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Finance Committee Minutes 06/22/2006

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of June 22, 2006
Senior Center Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        Carl Caruso, Chairman; Nancy Bone, Berta Bruinooge, John Makely, Arlene Kirsch, Sylvia Smith, William Carlson

Absent: Mac Hay, Patricia Foley

Also Attending:  Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Selectman Ira Wood

Chairman Carl Caruso called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

New Business

Three requests, totaling $50,000, were considered.

Transfer #06-01, a police request for $6,000 for a Civil Defense supplies trailer had been presented at the last meeting.  A trailer on wheels would be advantageous to readily transport supplies to areas in need.  A decision was postponed until a phone call to Chief Rosenthal was made.

Transfer #06-02 for     Snow & Ice Removal is to cover the deficit.  The figure of $17,680 was requested.  Kirsch suggested sending the Town Administrator a memo asking why the cost was so high.  Kirsch moved to approve the transfer of $17,680 from the Reserve Fund to Line 423 and in addition write a memo to the Town Administrator with copies to the Board of Selectmen requesting an explanation.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  Town Accountant Marilyn Crary said that she could provide the break-down of costs.

Transfer #06-03 was for Legal Bills which had run over the budget by $26,320.  Caruso discussed the possibility of using legal specialists other than Town Counsel with Selectman Ira Wood, who was present at the meeting. Wood said the use of outside lawyers can be just as expensive.  Kirsch commented that a previous legal counsel had not charged as much as the present one.  Noting that there was money available, Bruinooge moved to approve the transfer.  Makely seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.

Returning to Transfer #06-01, FinCom discussed the advantages of a wheeled trailer and storage of the trailer.  Bruinooge moved to approve the $6,000 transfer request.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

BOS Meeting – June 27, 2006     
There is time scheduled at 8 p.m. on the agenda for the Board of Selectmen’s meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2006 to discuss financial projections with the Finance Committee.  FinCom will be scheduled to meet alone immediately after this session.
BOS Meeting on July 11 for Interlinear Transfers
The interlinear transfer package will be presented to the Selectmen at their July 11, 2006 meeting.  FinCom will consider the same interlinear transfers at its meeting July 13, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center.

Report on New Officials’ Finance Forum
Carl Caruso attended the recent New Officials’ Finance Forum.  He offered an extra packet from the forum and Municipal Bulletin No. 35, Laws Relating to Municipal Finance and Taxation, for other members to examine.  From the forum he learned about setting aside funds for a particular use through a Special Purchase Stabilization.  

Old Business

Revenue Generating Ideas Meetings
John Makely said there was no progress yet on meeting with the Town Administrator and department heads to brainstorm ideas for generating revenue.  

Berta Bruinooge reported that she had not yet been put on the agenda with the South Wellfleet Neighborhood Association.  However, she had a productive meeting with the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce.  She said that they felt there were no “sacred cows” in Wellfleet that could not be touched; there were no departments or budgets that cold not be scrutinized carefully. Chamber suggestions included: meters in the Town Hall parking lot, no new job positions, reduction through attrition, larger classes at WES, contracting services, revisiting the fees for summer rentals plan, pay-per-bag at the Transfer Station, paid parking during the fireworks, looking into alternative energy, and revisiting employee and retiree health insurance.  They also had questions about the new beach administrator’s truck, Bruinooge said.   

These were all topics to discuss with the BOS, Caruso said.  Makely suggested that the Wellfleet Forum would also be interested in the same topics.  Raising public awareness and getting a consensus on revenue ideas is a long process, Ira Wood cautioned.  Regional school and regional public safety were possibilities also mentioned as topics to discuss with the BOS.  

Nancy Bone had spoken to a former member of the Non-Resident Taxpayers Association (NRTA) who is now a year-round resident.  He happens to be an economist who would be interested in working on revenue ideas.  Bone will pursue this via e-mail.  The NRTA annual meeting is in summer, and she will be able to report back on this at another FinCom meeting.

Budget Projections
Marilyn Crary explained the budget projection and debt service outlook spreadsheets which she had prepared for FinCom.  She answered questions on the two sweeper lines and the line for the fire station land purchase and design on the debt service page.  Her projections for debt services go up to 12% in 2011.

In the budget projection for FY07 she anticipated no free cash.  Beginning in FY08 there are deficits that would need to be covered by overrides or more revenue.  These spreadsheet estimates will be the main topic for the meeting with the BOS.  

Town employees should be made aware of these figures, Kirsch said.  Wood said the budget has to become a big issue in the townspeople’s minds.  Kirsch advised that people start thinking about the budget now.  Caruso said FinCom should meet with BOS on a regular basis to keep the public aware of financial concerns.  Bruinooge said it was important to strategize in advance for Town Meeting decisions.  

FinCom discussed the low Wellfleet tax rate, overrides, cuts, and the size of the fire and police departments. The Committee returned to the topic of school costs.  Wood suggested a joint meeting of FinCom and the School Committee.  Wood said school regionalization is a long term goal.  Caruso said the Selectmen should approach selectmen from other towns.  Wood said that in the past Wellfleet has tried, without success, to discuss regionalization with other towns.

Meeting with Tim Smith regarding Warrant Article 10
Caruso passed out a Mass General Law packet that included Chapter 32B, Section 18 regarding Medicare supplemented by the Town for retirees.  After meeting with Town Administrator Tim Smith, Caruso compiled a list of retirees, making the assumption that they are eligible for Medicare coverage.  Eight retired teachers at age 65 would be eligible for Medicare.  If town paid their supplement, Caruso calculated a savings of $10,000.   For 30 other retirees he figured a savings of around $35,000.  Caruso said there were all different arrangements with the retirees.  Caruso suggests that the Town adopt Section 18.  Bruinooge said it’s easy to get on Medicare along with a supplemental plan.  Caruso said selling the idea to the Town is advisable.  Wood said it is the people at Town Meeting who need to be convinced.  Kirsch advocated a simple fact sheet to sell the idea.  Caruso urged the Committee to read the materials he had distributed.  He would be interested in having a professional prepare information to raise public awareness.

Pay-Per-Bag Program
Arlene Kirsch wished to table the pay-per-bag discussion until a future time. She said it was an idea that originated years ago.  One anticipated problem that has not been resolved, she said, was how it would work for large families.  Carlson had a sticker trash bag recycling idea which he offered for consideration.  Wood said only one person is on the Recycling Committee.  

Other Business
Mac Hay had sent an e-mail about his inability to attend FinCom on a regular basis especially in summer.  Kirsch had a suggestion for a new FinCom member, but said Daniel Silverman, as Town Moderator, selects members of FinCom.  However, his status as Town Moderator was not clear since he is now Chief of the Fire Department.  Bruinooge said she was contemplating writing her own letter to the BOS regarding his position as Town Moderator.  Kirsch said she would ask Mac Hay not to resign from FinCom until the Town Moderator situation is resolved.   Wood said a new Town Moderator could be elected at STM if one is held in the fall.
Bruinooge moved to adjourn. Makely seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

__________________________              ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary         Carl Caruso, Chairman
