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ConsComm Minutes 11/15/06
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:        November 1, 2006
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Senior tCenter

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Co-Chair Dottie Dolan, Lonni Briggs, Ed Reynolds, Paul Banner, Cindy Moe, and Ginie Page
Staff Present:  Christine Bates, Committee Secretary
4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Agents Report:

·       580 Chequessett Neck Road was in violation of the National Park’s regulations and fined for cutting trees within park property and within 200 feet of the Herring River.
·       Andrew Petty and Hillary Greenberg attended the MACC fall conference.
·       Greenberg met with Ms. Gilmore and has advised her of the violations.  Gilmore will submit a timeline of activities to take place on the property.  Gilmore stated materials will be removed from the site.
·       The contractor for 210 Cliff Road will be submitting a NOI.
·       Rabies baiting was performed in the Town.
·       The owner of Neighborhood Auto requested to come to the next meeting about moving dirt in wetlands.
·       Greenberg and Building Inspector Murphy will make a site visit to ti5 Holbrook Ave. regarding the construction of a shed.
·       Andrew Petty reviewed the wetlands near the Mobil Station and stated it is fresh water next to the salt water marsh.  Ginie Page will have a discussion with Andrew.
·       There was an oil spill at Cumberland Farms
·       Greenberg requested the Commission discuss the Kandell revetment.  The lack of a dwelling on part of the property poses a major problem.  Cyndi Moe recommends asking DEP for their advice.  Mark Burgess requests a letter from Greenberg indicating Conservation Commission decision.    
·       Greenberg reported she has not received any reports on roadways (roads draining into wetlands).  


·       The Planning Board requested the Commission review the Subdivision for Joy Daley, off Rte 6.  

·       DEP is placing the expense of the clean up for the oil spill at Dingers property on the oil company.

·       The State of Wellfleet Harbor Conference is scheduled for November 4, 2006

·       Caufield will be at the business meeting on Nov. 15, 2006.

·       A workshop on endangered species is scheduled forWed. 11/8/06, at the Senior Center.

·       Heather McElroy from Cape Cod Commission is willing to come here on 11/15/06 at 4:00 pm to give a presentation on Cape Cod Pathways

·       Lincoln Institute is offering a course on easements.

·       Banner stated Barbara Gray volunteered to pursue a change in legislation regarding the 21 day time period required for hearings.   

Dottie Dolan moved to approve the meeting minutes of 10/18/06 with amendments; seconded by Cyndi, passed 7-0.  The October 4, 2006 meeting minutes will be reviewed on11/15/06.   

5:00 – Public Hearings (Agent Greenberg provided the co-chairs with her observations for each hearing to be read in her absence.)

Manning, 1694 State Hwy, Map 30, Parcel 84.1:  Request for extension to Order of Conditions.  Lucas Manning stated he could only afford the main house and is requesting an extension to the  order to build a garage.  Greenberg wrote she saw no problem with a 3 year extension.  Banner moved to approve the extension; Page seconded.  Moe asked if the driveway was going in on the sidewalk level or the back of the house.  Manning stated the garage would be street level and the basement would be used for storage.  .  Motion passed 7-0.

Steiner,1 Indian Neck Rd., Map 28, Lot 231:  Request for Certificate of Compliance.  tGordon Peabody represented the applicant.  There was discussion regarding the additional work which was done and not noted on the NOI.  The owner wants to expand the house in the future and new sonotubes were put in place in anticipation for the expansion.  Peabody stated the Commission would be notified when the new work is to be done.   Banner moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Moe; passed 7-0.     

Rogers, 45 Springline Dr., Map 29, Parcel 256: Request for Certificate of Compliance.  Jim Rogers stated all work was completed.  Greenberg wrote the work was in compliance but there is a landing on the stairs which was not on the plan. Page moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Dolan; passed 7-0.

Silva, RDA,15 Briar Lane, Map 14, Parcel 27, Replace decking and build new stairs. Mr. Bumpas represented the applicant.  The proposal is to reconstruct the decking and add a stairway behind the insurance building; and to replace the decking behind the real estate office. Dottie Dolan identified this project as a Negative 3; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 7-0.    

Elliott / Klink, 3 B Indian Neck, Map 28, Parcel 231, Amended Order of Conditions (Cont’d from 10/18/06).  Cyndi Moe moved to continue the hearing to November 15, 2006 at the request of the applicant; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.

Baptist, NOI, 461 State Hwy, Map 42, Parcel 130, Create additional pervious parking area (Cont’d from 10/18/06).   Cyndi Moe moved to continue the hearing to November 15, 2006 at the request of the applicant; seconded by Lonni Briggs; passed 7-0.

Goldman, NOI, 266 King Phillip Rd, Map 34, Parcel 8, remodel existing dwelling, adding new decking and larger living room:  (Cont’d from t10/18/06).  Peabody and Cummings represented the applicant and gave an overview.  All appropriate paperwork has been received from the State.    Dolan moved to approve with conditions; seconded by Moe; passed 7-0.  Paul Banner is supervisor.     

O’Connor, NOI, 90 Le Count Hollow Road, Map 30, Parcel 9, septic upgrade and landscaping (Cont’d from 10/18/06).  Emily Beebe represented the applicant.  In response to the considerations requested by Natural Heritage, Beebe stated there will be conditions to protect the box turtle and  work will take place between September 30 and April 1.  She further stated only a silt fence will be used to mark the work zone.  Don Lewis, a biologist, will review the site for box turtles and will conduct regular site visits.  Beebe stated she amended the construction protocol to adhere with MESA protocol which was revised 10/05/06.  These have been forwarded to DEP and Natural Heritage.  A copy was provided to the Commission.   DiBlasio read Agent Greenberg’s remarks.  Beebe stated the driveway would be widened to allow easier turning on the property.  The area that will be cut for the driveway will only require minor grading.  Other conditions were discussed.  Moe moved to approve the NOI and revised plans of 10/05/06 with conditions; seconded by Dolan; passed 7-0.  

Bessette, NOI, 2685 Stage Hwy, Map 15, Parcel 127, 129, & 130, install paving (Mobil Station) Cont’d from 10/18/06).  The applicant requested a continuation.  Moe moved to continue to 11/15/06; seconded by Page; passed 7-0.
Miller, NOI, 246 King Phillip Rd, Map 34, Parcel 12, septic upgrade (Cont’d from 10/18/06).  The applicant requested a continuation.  Moe moved to continue to11/15/06; seconded by Briggs; passed 7-0.

Whitman, NOI, 53 Chequesset Bluff Rd., Map 20, Parcel 39:  Replace foundation.  Mr. Whitman  presented an overview of the project.  Agent Greenberg wrote that the current foundation is not safe.  The excavation will occur from the road side of the current foundation.  Reynolds questioned how far the excavation would be from the structure and Whitman stated there would be minimal disturbance, only enough to place the forms for the foundation.  The foundation will not be under the porches.  Page moved to approve the Whitman plan with conditions; seconded by Banner; passed 7-0.   Supervisor is Ginie Page.

Cyndi Moe moved to adjourn at 6:25; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary