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Finance Committee Minutes 10/20/2005

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of October 20, 2005
Senior Center Duck Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        Carl Caruso, Chair; Nancy Bone, Berta Bruinooge, William Carlson,
        Mac Hay Arlene Kirsch, John Makely and Sylvia Smith

Absent: Pat Foley

Chairman Carl Caruso called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

Presentation of STM Articles
Town Administrator Tim Smith and Interim Fire Chief Dan Silverman were present to explain the Articles regarding the bank, 335 Main St. and the Gutsy Bender’s property which needed recommendations from FinCom.  In an exchange for an easement across the 335 Main St. town owned property, the Cape Cod Five Cents Savings bank would sell to the Town for $625,000 the Route 6 Gutsy Bender’s property, which the Town would like for a new fire station.  The bank would like to maintain an ATM kiosk on the Rte. 6 property.

Article 2 asks for a two-lane easement across the 335 Main St. property for a bank drive-thru window.  There would be a right turn only exit from the driveway, parking for the bank only with the possibility of parking under a new building.  The easement cost of $8,500 would be subtracted from the sale of the Gutsy Bender’s property.

Article 3 requests $200,000 for the demolition of the former church rectory. Dan Silverman said that the 335 Main St. Committee had voted to endorse the plan to demolish the rectory.  

Article 4 seeks authorization to purchase the Gutsy Bender property (Map 13, Parcel3) for $625,000.

Article 5 is for the costs of designing a new fire station.  Finance Committee had many questions regarding the upper end estimates for the whole project and also for the costs of redoing the police station if the fire department moved out of that building.  FinCom also questioned Smith about the projected Construction Management fees.  These would be in addition to a Clerk of the Works, according to Smith.

Article 6 is a request for the FY07 contribution to the Nauset Regional Schools.

Nancy Bone asked about an Article 1 transfer item of $60,000 from DPW Salaries and Wages to the Municipal Water System.  From the floor, Accountant Marilyn Crary said that the Town had already spent $45,000.  Smith said the system is monitored 12 hours per day according to DEP regulations.

Smith outlined a different approach for the FY07 Budget.   He’d like to get the Capital Plan to Selectmen first for their amendments and vote.  He hoped the Capital Budget Policy Statement could be ready by January, and he recommended getting away from joint Budget meetings. This would allow the BOS to deliberate separately from FinCom.  He would present the small department budgets while the department heads would present for the big departments.  

FinCom members raised objections to the plan to have separate Budget meetings.  Communication suffers when the two boards are not together listening to the same presentation, according to Berta Bruinooge.  Arlene Kirsch pointed out that everyone would have to go to two meetings.

Dan Silverman spoke on the Fire Department need for a new building.  He said the present facility is inadequate for today’s tasks.  There are no provisions for overnight staff, the volume of calls or walk-ins in need of treatment, he said.  He was looking for a building to serve the needs of the town for the next 20 or 30 years.  He and FinCom discussed costs and other possible Route 6 locations for a fire station.

Voting on STM Articles
Berta Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 1 transfers.  Sylvia Smith seconded.  The motion to recommend the Article carried 7-0.
(John Makely arrived immediately after this vote.)
FinCom discussed issues that Planning Board had raised regarding the easement for the bank.  Bruinooge made a motion to recommend Article 2.  Nancy Bone seconded.  The motion to recommend Article 2 carried 6-0-2.  Mac Hay raised more objections and Carl Caruso still had questions about future parking spaces for 335 Main St. Although Berta Bruinooge pointed out that the Article just allows the BOS to move forward with the plan, Hay made a motion to reconsider the vote.  Bill Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion to revisit the vote on Article 2 carried 8-0.  Bruinooge made a new motion to recommend Article 2.  Hay seconded the motion.  The reconsidered motion to recommend Article 2 carried 7-0-1.

Arlene Kirsch made a motion to recommend Article 3 for demolition of the rectory.  Sylvia Smith seconded.  The motion carried 7-0-1.

Article 4, the purchase of the Gutsy Bender property for $65,000, prompted a discussion of the total cost of the full project of relocating the fire department.  Selectperson Helen Miranda Wilson, from the floor, said the land would still be suitable for future use even if the fire station doesn’t go there.  The value of the land will only go up, she said.  Nancy Bone moved to recommend Article 4; Bruinooge seconded; the motion to purchase the property carried 8-0.  The FinCom comment for this Article in STM warrant should read, “The purchase price seems to be very reasonable for this piece of property.”

The comment for Article 5, established before the motion, says: “Finance Committee believes the Town needs a new fire station.  These are the preliminary costs.  We urge your support and hope the Selectmen will provide us, the voters at this town meeting, with the best estimate that the full build-out will cost.” Bruinooge made a motion to recommend Article 5.  Mac Hay seconded the motion.  The motion to recommend Article 5 carried 8-0.

