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Finance Committee Minutes 08/24/2006

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of August 24, 2006
Senior Center Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        Carl Caruso, Chairman; Berta Bruinooge, William Carlson, Patricia Foley, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely
Also Attending: Selectman Ira Wood
Absent: Mac Hay, Sylvia Smith, Nancy Bone

Chairman Carl Caruso called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Special Town Meeting
The preliminary Warrant was examined.  Bruinooge said Articles 1-4 should go to Annual Town Meeting (ATM) instead of Special Town Meeting (STM).  She also said the Skateboard Park Article should go into Capital Improvement Fund, not Community Preservation funds.  The Committee also discussed Article 1 on snow plowing.    

Agenda for Wellfleet Forum Meeting
Carl Caruso said that a suggestion had been made to meet with the Forum for feedback on financial matters.  Caruso would like to have a packet to present at the Forum.  John Makely said he had outlined just such a program which the Forum had hoped to have expanded.  Since the Forum meeting date is not yet set, Makely suggested gathering more information before bringing a presentation to the Forum.  Berta Bruinooge said she would work with Makely on preparing a presentation for a November meeting of the Forum.  Bullet items on a list Bruinooge had previously prepared from discussion with the Chamber of Commerce will be included in the packet. Makely had material about staff and salaries that might be of interest also.  

Bruinooge returned to the subject of STM.  She wanted to know to whom the question of having the current items for Fall STM should be addressed.  Selectman Ira Wood said he would bring FinCom’s concern about including important budget Articles at a STM rather than at ATM.

Revenue Generating Ideas
John Makely said he would be meeting with the Recreation Director in September and a meeting with the Fire Chief at the end of August.  He had a follow-up discussion with the Marina on further revenue ideas.  Caruso said he and Makely would meet with the DPW.  Carlson met with Elaine McIlroy, Library Director, and discussed revenue ideas for the library.  Carlson had not yet approached the School Committee.  He will do this with Sylvia Smith as soon as a date can be arranged.

Non-Resident Taxpayers Meeting
Bill Carlson attended the Non-Resident Taxpayers meeting.  The group had prepared a list of suggestions for the town that they would like to see considered.  Carlson said the question of money never came up at their meeting.  

Medicare for retired employees
Medicare for retired Town employees will be considered at Annual Town Meeting, so it doesn’t have to be dealt with at this time.  However, FinCom plans to prepare well in advance to present the idea at ATM.  

Bruinooge discussed placing summer rental fees as an Article for ATM.  

Minutes of 7/13/06
Kirsch moved to approve the corrected minutes of July 13, 2006. Makely seconded, and the motion carried 5-0-1.

Everyone received copies of the police reports and a list of correspondence which Sylvia Smith had prepared.  

Other Business
Tim Smith will be ordering the Benchmark Report which will compare Wellfleet with similar towns, according to Caruso.

Mark Berry, Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners (BWC), joined FinCom to explain the options for expansion of the water system even though the BWC had not had a quorum for its August 24, 2006 meeting and had not been able to make a decision on the options.  He explained the Design-Build-Operate (DBO) option, which costs less money up front.  Caruso asked Berry about the water Articles for STM.  Berry said water issues for 335 Main Street had driven the push to get the Articles on STM.  Berry explained the other advantages of an expanded water system and answered questions from FinCom.  

The next meeting of Finance Committee will be held September 28, 2006 at the Senior Center.

Carlson moved to adjourn. Bruinooge seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

_____________________________           ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Carl Caruso, Chairman
