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FinCom Minutes - 11-19-03

Minutes of meeting of November 19, 2003, 7:30 PM

Present:  Berta Bruinooge, Chair, Arlene Kirsch, Nancy Bone, John Makely, Mac Hay,
  Carl Caruso, Sylvia Smith

Request for Transfers:  
A.      The DPW transfer request for $14,000 was withdrawn.  This project may be able to get funds from Ch 90 (state fund reimbursement to town for road & bridge repair)

B.  The second request for $7,100 for Liab/Property/Comp insurance was numbered
04-01.  It was stated that this request is for the second quarter.  The third quarter will          have dividends accruing, so the transfer request for the 3rd quarter will be less.  The 4th quarter request is to be asked at special town meeting from free cash (if there is any).   
        It was stated that the TA said at a former meeting that 3% increase would give $472,183 override, but not including salaries
        The question came up should the finance committee issue our own budget statement before the Selectmen issue one.  More discussion on this issue will be revisited at the next meeting to be held on December 3rd.  We should bring our thoughts regarding a Finance committee budget message at that time.  Also, we should show real cost of budget items in terms of tax dollars, and should finance committee recommend ways to raise money.

        Nancy bone went to the meeting on Nov 8.  She said that it was mostly an estuary study, scientific study.  The NRAB is concerned and invited the conservation Agent to clarify.   Our harbor is a healthy harbor.  The harbormaster wants to make our harbor a
        Some items discussed were regionalization of services, recycling at the dump and the money that could bring into the town.  Short term goals included more communications between departments,  town wide survey, reorganization of town government and boards and committees, development impact fees.  Prioritization of capital projects needs to be done.

Liasion reports
`       Carl
Approval of Minutes 10/21/03

        Carl moved to accept the minutes, Sylvia seconded, 5 approved, 2 abstained.

Approval of Minutes 10/22/03

Nancy moved to accept the minutes, John seconded, 6 approved, 1 abstained.

Other Business:

        Brigitta Olson will retire by December 1st.  Fran will replace.

        Carl will draft a letter to the selectmen regarding work done outside the scope of the water issue from the finance committee.

        Also, Carl will draft letter regarding 335 Main St regarding taxpayer money not being spent wisely to be sent to the selectmen.  

Carl will draft letters and e-mail to us to discuss at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.  Sylvia made the motion and Nancy seconded.  All approved.

Respectfully submitted,

___________________________________             ______________________________
Sylvia Smith                                            Berta Bruinooge
Finance Committee Secretary                             Finance Committee Chair