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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/19/06
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:        July 19, 2006
Time:           4:00 PM

Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Co-Chair Dottie Dolan, Lonni Briggs, Ed Reynolds, Cyndi Moe and Paul Banner.
Regrets:  Ginie Page
Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, Andrew Petty, Assistant Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary
Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair Dottie Dolan

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Dottie Dolan made a public statement to thank Ginie Page for her two years of service as being a co-chair.  As the new co-chair, Dottie gave an overview of proper procedures for making motions, complying with necessary paperwork and how the meetings would be run.   

Petty reported two trash containers have been obtained for Omaha Beach and King Phillip Road.  The neighborhood will maintain the 55 gallon cans.  He distributed maps for Lt. Island as well as a pamphlet on pesticides.

Agent Greenberg distributed new plans for the Britnall property.  The RSF system was redesigned; however, the Order of Conditions will remain the same.  This is for informational purposes only.

Agent Greenberg advised there are changes to the Turpin plans located at 393 Bound Brook Way.  Per a letter from East Cape Engineering dated July 7, 2006, the foundation will be replaced but will stay within the footprint.  New plans were distributed and East Cape Engineering did not feel it would change the Order of Conditions.   The house will be demolished.  The Commission would like to have the applicant come back with an amended Order of Conditions.       

1.      Masspirg newsletter – regarding global warming.
2.      Agent Greenberg distributed her letter regarding the Pandemic Preparedness session scheduled for August 25, 2006, inviting Commission to attend.
3.      A letter from the attorney representing abutters of 115 Pond Ave. was read as a rebuttal to the state’s opinion regarding keeping the Order of Conditions as written.
4.      Letter from Rex Peterson regarding Town-owned land for housing development – 3 sites the town is looking at for low-income housing.  There was discussion regarding the water quality.  Agent Greenberg will respond to Rex.   Cyndi expressed concern for the Freeman Street/Chequessett Neck Road property because she feels it is in the wetlands.

Lonni Briggs asked if anyone would want to accompany her on a walk to see if the fire roads from High Toss Road to Duck Harbor as well as High Toss Road to the dike could be cleared for hiking/horseback riding purposes.  The Commission agreed to review the area July 27, meeting at Town Hall at 9:00 am.

Paul Banner provided a draft proposal to be sent to the Comprehensive Planning Committee regarding beach renourishment.  Agent Greenberg will take proposal to Town Counsel for their advice on how to effectively make it a part of our bylaws. Discussion took place regarding the responsibility of association members which mandates they participate in any costs/fees.        

Dottie Dolan outlined the process for obtaining funds through the CPC:  Funds accrue from a real estate surcharge which is matched by the state as the law is currently written.  These are earmarked specifically for open space, affordable housing and historical preservation (including recreation).  Any group or individual may apply for this money by filing an application with the CPC secretary at the Town Hall.  The applications are reviewed by the Committee and awarded with Town Meeting approval.  Applications that have received approval so far include affordable housing projects, repair of Uncle Tim’s Bridge and restoration of the Wellfleet Skateboard Park.  These will be presented at the next Town Meeting.

Agent Greenberg asked if a renourishment proposal for public and/or private areas might be considered.  Banner suggested a walking trail from Uncle Tim’s Bridge to the point of the Boriskin property.  These would have to be submitted according to the prescribed filing.  

Meeting minutes of July 5, 2006 were reviewed.  Paul Banner moved to approve as amended; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 6-0.
Public Hearings start at 5:00 pm:

5:00 pm  Murphy, Lot 15, Mill Hill Island, Map 41, Parcel 172: RDA: Install hand driven well.  Paul Murphy gave an overview of the project.  The well driller will use a 1 ¼ inch pipe until water is reached.  Access is by boat or at low tide.  Murphy has not researched buildability on the lot.  Murphy owns a portion of the road (private way) and the road will never be developed.   Cyndi Moe moved to identify this RDA as a Negative 3; within the buffer zone, 2nd by Banner; passed 6-0.  
Bruno, 55 Seventh St., Map 40, Parcels 143, 175 and 181, NOI, rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/21/06).  Peter Markunas of Coastal Engineering represented the applicant.  There are revetments are on either side of this property.  The bank is not diagonal with the property line.  The revetment would be built on his property, paper roads, and on abutters property (parcel 40).  Abutting property is owned by the Town of Wellfleet and owner unknown.  Bruno is in discussion with Tim Smith to purchase Town of Wellfleet land which will require Town Meeting approval.  They need to get the Commissioners permission to build the revetment prior to going to the Town meeting.  Natural Heritage expressed concern about piping plover and terrapin in area, and sand renourishment.  A second letter reported it will have no adverse affect provided all work is done within the time guidelines.  Moe questioned the design and height of the wall.  Markunas stated some of the stones are buried and a variety of stone sizes will be used.   An abutter gave some historical information regarding the unknown owners and encouraged the project be approved.  Elevations will be around 20 feet and designed to meet the same elevation as the abutters on each side.  Revegetation was discussed.  Markunas requested stone steps be constructed in lieu of proposed wooden steps.  Debris on the bank will be removed.  Petty requested a bench mark be placed during the post construction site visit at the level of the beach to check on future renourishment requirements.  A condition needs to be crafted for the yearly renourishment requirements.  Ed Reynolds moved to approve the NOI with conditions; seconded by Lonni Briggs; passed 6-0.    Supervisor Cyndi Moe, Hillary Greenberg and Andrew Petty.                    

Deck 2, 1780 Rte 6, Map 29, Parcel 1:  NOI:  Septic Upgrade.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue the hearing to August 2, 2006; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.

Ferris, 1005 Third Ave., Map 40, Parcel 8, NOI:  Double drift fence and beach access stairs.  Peter Markunas represented the applicant.  SE77-1109.  Scouring is occurring close to the dwelling.  The resource areas is a coastal dune.  Peter suggested placing straw/hay behind the drift fencing which will be cedar.  Markunas will discuss the project with MA Audubon.  The fencing will abut the neighbor’s fence.  The stairs are optional, and if built, will be made of wood.  Mr. Ferris is not certain he will build stairs at this time.  Cyndi moved to approve; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 6-0.  
Supervisor Cyndi Moe.  

Outerwater Trust, 31 9th St., Map 40, Parcel 147: NOI:  construct garage and decking.  Requests for continuation to 8/2/06.   Cyndi Moe moved to continue; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.  

Maier, 1015 3rd Ave., Map 40, Parcel 7: NOI:  Construct new dwelling.  Request to continue to 8/12/06.  Cyndi moved to continue to 8/16/06; John DiBlasio 2nd; passed 6-0.

Brown, 150 BlueHerring – Request for Certificate of Compliance.  SE 77-1056.  A site visit made. All work in compliance. Ed Reynolds moved to issue C of C; Paul Banner 2nd; passed 6-0.
Banner moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary