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Finance Committee Minutes 03/08/2007

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of March 8, 2007
Senior Center, Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Patricia Foley, Acting Chair; Nancy Bone, Berta Bruinooge, William Carlson, Mac Hay, Robert Kelly, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Sylvia Smith

Also Attending: Town Administrator Tim Smith, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Dale Donovan

Acting Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed new member Bob Kelly.

CIP Hearing
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Hearing opened at 7:05 p.m.  Town Administrator Tim Smith answered questions on copiers, computer costs, and the FY09 tent fee.  Michael Frazier, from the floor, addressed the trade-in for the grader.  The replacement of ambulances, FY09 tasers and FY08 rifles in the Public Safety section were discussed with the Town Administrator.  Arlene Kirsch, liaison to the Police Department, said she would discuss the tasers and rifles with the police.

In the Public Works section, Tim Smith discussed replacement of the street sweeper in FY08.  Dennis Murphy, from the floor, had a comment about the number of hours used for the sweeper as a replacement factor.  Carlson, DPW liaison, will check on this with DPW director Mark Vincent.  Discussion of replacement for the basin cleaner ensued.

Tim Smith and Dale Donovan reviewed the nature of the five-year Capital Improvement Plan.  It is a legal requirement that it be approved, but it is a blueprint for the future rather than the exact budget, Tim Smith said.  From the floor, Helen Miranda Wilson commented on frequency of use of ambulances and suggested getting actual figures from the Fire Dept.  Hugh Guilderson, from the floor, commented on the design of the fire station and the number of ambulances. He enumerated other projects that were being planned for the Town.  

Tim Smith discussed the generator for the COA in the FY08 plan.  From the floor, COA Director Suzanne Thomas addressed the need for the generator for sheltering in emergency situations.  Pet sheltering is one reason that a second shelter would be provided; a facility for the frail elderly is another reason.  Kelly questioned the number of shelters and their usage.  Kirsch will discuss use of the police facility as an emergency shelter with the Police Chief.  

Tim Smith told FinCom which items had been taken out of the budget for FY08.

From the floor, Matthew Frazier had questions on replacement of the DPW Peterbilt truck and the refuse trailer.  

Because FinCom still had questions, it was not yet ready to vote on the CIP.  The hearing ended at 8:00 p.m. and will be continued March 22, 2007.

Informational Brochure Request
Helen Miranda Wilson of the Shellfish Advisory Board spoke on the issue of dog waste on Wellfleet beaches.  Wilson asked Tim Smith if there was some part of the budget that had money that could be transferred into the Shellfish Budget for a pamphlet on the subject to be available at Town beaches.  

DPW Vehicle Discussion by Dennis Murphy
Dennis Murphy came forward to discuss his concerns about budgeting in the DPW.  He considered maintenance and trade-ins for vehicles, performance standards for road paving, and the possibility of a DPW Advisory Board.  He strongly recommended changes in the ways DPW operates.

Retired Wellfleet employee Ray Squire distributed topics on Medicare and reviewed quality of life issues, cost savings, and some suggested solutions.  There will be a presentation next week at the COA on March 14 at 7 p.m., Tim Smith said.  He said there are now more plans that will be offered to retirees.  Berta Bruinooge reviewed her positive experience with Medicare and a secondary payer.  Tim Smith said Massachusetts is the last state that does not mandate Medicare.

Report on Forum Meeting
John Makely said he would have a tabulation of his response on the survey handed out at the Forum meeting of February 22.  Kelly reviewed figures for revenue for the education system.  

Tim Smith reviewed changes in the FY08 Budget, reductions for the Tech High School and group health insurance.  The latest budget figures leave a surplus of $77,585, he said.  He wanted to return money that had been removed from Recreation and the Reserve Fund.  He said he also would like to put money in the Stabilization Fund.  

Dale Donovan said the Selectmen had recommended the budget as it was before the two changes.  Donovan said there is still the expectation of future overrides.  Kirsch said her preference was to let the $77,585 surplus remain, but Town Accountant Marilyn Crary cautioned that it would be used.  Tim Smith said he’d like to see 50% put into Stabilization.  Kirsch commended Tim Smith on the Budget.  

