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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/19/06
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:           April 19, 2006
Time:           4:00 PM

Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Co-Chair Ginie Page, Dottie Dolan, Cyndi Moe,  Ed Reynolds, and Lonni Briggs.

Regrets:  Paul Banner

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page.

Business Meeting:

John Riehl, of the Natural Resources Advisory Board, requested time before the Commission to discuss water issues.  He stated a Harbor Management Plan had been drafted and is on the town website; in addition are two copies at the library.  He wanted to discuss the following:
1.      Nutrient Overloading.  At the present time, there is only preliminary data available and definitive data will not be available for another three years.  The NRAB is concerned with the east end of Blackfish Creek, Duck Creek and Chipmans Cove.  They are hoping the Conservation Commission can put contingencies on any upcoming hearings involving these areas, particularly the Goss Subdivision.  Agent Greenberg asked for clarification on the request.  Would conditions be set now or after the three years when information is definitive.  She stated the subdivision structures will be located beyond the 100 foot buffer zone.  She also stated the Conservation Commission is not involved with health issues (i.e. septic); and it would fall under the Board of Health.  
2.      Riehl gave an overview of the Herring River Technical Committee to keep the Commissioners informed of the progress.
3.      Riehl also reported on other projects such as Mayo Creek, the east end of Blackfish Creek and Hawes Pond.  He stated a survey needs to be conducted at Mayo Creek to determine how much water can run through.  Water chemistry will also be performed.  Riehl stated the clapper valve requires adjusting at the Commercial Street location which will allow the water to flow more freely.  This project will create 100 acres of salt marsh and clean water.  There are restrictions under Route 6 and the bike path for Blackfish Creek.  The project will include identifying which culverts need to be enlarged.  A survey on Hawes Pond identified coliform in the water.  Agent Greenberg stated new septic systems have been installed over the past few years so the water may be improving.
4.      Riehl would like a survey performed identifying the types of coastal armoring and revetments in the harbor area.  He is interested in knowing what types they are as well as what conditions the Commission placed on them.  He suggested we contact Jim O’Connell of Woods Hole to perform the survey.  Agent Greenberg stated he may not be able to devote too much time to the town, and we could possibly hire a consultant.  Agent Greenberg also informed the Commission and Riehl that the response to the letters sent to all property owners with revetments has been poor regarding a renourishment program.  Riehl stated we are losing a part of the harbor due to the revetments and there should be an educational program for the town regarding the erosion taking place.  

Agent Greenberg’s Input/Report:
Agent Greenberg will investigate the pile of dirt located at Old Wharf.
Agent Greenberg reviewed the correspondence file which included information on rabies and various booklets and newsletters.
Agent Greenberg presented a preliminary plan for a subdivision on Route 6 owned by Ken Granlund dated 04/11/06.  The Commission will make a site visit.  
She announced the next Herring River Technical Committee meeting is Tuesday, April 25, 2006. 1:15 pm at the Library.   
New regulations were distributed.
A letter from Audrey Danforth was read requesting a new supervisor for her project.  Ginie Page, Cyndi Moe and John DiBlasio will supervise.  
Public Hearings:

Young, Kevin, 35 Old Salt Lane, Map 41, Parcel 72:  Partial Certificate of Compliance (Cont’d from 04/05/06).  After a site inspection, it was determined a full Certificate of Compliance would be issued, with all work satisfactorily completed.  Dottie Dolan moved to approve a Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 6-0.  

Ferreira, John (Jacks Boat Rental), 2616 Route 6, Map 23, Parcel 40:  RDA:  Replace building.  A site visit was made.  John Reeves, owner of the property, stated the building is in disrepair and they would like to demolish it and replace it with a fabricated building from Pine Harbor.  Ginie Page stated the Commissioners believe the project requires a Notice of Intent to be filed based on the fact the entire building area is within the 50 foot buffer strip.  She requested the applicant supply an updated plan identifying the cement locations, as well as total coverage on the parcel.  Cyndi Moe moved to classify the RDA as a Positive 4 and 5; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 6-0.

Jeanne Coser (Captain Higgins), 250 Commercial St., Map 21, Parcel 106:  NOI, Septic Upgrade (Cont’d from 04/05/06). DEP number SE77-1096.  Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering represented the applicant.  He stated the Board of Health has reviewed the project and there may be some slight changes to the plan (leaching area).  He stated the existing surface will remain the same. The elevation of the leaching system, as well as the final grade will remain the same.  Discussion took place regarding silt fencing and hay bale locations within the work zone.  Cyndi Moe moved to approve the NOI with conditions; seconded by Lonnie Briggs; passed 6-0. Agent Greenberg will be the supervisor.

Chequesett Yacht & Country Club, 680 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 81:  Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. Mike Ball of Horsely Witter Corporation represented the applicants.  He explained the ANRAD was to establish the resource boundaries before any work was to be done and requested the Commission to approve the boundaries established.  Discussion took place on where the low lying areas were located, as well as identifying fresh water wetlands, vegetated wetlands and coastal wetlands.  Dennis Murphy and Herb and Irene Gage, abutters, requested to review the map.   Cyndi Moe moved to accept the ANRAD plan as presented; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 6-0.
(Business Meeting Cont’d)  Further discussion took place regarding the Danforth property.  It was determined that Agent Greenberg would contact DEP and get their direction if any action could be taken by the Commission, due to the fact that further activity had taken place on the property, regardless of the condition set forth on the RDA.

Cyndi Moe moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary