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Finance Committee minutes 02-26-02
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of February 26, 2002
Senior Center, Long Pond Room

Present:        Chair Ira Wood; Arlene Kirsch, Berta Bruinooge, Tim Woodman,
                Patricia Foley, Deborah Davis, Ben Zehnder; Tim Smith, Town
                Administrator; Roger Putnam, Selectman; Jan Plaue, School Committee
Excused:        Anne Suggs

Chair Wood called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  He welcomed Ben Zehnder back to membership on the FinCom, warmly supported by the rest of the Committee.

Transfers from the Reserve Fund
Tim Woodman suggested that the Committee develop a statement of FinCom policy concerning transfers to be placed on the back of the Request for Transfer sheet, since no such statement exists on the form.
Budget Discussion with Tim Smithtransfer funds between departments at town meetings.  The Committee then completed discussion and voting on the budget; results for the whole budget appear below:

Budget          Decision        Vote                    Moved/Seconded
114     Moderator               Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Bruinooge
115     Constables              Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Davis
121     Audit                   Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
122     Selectmen               Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Foley/Kirsch
123     Town Administrator      Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
124     General Admin   Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Foley/Bruinooge
131     Finance Committee       Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Davis/Foley
132     Reserve Fund            Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
135     Accountant              Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Foley
141     Assessor                Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Foley
145     Town Clerk/Treas        Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
146     Town Tax Collector      Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Foley
151     Legal Expenses  Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
152     Personnel Board Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
153     Computerization Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Foley
158     Tax Title               Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Foley
162     Elections/Regis Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
171     Conservation Com        Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
174     Planning Dept           Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Foley/Woodman
176     Board of Appeals        Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Foley
177     Open Space Com  Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
178     Herring Warden  Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
179     Shellfish               Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Woodman
180     Shellfish Cons/Prop     Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Foley
181     Shellfish Adv Com       Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Foley/Woodman
183     NRAB                    Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Kirsch
189     Housing Authority       Tabled          Needs clarification
195     Town Rep & Warrant      Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Foley
196     Consultancy             Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Zehnder
210     Police                  Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
215     Communications  Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
220     Fire                    Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Bruinooge
241     Building Dept           Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Foley/Woodman
292     Dog Officer             Approved        60      Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
283     Traffic/Parking Cntrl   Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
294     DPW Forestry    Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
298     Greenhead Fly Cntrl     Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
299     DPW Traffic/St Signs    Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Foley
300     Elementary School       Approved        5-1-1                   Kirsch/Wood
301     Nauset RegSchDist       Approved        6-0-1                   Kirsch/Foley
302     Cape Cod Reg Tech       Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
417     DPW Facilities  Approved        6-1-0                   Bruinooge/Woodman
420     DPW                     Approved        5-0-1                   Woodman/Bruinooge
422     DPW Gen Highways        Approved        6-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
423     DPW Snow Remov  Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Foley
424     DPW Street Lights       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
425     Dikes Brgs Prk Lots     Approved        7-0     Unanmous        Bruinooge/Woodman
426     DPW Surv & Eng  Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Bruinooge
433     DPW Trans Station       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
442     DPW Cls Nck Wtr Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Foley/Zehnder
443     Wesley Swamp Pump       Approved        4-2-1                   Foley/Zehnder
510     Board of Health Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Kirsch
520     Human Services  Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Folely/Davis
541     Council on Aging        Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Foley
542     Council on Ag Brd       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Davis
543     Veterans Services       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Woodman
544     Comm on Disabil Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Davis/Bruinooge
610     Library         Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Foley
630     Recreation              Approved        6-1-0                   Woodman/Zehnder
690     Historical Comm Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Woodman
692     Holiday Celeb           Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Davis/Woodman
698     Beach Study Comm        Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
699     Beach Progra            Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Woodman
753     Short Term Loan Int     Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Woodman
756     Int on R/E Tax Ref      Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Davis
911     County Retirement       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge
913     Unemployment Com        Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Foley/Zehnder
914     Grp Ins Health  Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Woodman
915     Grp Ins Life            Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
916     Medicare Town Share     Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Foley/Woodman
944     Insurance Reserve       Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Bruinooge/Woodman
945     Liab/Prop/Comp Ins      Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Woodman
946     Surety Bonds            Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Foley/Woodman

260     Marina Ent Fund         Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Davis
262     Mar Ent Reserve Fnd     Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Zehnder/Kirsch
265     Mar Ent Adv Comm        Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Kirsch/Foley
268     Mar Ent Cap Outlay      Approved        7-0     Unanimous       Woodman/Bruinooge

Notes:  Tim Smith clarified the contract services line in the Assessoras tree cutting services for the flagpole.  Discussion of the Elementary School budget (300) covered the increase per head for the Special Education needs, small class sizes, student/teacher ratio, possible use of more teacher aides in the institution of larger classes.  Jan Plaue of the School Committee defended small class sizes, alluding to the excellent results they have produced, and Selectman Roger Putnam pointed out that Wellfleet students have achieved impressive honors at Nauset Regional High School.  Berta Bruinooge, however, decried the high per pupil cost, and Tim Woodman asked for an appropriate target for budget-cutting next year.  Concerning the DPW Facilities budget (417), Tim Smith affirmed that the increased electricity line represents the numbers needed; Nstar will conduct an audit from which the town expects to find some savings.  Snow Removal (423) budget, Smith stated, was based on previous expenditures and could be increased if necessary.  Pat Foley expressed disappointment that the Library (610) budget contained no new library petition; Arlene Kirsch stated that the proposed Assistant Librarian position could be brought to the town meeting by petition.  The $9000 increase to the Recreation budget (630) for Program Expenses caused comment; this money will be used to fund trips and will be recovered.  Tim Smith described this as a mechanism for payment; Berta Bruinooge disagreed with use of this method.  Tim Woodman asked to see the revenues on this line. (Arlene Kirsch disclosed that the company for which she works may be doing some business with the Recreation Department this summer.)  In considering the Beach program budget (699), the Committee approved the fact that fees for beach stickers will be raised this season.  The revisitation of the Reserve Fund budget (132) elicited Tim Smithmore
Capital Budget, Marina Enterprise Fund Budget, and Warrant Articles
Meeting Times
Other Business
March 18 Meeting
Minutes of February 7, 2002
Tim Woodman moved for adjournment; Pat Foley seconded; the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________________       ______________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Assistant to the           Ira Wood, Chair
        Committee Secretary                     __________________________Date