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FinComm/BOS Jt Bdg Minutes 1-16-03


Present:  Roger Putnam, Chair, Board of Selectmen; Dale Donovan,
         Michael May, Michael Parlante; Timothy Smith,
         Town Administrator.
         Berta Bruinooge, Chair, Finance Committee; Deborah Davis,
         Patricia Foley, Arlene Kirsch, Ira Wood, Timothy Woodman;
         Birgitta Olson, Clerk.
Regrets:  Anne Suggs.     
Absent:   Gerry Houk, Benjamin Zehnder.

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chair Roger Putnam.

Dale Donovan MOVED "that the Board of Selectmen endorse the
recommendation of the Town Administrator that no new positions be created in FY 2004."  SECONDED by Michael Parlante.  Roger Putnam MOVED an amendment to the motion: "and that no vacancies now existing be filled until a need for them has been demonstrated."  Tim Smith said any replacement will be brought before the Board of Selectmen before an appointment is made.  Mr. Putnam noted that the Town Administrator has worked out an internal arrangement with the two Assistants to the Town Accountant, with some help from the former Accountant.  Michael Parlante accepted the amendment to the motion.  VOTE:  CARRIED 4-0.

Tim Smith said he has appointed Marilyn Crary as Town Accountant for an indefinite period, as required by law.  He asked Selectmen to waive the 14-day veto period.  Dale Donovan MOVED "that the Board of Selectmen waive the 14-day veto period in the case of the appointment of a Town Accountant."  SECONDED by Michael Parlante and CARRIED 4-0.

FY 2004 Comprehensive Budget.
Town Administrator Timothy Smith said he would review the revenue estimate, then go through the whole budget quickly, giving his
recommendations with the rationale for them where they differed
from the requests of Department Heads.  He noted that Selectmen have asked for a 5% budget cap.  However, in order to maintain the current level of services, he has had to increase the cap to 5.8%  Mr. Smith said the Town now has the revenues to cover this slightly higher figure without Town Meeting articles or overrides.
Mr. Smith reviewed the revenue estimate, citing the main sources, excluding taxes, and noting that there is a $142,597 shortfall.  In answer to a question from Arlene Kirsch, he said he would have a report on revenue coming from taxes next week.
Turning to departmental Operating Budgets, Mr. Smith said the grand total is $10,371.000, with a difference of $236,000 between his recommendations and the requests of Department Heads.  Significant increases noted were: Assessors; Computerization, a technician and WELLFLEET BOARD OF SELECTMEN/FINANCE COMMITTEE                 2

Internet services previously not budgeted for; Communications up 10% for salary increases; Fire, for which he has recommended level funding; Board of Health for a new position previously approved; County Retirement up $82,000 or 18%; Health Insurance also up substantially.  Mr. Smith reviewed the Capital Budget, noting requests he has ruled out, and reported that the Marina Enterprise Fund is very healthy.

#210 - Police Department. Chief Richard Rosenthal, Ron Fissette and Ilene Davis presented the budget request.  Roger Putnam asked if consideration had been given to moving rescue and ambulance services into the Police Department, since they have a larger staff.  He thought this might have an effect on Police overtime.
He also noted that although the Town Meeting had voted to go with the Quinn Bill, it could always vote to get out of it.  In answer to a question from Berta Bruinooge, Mr. Rosenthal said Police revenues are about $25,000.  In response to questions about salary increases, the Chief said this is a matter for union negotiations.
Michael Parlante suggested starting Special Police Officers later in the season, at Memorial Day weekend, since they do not seem needed before that.  Mr. Rosenthal said Specials need to be trained and become acquainted with the town.  Mr. Parlante also questioned the explosion of overtime in June, when new staff has been hired in May.  Mr. Rosenthal said that beginning in June there are always two officers to a shift.  In answer to further questions about overtime, Mr. Rosenthal said a report reviewing the use of overtime will be distributed soon.

#229 - Fire Department.  Chief Alan Hight presented the budget request.  In answer to a question from Roger Putnam about overtime, Mr. Hight said the last union contracts had allotted $40,000 to overtime for Call Firefighters, and $60,000 for regular staff, a matter which is completely out of his hands.  There was further discussion of overtime and double time pay, and noted that most of the overtime goes to the eight salaried staff, both Firefighters and Paramedics.  In answer to the question as to why, with two new people on staff, overtime is still going up, the Chair said that more than two people are needed for rescue calls.  It was established that ambulance revenues are $152,277, with $200,000 anticipated for FY 04.  Mr. Hight said inspection fees, now bringing in $5557, will more than double in the near future.  There was brief discussion of combined Fire and Police staffing for rescue calls.  Mr. Hight said training time for new personnel would not only be lengthy, but very demanding, and would show up on someone's budget as overtime.  Lezli Rowell emphasized from the floor that when citizens dial 911 they want trained rescue personnel to respond.


#420 et al. - Department of Public Works.  DPW Director Mark Vincent presented the various DPW budgets.  The largest increase is in #417 and represents the cost of contracting out services such as electricity, plumbing, oil burner, fire and water system monitoring, and portable toilets.  Pros and cons of contracting out vs. paying of benefits for more staff were discussed briefly.
In answer to a question about new job descriptions, Mr. Vincent said that after two retirements this is necessary because people with more skills are needed.  Roger Putnam said the jobs should not be filled until the need for them is proven.  Mr. Vincent said two jobs represent 20% of his work force, and if he doesn't have them, services will have to be cut by 20%.  Mr. Donovan called to mind that the Town had voted to have full coverage at the Transfer Station and 24-hour rescue service.  Mr. Vincent noted that no provision has been made in the DPW budget for cleaning of the new Senior Center; there is also no provision for maintenance of the new public water system.  The DPW Capital Budget was reviewed briefly, with explanations given for the need for new software and a new sign machine.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Birgitta V. Olson
Committee Secretary

_________________________               _______________________
Roger Putnam, Chair                     Berta Bruinooge, Chair
Board of Selectmen                      Finance Committee