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ConsComm Minutes 03/07/2007
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:        March 7, 2007
Time:           4:00 pm
Location:       Town Hall Hearing Room

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Dottie Dolan, Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Cyndi Moe, Ed Reynolds, Paul Banner and Lonni Briggs
Regrets:  Ginie Page
Staff Present:  Andrew Petty, Assistant Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary
4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Co-Chair Dottie Dolan opened the business meeting at 4:05.

Cyndi Moe moved to approve the application of Bruno to go on the Town Warrant to build a rock wall on town land; seconded by Lonni Briggs; passed 6-0.

Assistant Conservation Agent Andrew Petty:
·       MA Wildlife News:  invasive species list available
·       Letter to Caulfield from Hillary Greenberg and Andrew dated February  22, 2007 stating the Commission denied the request to withdraw and asked the applicant and engineers be attend the March 7, 2007 meeting.  Caulfield requested Petty make a site visit on a rainy day.  To date, no work has been done.  The applicant and agents will attend the next meeting.
·       Gilmore ticket appeal:  Building Inspector is also involved with property; tickets are being written on a regular basis.
·       Danforth shed – verbally told people she will be going to ZBA at some time.

Paul Banner moved to approve the meeting minutes of  02/21/07 with amendments; seconded by Lonni Briggs; passed 3-0 (based on attendance.)

John DiBlasio read the mission statement of the Coastal and Pond Access Committee.  
Paul Banner stated there is no map of trails and walking roads in Wellfleet.  Lonni Briggs stated many of the trails are in the National Park.  She informed the Commission Americorp is working on putting together maps.  

5:00:  Public Hearings:

Community Housing Resource, 250 Gull Pond Rd., Map 8, Parcel 38: NOI, Construct driveway and drainage for proposed affordable dwellings (Cont’d from 02/21/07).  Ted Malone, representative of the Wellfleet Community Housing Committee and Eric Larson of East Cape Engineering handed out information regarding the comprehensive alternatives analysis.  Malone stated eminent domain would be very costly and Town Counsel advised it would be the last resort.  Malone and Larson gave an overview of the drainage issues, including catch basins, embankments, grading of the site, road maintenance with salt, and migration of sediment to Eel Creek.  The Commission requested mitigation be added into conditions that should there become a problem in the future, the Town and parties involved will have a mitigation plan regarding the drainage.  Malone stated the units will be condo ownership with reserve money for maintenance issues and will be responsible for maintaining the catch basins.  Larson stated a catch basis would not be viable due to the ground water level.  Paul Banner moved to approve with conditions; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.  John DiBlasio: Supervisor.  

75:25  Town of Wellfleet, The placePlaceNameHerring PlaceTypeRiver “Gut”, NOI, install snow fencing to protect the dunes (Cont’d from 02/21/07).  A letter has been received from Natural Heritage but the DEP number had not been issued as yet.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue to d3/21/07; seconded by John DiBlasio, passed 6-0.  

5:27  Nickerson Lumber, 45 Commercial St., Map 15, Parcel 102, RDA, Lumber Storage Racks.    David Lajoie from Felco Engineering represented the applicant and gave an overview of the project.  Concrete slabs one foot deep will be the foundation for the 10 foot and 6 foot racks.  Paul Banner moved to identify this as a Negative 2; seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 6-0.      

5:34  Blakely, 41 Coles Neck Road, Map 8, Parcel 249,  David Lajoie of Felco presented a revised plan to the project which was previously approved.  The revised plan identifies a new location for the driveway.  Cyndi Moe moved to approve the revised drawing dated 2/27/07 for the driveway; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 6-0.     

5:37   MacGibbon/Alter, 354 Main St., Map 14, Parcel 8, NOI, demolish 2 structures, replace with one structure.  The applicant requested the hearing be continued indefinitely.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue to date uncertain; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 6-0.

5:39  Caulfield, 1500 State Hwy, Map 30, Parcel 29, RDA, Stabilize bank and erosion control (Cont’d from 02/07/07).  The applicant requested a continuation to 03/21/07.  Paul Banner moved to continue to 03/21/07; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.

Cyndi moved to adjourn at 5:40 pm; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary