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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/18/06
Date:           January 18, 2006
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Ginie Page, Co-Chair John DiBlasio,  Paul Banner, Ed Reynolds, Dottie Dolan and Cyndi Moe

Staff Present:  David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair John DiBlasio

Business Meeting:

Jan Plaue, Janet Doherty and Peter Hall from the Open Space Committee requested a discussion on the following subjects:  The safe keeping of booklets identifying the conservation land in Wellfleet; requesting the Conservation Commission to manage, inspect and monitor each piece of land; and to co-sign a letter with the Open Space Committee to be sent to abutters of conservation land.  Paul Banner stated these issues were coming before the Comprehensive Panning Committee, and feels the efforts should be coordinated.  Wellfleet’s Open Space Plan was accepted at the State level.  Peter Hall stated some of the properties are not recorded in the Assessor’s office as Town land, and CR land should be included.  Jan Plaue recommended the Commission create a form which would identify locations, etc. and form a volunteer group to monitor the land.  The Commission discussed various ways to perform the monitoring, including identifying one person (abutter) to report any issues to the Conservation Commission, assign one person from the Town to oversee the monitoring, and attaching maps to the form to identify the parcels.  Peter Hall stated the conservation Trust may be willing to help in the efforts.  Jan Plaue stated the next Open Space Meeting is scheduled for February 15, 2006 and would appreciate the Commissioners input and advice.  The Commissioners stated they would review the draft letter to the abutters and discuss the other issues prior to the February 15 meeting.

Ginie Page moved to create a new low tide chart to give to shell fishermen (particularly those with grants on Egg Island); seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 5-0.

Cyndi Moe move to accept the Natural Resource suggestions for the Comprehensive Planning Committee which will be presented at the January 26, 2006 meeting; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 5-0.

Cyndi Moe and Dottie Dolan volunteered to work on the surveys of the Conservation land.  Dottie stated the Senior Americorps was starting up again and perhaps they would assist in the abutter lists and monitoring.  David Flaherty stated he would keep the records of the areas surveyed.  

Dottie Dolan and Cyndi  Moe will do beach cleanup is scheduled for February 11.  

Public Hearings:

5:00 pm         James and Carole McAuliffe, 40 Way #35, Map 13, Parcel 122:  Certificate of Compliance.  A site visit was made and project is complete.  Dottie Dolan moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 5-0.

Darryl Elliott, 3B Indian Neck Road, Map 28, Parcel 231:  NOI: Demolish existing one story cottage and build 2 story structure.  The applicant requested a continuation to February 1, 2005.  Ginie Page moved to continue to February 1, 2006; seconded by Cyindi Moe; passed 5-0.

Randall Carpenter/Lynn Babington, 126 2nd St., Map 40, Parcel 99:  NOI: Addition to existing dwelling within buffer zone and Wellfleet Harbor ACEC.  David Lajoie represented the applicant.  Applicants Lynn Babington and Randall Carpenter were also available for comment.  DEP number 77-1088 was assigned and Natural Heritage stated the project will not adversely affect the habitat.  Discussion took place regarding how fragile the property is and the project would go further into the resources.  The Commission was strongly opposed to any additional building in the buffer zone.  The applicant stated they would be happy with decking extending from the second floor of the existing dwelling to the second floor of the garage.  David Lajoie requested a continuation to February 1, 2006 to present new plans.  Ginie Page moved to continue to February 1, 2006; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 5-0.

Business Meeting Cont’d)

Flaherty reported the pile had been removed from Moby Dick’s.  The Cape Cod mosquito control will be doing work at the Mayo Creek area.  Flaherty suggested the possibility of adding an additional culvert near the Box Lunch area for health reasons.  Ginie Page reported there is a temporary shed along Kendrick Avenue (near the trailer park).  Flaherty to report to Paul Murphy, the Building Inspector.  John DiBlasio suggested a monthly update from Commissioners supervising projects.  Banner reported siting property on King Phillip Road which appeared to be clear cut.  Flaherty to investigate.  

Paul Banner moved to approve the January 4, 2006 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 5-0.

Flaherty reported the response to letters regarding beach nourishment have been slow in coming in.  Discussion took place regarding the monitoring of the grain size used for renourishment.  Flaherty stated the owners would have to remove materials if not found acceptable.  He stated he had confidence in the companies performing the work to supply the proper size sand.  

The Commissioners resumed working on the draft letter the Open Space Committee left.

Ginie Page moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 pm; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 5-0.  

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary