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Finance Committee Minutes 02/08/2007

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of February 8, 2007
Senior Center, Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Patricia Foley, Acting Chair; Nancy Bone, Berta Bruinooge, Mac Hay, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Sylvia Smith
Absent: William Carlson

Also Attending: Town Administrator Tim Smith, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Town Moderator Harry Terkanian, Selectman Ira Wood

Acting Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recap of 2/6/07 Budget Workshop
Finance Committee members discussed the School presentation; the Stabilization Fund; the harbormaster’s request for a Special Town Meeting in March; and the improvements and funding for the marina.

Town Administrator Tim Smith reviewed adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget.  He noted that the Department Heads had done a good job of keeping their budgets down.  He discussed the Reserve and Stabilization Funds.  Kirsch raised the subject of overrides and cut backs in services, which Makely said was exactly what the FinCom planned to discuss at the February 22 Forum meeting.  The main purpose of the Forum presentation entitled “Your Money, Taxes and the Future” is to elicit a dialogue on efficiency and cuts.  Makely distributed his list of open-ended questions for the discussion and urged other members to attend the Forum meeting.  

Foley considered an additional tax on restaurant meals during the summer and mentioned that the Governor has come up with a similar plan.  Town Accountant Marilyn Crary discussed room tax returns to the Town.

Shellfish Dept. Vehicle
Arlene Kirsch distributed her findings on repair for the Shellfish Department vehicles.  Tim Smith compared the figures for the frequent trade-ins vs. keeping older trucks repaired.  He said that depreciation of value is the biggest loss.  He said if the Shellfish truck is out on patrol every day, it can’t be unreliable.  After some further discussion the topic was tabled for another meeting.

Contract Services
FinCom asked Tim Smith about various line items on the contract services spreadsheet.  He said some of the money is not spent from year to year.  The line items are the budgeted costs for FY08.  Berta Bruinooge still had a question about the chipper at the dump.  Tim Smith said this machine handles big stumps, not road-side trimming.  

Foley suggested pay-per-bag trash program for summer residents, a topic which can be added to the Forum discussion.  Also Nancy Bone will prepare a pay-per-trash bag report to present to FinCom.

Tim Smith said that the first step in a switch-over to Medicare for retirees is accepting the legislation at Town Meeting.  This will be an Article on the Spring Town Meeting Warrant.  He said that Carol Cormier, who will speak at the Senior Center, had some approximate figures, but until the legislation is accepted, the Town cannot do an analysis of the change.  In the long run the Town could gain significant savings, according to Tim Smith.  He said he will probably make the presentation at Town Meeting.   

Marilyn Crary discussed her personal experience with an individual health care plan, and Berta Bruinooge expressed her satisfaction with having Medicare and a supplemental health plan.  Tim Smith said a switch was a policy issue which the Town would need to decide at Town Meeting.  He said there is also a state program that Wellfleet could opt into.

Rental Registration Fees
Bruinooge said she hoped the Wellfleet Forum would address fees for summer rentals, an idea she would like the Selectmen to revive.  FinCom will send the BOS a memo to revisit the registering of private homes that are rented out in summer.  

Minutes of 1/25/07
Bruinooge moved to approve the amended minutes of January 25, 2007.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Sylvia Smith read a part of a letter from Virginia Crossman.           
Berta Bruinooge described information available in a Massachusetts Tax Payers booklet which will be placed in the FinCom file at Town Hall and is also available on line.

Other Business
Arlene Kirsch reported on Charter Review Committee plans to place three Articles on the April Town Meeting Warrant.

Mac Hay reported on the Alternative Energy Committee’s presentation to Planning Board regarding wind turbines.

Bruinooge asked Tim Smith about the March 2007 Special Town Meeting.  Next Friday, February 16, 2007, is the deadline for petitioned articles, Tim Smith said.  

Harry Terkanian asked the Committee to suggest names for a replacement FinCom member for Carl Caruso.  

Foley discussed Homeland Security and wifi locations.  

The rotation of three ambulances in Wellfleet was discussed with Tim Smith.

Future plans for the beach sticker building were also discussed.  Tim Smith and Ira Wood said there was no decision yet, but the Shellfish Dept. will eventually be located in the building.

Makely moved to adjourn, Hay seconded and the motion carried 7-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Acting Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)