Berta Bruinooge made a motion to approve Article 6, the FY07 appropriation for Nauset Regional Schools.  Smith seconded; the motion to recommend Article 6 carried 8-0.

Charter Review Suggestions
Carl Caruso said he would e-mail for further comments some of the suggestions on time frames, alternative members, working with the TA on a 5 year CIP, and the Budget Statement. He thought that joint meetings for Budget presentations could be put into the Charter.  Caruso said that a Capital Planning subcommittee could be formed to report to Fin Com.  This could include outside members.  Members reiterated their support of holding joint Budget presentations.  One other Charter item that Caruso suggested was for joint FinCom and BOS policy statements.

Municipal Health Costs
Berta Bruinooge reported that she sent a letter to the BOS supporting proposed municipal health care reforms recommended by the MMA.  Committee Secretary Mary Rogers will send Senator Rob O’Leary and Representative Shirley Gomes letters of support for the MMA recommendation which Fin Com had supported at a previous meeting.

Fourth of July Parade
In her letter to the BOS Bruinooge had included FinCom’s comments on use of unregistered and uninsured vehicles in the Fourth of July parade.

Computer Survey
John Makely distributed a spreadsheet he’d made representing results of FinCom’s computer survey.  He said the results do not show what the departments actually use the computers for and that FinCom should know more about what the Town is getting for the money spent.  He would like to visit department heads and ask more questions.  Bill Carlson will assist him.  He asked that FinCom members e-mail him more follow-up questions.

20/20 Survey
Makely also reported on 20/20 survey results from residents and non residents.  Berta Bruinooge asked if he could do a one page report of the highlights.  She also wondered what the BOS were doing with the survey results. Helen Wilson said the BOS used it for support of various ideas; Carl Caruso said they were using it as a reference.

Revenue from the National Seashore
Bill Carlson reported on revenue from the Seashore.  He learned that the Seashore has an account at the Transfer Station.  They also have and MOU with the fire and police departments on fire truck replacement, contributing $7,320 per year.  Through an extremely elaborate formula, designed for all National Parks, they also arrive at a $9,000 payment in lieu of taxes to the Town.  Caruso asked for a comparison with Truro. He also asked about road plowing within the Park.  Carlson promised to look into plowing roads in the Seashore.

New Business

1.) Performance Audit
Benchmark, an auditing company, recommended an audit for the Wellfleet Elementary School.  According to Marilyn Crary the town had a waiver; 2001 was the last audit for the school.  Berta Bruinooge said that in the past FinCom had recommended department performance audits on a rotating basis.  This would mean putting a line item in the Budget next year.  The topic will be carried forward to the November meeting.

2.) Exit Audit
The Powers & Sullivan Exit Audit showed the decrease in reserve funds.  The need for a reserve will also receive further discussion at another meeting.


1.) Budget Preparation Memo & Schedule
Sylvia Smith said there was a memo from the Town Administrator regarding the Budget preparation along with the schedule.  The FinCom secretary will see that all members receive copies of these.

2.) Fee Schedule for Senior Center
Berta Bruinooge reported from the minutes of other committees that Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe and set up a fee schedule for use of Senior Center space to for-profit organizations.  The secretary will send her a letter stating that FinCom fully endorses this.

Minutes of September 22
Arlene Kirsch made a motion to approve the minutes of September 22, 2005.  Sylvia Smith seconded; the motion to approve carried 7-0-1.

Board of Water Commissioners
Helen Wilson said that Water System issues should now be directed to the Water Commissioners.  The Exit Audit made mention of liens on properties for water hook-ups.  The former Board of Water Commissioners voted not to do liens because it’s a financial liability.  She suggested that FinCom discuss liens with the BWC.

Arlene Kirsch said FinCom should establish a liaison to the Board of Water Commissioners.  Berta Bruinooge suggested that FinCom take up all liaisons at the next meeting.

Sylvia Smith reported that school enrollment is down another 13 children.  The total enrolment at Wellfleet Elementary School is now 137 students.

Other Business
1.) Carl Caruso asked Sylvia Smith to look into unresolved items from previous years in the Auditor’s Report.

2.) Caruso asked about the Cable Committee franchise fee.  Arlene Kirsch will contact Tom Cole of the Cable Access regarding revenue from fees.

3.) Because FinCom was strongly opposed to the Town Administrator’s plan to hold separate Budget presentations, they decided to draft a letter to the BOS expressing their wish to continue with the present practice of holding joint meetings.  The secretary will send the letter out to be tweaked through e-mail and forwarded to the BOS.

Bruinooge made a motion to adjourn; Makely seconded; all were in favor 8-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 ___________________________     
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Carl Caruso, Chairman   
