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Finance Committee Minutes 01/10/2005
Wellfleet Board of Selectmen/Finance Committee
Minutes of Joint Budget Meeting
January 10, 2005
Library Meeting Room

Present:        Board of Selectmen Ira Wood, Chair; Dale Donovan, Michael May, Helen Miranda Wilson
Absent: Jerry Houk
                Finance Committee Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Carl Caruso,
                John Makely, Nancy Bone, Mac Hay, Sylvia Smith
Absent: Arlene Kirsch, Patricia Foley
Also attending: Marilyn Crary, Town Accountant

Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Ira Wood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

#179 Shellfish  –  Shellfish Constable Andrew Koch requested level funding.  He submitted a list of capital items: 1.) replacement of ’01 Dodge pickup truck, 2.) stainless steel cultch hopper, 3.) new ATV, and 4.) shellfish building upgrade. From encumbered funds he was able to purchase a new engine for the 26 ft. boat and a boat trailer for it.  Koch also discussed the removal of QPX clams.  The current clean-up to prevent the spread of the virus should cost $2,000, which SEMAC funds have sufficiently covered.  Should the virus become widespread, it can’t be stopped.  There is no recourse but to let the virus run its full cycle which could last 4 or 5 years.  

Marilyn Crary noted that the shellfish building is on the FY06 capital improvement plan.

#180 Shellfish Cons/Prop. – Koch also requested level funding for this.

#241 Police – Chief Richard Rosenthal said that despite some miscalculations in the wage section, his budget request was the same as that presented by the Town Administrator.  Rosenthal foresees a need for 6 to 7 summer specials.  He pointed out that the Wellfleet Police Department has the smallest overtime budget on the Cape.  When questioned about police detail for tree removals, Rosenthal said Massachusetts is the only state that requires the use of sworn officers instead of flag people.  He discussed how he handles comp time for these details.  Regarding estimates for fuel, Chief Rosenthal said he could give an accurate estimate of gallons, but he could not predict the cost per gallon.

#215 Communications – Marilyn Crary had questions on salary requests, but those figures are still tied up in contract negotiations. Helen Miranda Wilson requested a clearer definition of “Communications” in the warrant.  Marilyn Crary suggested adding “Dispatching” in parentheses after the word Communications.

#630 Recreation Rebecca Rosenberg presented the operating budget and salary request for the Recreation Dept.  She distributed detailed budget explanation sheets for FY06 and chart of revenue for FY05 so far.  She had three capital outlay requests: a sign at Baker’s Field, the safety surface at the Baker’s Field playground and materials to repair/replace skateboard park ramps.  She pointed out that revenue from the skateboard park has ceased because there is no longer a usage fee.  Some people still give donations for the skateboard park, and donations are made at music events even though they are not solicited.  Mac Hay suggested the possibility of business sponsorship through shirts with business’ logos on them.  This has been done in the past.  Both FinCom and BOS members wanted to know what percent of local kids use the Recreation program.  Rosenberg indicated a high percent of locals, but the percentages varied by activity and season.

# 610 Library – Elaine McIlroy pointed out a $2,000 increase in the contract services to cover the loss of state funding for CLAMS. Everything else in the library budget is level funded.  Questioned by Helen Miranda Wilson on how much it would cost to keep the library open one more night, McIlroy gave a ball park figure of $25,000.  Dale Donovan made a motion to consider an additional sum of money to allow the library to be open 10-8, Monday through Thursday.  Mike May seconded the motion.  McIlroy promised to get an actual figure for additional personnel that would make this possible.  Marilyn Crary said an override would be needed if it is a Warrant Article.  The BOS voted to approve a revised library budget to provide for additional hours of operation 4-0.

Nancy Bone had a question about future use of 335 Main St. affecting library use.  McIlroy said that the senior center activities never diminished library use.  Berta Bruinooge stated that the next big expense to consider for the library is expanded parking.

Overall Budget – Berta Bruinooge asked Marilyn Crary for an update on how the FY06 Budget would be funded.  Crary estimated at least $250,000 more needed.

Adjournment – Helen Miranda Wilson made a motion to adjourn; Mike May seconded; the BOS unanimously voted to adjourn 4-0.  The joint meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Finance Committee Meeting – Chair Berta Bruinooge called the Finance Committee meeting to order at 8:28 p.m.

Transfer Request 05-04 The Town Clerk requested a transfer of $3,000 to cover unemployment benefits for a former town employee.  Carl Caruso asked about unemployment insurance.  Marilyn Crary explained that the town is self insured.  Carl Caruso moved to approve the transfer.  John Makely seconded the motion.
FinCom voted to approve the transfer 6-0.

Marilyn Crary said she anticipates the next Workers Comp premium at $11,000.

Minutes – Nancy Bone moved to approve the minutes of 12/20/04; Caruso seconded; FinCom voted to approve the minutes 5-0.  (Mac Hay abstained)

Other Business – Berta Bruinooge distributed a hand-out from Town Administrator Tim Smith.  It contained a page of municipal finance terms similar to the definitions FinCom has been working on.  Smith plans to use the pages as an insert for the next warrant.  Bruinooge asked FinCom to look over these definitions.

John Makely called the Committee’s attention to the FY05 Distributions and Reimbursements spreadsheets.  He had prepared these as well as the grids for the FY06 Operating Budget which he and Arlene Kirsch designed to facilitate budget deliberations.
Helen Miranda Wilson spoke of a presentation by the Cecil Group to the BOS regarding 335 Main St.  One consideration she wanted FinCom to be aware of is for postal services.  She had discussed with the Truro BOS Chair that town’s post office relocation plans.

Adjournment of FinCom Meeting – John Makely moved; Sylvia Smith seconded; all voted to adjourn 7-0.  The FinCom meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary

___________________________             _____________________________
Berta Bruinooge, Chair                          Ira Wood, Chair
Finance Committee                                       Board of Selectmen

                                                        Michael May

                                                        Dale Donovan

                                                        Helen Miranda Wilson