Budget that affected the Fire Department. He explained the advantages of the response software program he had hoped to purchase.  He said he was willing to look into grants to cover the cost of $25,000.  Silverman said there is a patients’ record software program he planned to be requesting in FY10.

Silverman expressed his personal preference for small overrides instead of budget cuts.  He said that cuts only delay large future overrides. He also reminded FinCom of the revenue that the Fire Department generates for the Town.  
Kirsch moved to approve the minutes of January 24, 2008.  Smith seconded and the motion carried 5-0.  
Kirsch moved to approve the amended minutes of January 29, 2009.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.   

School Committee Report
Sylvia Smith reviewed the School Committee’s report from their meeting of February 12.  John Makely reviewed the FY09 School Budget requests.  

Housing Authority Request for Old King’s Highway and Lawrence Rd.
The Housing Authority’s request for comments on Town-owned land was distributed. The Board discussed a question about the Lawrence Rd. property that had been raised at the Selectmen’s meeting.

Forum Meeting
Makely said he will be participating in the March 4, 2008 Forum meeting that is considering revenue raising ideas, and he welcomed everyone else to attend.

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)

Finance Committee approved these minutes at their meeting of 2/28/08.