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Cons Comm Minutes 08/01/12

Conservation Commission
Date:   August 1, 2012
Time:  4:00 pm
Location:Town Hall

In attendance:  Co-Chair Terry Gips, Co-Chair Trudy Vermehren, Ginie Page, Lauren McKean, Ed Simpson, Cary Rea, and John Portnoy.  Staff: Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Bill Meister, 295 King Phillips, wanted direction from the Commission regarding some tree removal.  He stated the trees are 2” to 4” in diameter and most of them are infested with borers.  He distributed a google photograph of the property identifying the wetlands as well as the 100’ buffer zone area.  He stated there are several terrapin turtle nests on his property.  He would like to remove all trees that are diseased and remove those that are choking other trees and restore with native plants.  His other choice was creating a view corridor.  John Portnoy recommended a dense replanting of native shrubs to capture the nitrogen.  Lauren recommended a filtered view.  Mr. Meister will file a NOI for a future hearing.

Gordon Peabody distributed “The Dirty Dozen of Cape Cod,  a brochure identifying the non-native invasive vegetation.

Tierney:  Erosion at Indian Neck Beach.  Mr. Tierney stated there has been increased erosion at the Indian Neck beaches due to rock revetments.  He stated rock revetments are creating rocky beaches.  Co-chair Vermehren stated there has been a combination of many events including weather, changes in Great Island and Jeremy Point and rock revetments which impact the area.  John Portnoy stated the natural way for renourishment is for sand eroding from the cliff and along the beach.  The Commission explained to Mr. Tierney that any new revetments approved by the commission are required to do renourishment.

Patterson:  0 Blackfish Creek – Emergency Order.  Mark Burgess and Don Lewis came to the table.  Burgess distributed a copy of the proposed plan to remove the bulkhead at Patterson’s property.  He stated the depth of the current bulkhead (underground) is 28  inches and 35 feet in length.   It will be pulled by the bobcat, bundled together and  removed by a bobcat in two trips to the town landing  The bobcat is a total of 60” wide, and will not touch any vegetation in the area.   Don Lewis stated the area was excellent in the past for the diamondback terrapins, but the bulkheads have negated that; he also noted that town shoreline property east of the current bulkhead is covered with kayaks and canoes.  He stated once the seawall is taken down this will be a good location for a nesting spot.  He doesn’t see any potential damage to the turtles with the removal of the bulkhead.  He doesn’t feel there will be a take and feels the sooner the work is done, the better.  Ginie Page moved to issue an Emergency Order that the unauthorized bulkhead be removed in two trips by a bobcat, with access via a ramp at the town landing with Mark Burgess present on site; seconded by Terry Gips; passed 7-0.  The railing at the town landing is to be restored to its present condition.  Ginie Page, supervisor.

Jurisdictional Opinion:  Memorial Rock at Indian Neck.  The Town of Wellfleet and the Conservation Trust are the requestors.  Ginie Page recused herself.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

250 Gull Pond Road – Drainage Swale – continued to August 15, 2012.

Meeting Minutes
Campbell Rea moved to approve the amended 06/06/12 meeting minutes; seconded Ed Simpson; passed 7-0.
Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the amended 06/20/12 meeting minutes; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0.
Public Hearings 5:12 pm:
Wright, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35, Parcel 210, NOI, replace timber bulkhead with rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/06/12).  Mark Burgess represented the applicant(s) and requested Don Lewis speak to the commissioners regarding the turtles in the area.   Burgess stated the applicants feel replacing the bulkhead is the best option by moving the bulkhead landward 3 feet, placing rocks in front of the bulkhead and fiber rolls at the east end of the bulkhead.  It is anticipated the bulkhead will be made of vinyl.  At the far end, he would like to place fiber rolls covered with sand which will enable the diamondback terrapins to reach good nesting area.  Don Lewis concurred and noted that nourishment will be required. He stated there should be exposed sand on the bank and no extensive plantings The new bulkhead will be driven 8 feet into the ground.  Lewis also recommended a rack system for the  kayaks/canoes at the town landing.  Lewis will provide an e-mail back to Natural Heritage with his recommendations.  Burgess will provide new plans for the Commission and the various agencies.  There was discussion regarding the renourishment locations, landings, stairways and access to the beach.  The revised plans will identify the correct stairways from each property and the change in the landings.  There was discussion regarding current landings and proposed landings/decks going over the new bulkhead.  Burgess stated there is photographic evidence of structures prior to our regulations.  Burgess stated the applicants do not want to change the stairs or their landings.  Terry Gips moved to continue to Sept 19, 2012; seconded by John Portnoy; unanimous approval by committee members.  

Henrickson, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35, Parcel 210, NOI, replace timber bulkhead with rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/06/12)

Wales, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35, Parcel 210, NOI, replace timber bulkhead with rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/06/12)

Patterson, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35 Parcel 210, NOI, replace timber bulkhead with rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/06/12)

Comly, 0 Blackfish Creek, Map 35, Parcel 210, NOI, replace timber bulkhead with rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/06/12)

Lee, 19 Old Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 14, Parcel 72, NOI, demolish and rebuild dwelling, new well and septic upgrade (Cont’d from 07/18/12).   Jason Ellis represented the applicant and gave an overview of the project.  He stated the current dwelling is not in a repairable state and the new dwelling will be slightly larger in footprint with a new deck   The property is located on the old railroad bed.  The septic system has been approved by the Board of Health.  Ellis described the demolition plan as well as the construction of the new foundation.~ The driveway and parking area will remain the same.~ The commission requested additional information regarding the removal of trees and replantings as well as a deconstruction plan and construction protocol.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Ed Simpson with conditions and paperwork to be provided to the commission; passed 7-0.  Supervisor:  Ed Simpson

Cape Cod Nat’l Seashore, Long Pond Rd., RDA, Install split rail fencing and beach parking (Cont’d from 07/18/12).  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 08/15/12; seconded by Terry Gips; passed 6-0.

Lay, 335 Forrest Rd., Map 16, Parcel 612, NOI, replenish beach with sand (Cont’d from 07/18/12).~ Lauren McKean recused herself.  Chet Lay had received a response from DEP and Natural Heritage.  Terry Gips moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Zimmerman & Shleifer, 100 Way #26, Map 18, Parcel 3, NOI, demolish and rebuild dwelling (Cont’d from 07/18/12).  Lauren McKean recused herself.  John O’Reilly represented the applicant and provided the information the commission requested at the 07/18/12 meeting.  He identified the changes to the plan which reduced the total disturbed area to 35,000 sq. ft.  The disturbed area in the buffer zone is 4,750 sq ft.
Natural Heritage responded stating no take.  A construction protocol was provided to the commission as well as the planting plan.  There was a question regarding water runoff on the asphalt driveway and O’Reilly stated it is outside of the buffer zone and stated the water will be addressed.  Terry Gips moved to approved the NOI; seconded by Campbell Rea; passed 6-0.  Supervisor:  Trudy Vermehren.

Lauren McKean moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates
Committee Secretary