FinCom said that they were not ready to vote until the FY08 Budget was finalized and the Selectmen had voted on it.  
Recommendations for STM and ATM April, 23, 2007

Article 2       Transfer $59,193 to Affordable Housing Trust from CPA Reserves
Kirsch moved to recommend, Makely seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Article 3       Transfer $60,806 to Affordable Housing Trust from 07 CPA Funds
Carlson moved to recommend, Bone seconded and the motion carried 9-0.
Article 4       Rescind Items:
                $98,000 Repair of 335 Main Catholic Church
                $29,741 Municipal Public Water System
Kirsch moved to recommend, Carlson seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Annual Town Meeting

Article 1       FY08 Operating Budget  
This will be voted on when it is finalized.

Article 2       FY08 Capital Budget
This will be voted on at the next meeting.
Article 3       FY08 Marina Enterprise Budget - $644,305  
Kirsch moved to recommend, Makely seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Article 4       Union Adjustments for FY08 - $85,000
Bone moved to recommend, Hay seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Article 5       Chamber of Commerce Partial Funding - $10,000
Smith moved to recommend, Kirsch seconded and the motion carried 8-1.

Article 6       Flex Route - $25,000
Bone moved to recommend, Hay seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Article 7       COA Generator - $100,000
Kirsch moved to recommend, Hay seconded and the motion carried 5-4.
Kirsch will write the pro comments, and Kelly will prepare comments from the minority.

Article 8       Vehicle Trade-Ins
                Sweeper                 $35,000
                Dakota          $4,000
                Ford F-350              $1,000
                John Deere              $25,000
                Peterbilt               $30,000
                !0 Wheel Liner  $10,000

FinCom discussed with Tim Smith advertising, trade-ins and hiring mechanics for maintenance of the vehicles.

Makely moved to recommend, Hay seconded and more discussion ensued.
Hay agreed with Tim Smith that the Town had to pay for the equipment one way or another.  Tim Smith explained trade-in rationale and the difference between private use and municipal use of vehicles.  The vote was taken and the motion carried 5-2-2.

Article 9       Medicare for Retirees
The vote on Article 9 will be held until after a hearing on Medicare March 14, 2007 at the Senior Center.

Article 10      Town Road Repair - $152,000
Bone moved to recommend, Kelly seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Article 11      Fire Station Design Additional Funds - $35,000
Tim Smith explained why there is an additional sum needed for the design.  He said the figure would be in a long-term bond. FinCom will hold its vote until after the next BOS meeting.

Article 12      Estuaries Project - $110,000
Kelly moved to recommend, Bruinooge seconded and discussion followed.  This is an override, Tim Smith said.  There is a ballot question for this, but the Article is not contingent on the ballot vote.   FinCom discussed Articles that had ballot questions and how they should be explained and identified.  

The vote was taken and the motion carried 6-3.

Bruinooge said she did not wish to vote on further articles that would also be ballot questions. Tim Smith and Dale Donovan had suggestions for dealing with the Articles that are also ballot items, but FinCom decided not to vote on the next two Articles.  
Article 13      New Front End Loader - $150,000
This will be voted on at the next meeting March 22, 2007.

Article 14      New DPW Position $52,000
This will be voted on at the next FinCom meeting.

Article 15      IT Position $80,000
Kelly moved to recommend, Makely seconded and the motion carried 7-2.

Article 16      Regional School Agreement instead of Ed Reform Formula
Kirsch moved to recommend, Kelly seconded and the motion carried 9-0.

Nancy Bone left the meeting at 10:05 p.m.

Article 17      Rental Registration Bylaw
Bruinooge moved to recommend, Makely seconded and the motion carried 7-1.

Article 26      Juice Bar (Petitioned Article) - $2,500
FinCom requested that its name be removed from those listed for recommendations in the Warrant.

Minutes of 2/8/2007
Kirsch moved to approve the minutes of February 8, 2007.  Hay seconded and the motion carried 8-0.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.     

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Acting Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)