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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/05/05
Date:           October 5, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Ginie Page, Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, and Paul Banner, and Ed Reynolds

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:03 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page  

Business Meeting:

Ginie Page reported she saw two storm drains on Old Chequesset Neck Road which she feels may pose a hazard to pedestrians or cyclists.  Flaherty stated these are a new design to keep materials out of the drains.

There was discussion regarding the legislative action on endangered species.  John DiBlasio will contact Delahunt’s office and copy related articles for the Commission’s review.  

Agent Greenberg distributed a draft report on land subject to coastal flooding and asked the Commission to review and make any necessary changes.

Correspondence was reviewed.
Cyndi Moe moved to approve meeting minutes of 9/7/05 with amendments; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 7-0.  Cyndi Moe moved to approve meeting minutes of 9/21/05 with amendments,  seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.

Public Hearings:

5:00    Patterson, NOI, 420 Lt. Island Road, Map 41, Parcel 79:  Upgrade septic and replace well.  At the applicant’s request, Cyndi Moe moved to continue this hearing to October 19, 2005; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0 (lacking Natural Heritage letter).

5:02    Edward Wolper, RDA, 5 Ben’s Way, Map 42, Parcel 64:  Septic System Upgrade.   David Lajoie of Felco, Inc. represented Mr. Wolper.  The Commission made a site visit.  Lajoie stated there is a fresh water marsh as well as a salt water marsh on this propertiy; the property is also located within the ACEC.  The proposal is to keep the existing septic and add a new leaching area (which will be 100 feet from the wetlands).  Cyndi Moe moved to make a negative 3 determination; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.

5:08    Outer Cape Health Services, Inc., RDA, 3130 State Highway, Map 13, Parcel 67:  Upgrade parking area.  At the request of the applicant’s agent, Emily Beebe, Cyndi Moe moved to continue to October 19, 2005; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.

5:10    Chequessett Yacht and Country Club, 675 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 115:  NOI:  Shorefront Stabilization.  Roy Okurowski of Coastal Engineering represented the applicants.  The Commission requested additional information on revetments soft solution renourishment.  Agent Greenberg met briefly with Jim O’Connell of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute/UMASS Co-Op Extension and he was to supply some documentation for the Commissioners, which has not been received as yet.   Okurowski stated Coastal Engineering (particularly Peter Markunas) wants to be involved with any future discussions with O’Connell.  He stated the current fencing has not provided any protection to the beach.  Coastal Engineering does not feel fiber roll will work because the wave forces would damage it per a statement from the manufacturer.  Franklin asked if the sand from the harbor can be used at this location instead of Kellers Corner.  Agent Greenberg stated she talked with the Harbormaster regarding the sand removal from the harbor and a permit was previously granted for Kellers Corner and she would pursue another conversation regarding the sand being placed in front of CYCC.  Mike Parlante feels renourishment with sand would solve many problems.   Barbara Boone of CYCC stated she was told by former Agent Beebe and Eric Mitchell that a revetment could be placed to protect the boathouse.  She is concerned about the timing and immediate erosion.  She also wanted to know who would pay for the replacement of sand.  She stated if the soft solution failed, CYCC could lose up to 15 more feet of beach.   Okurowski of Coastal Engineering stated it could take up to 6 months to get a permit from the State for sand renourishment.  The Harbormaster wants to finish his project this fall.  Okurowski stated Coastal Engineering feels CYCC needs a revetment ASAP along with sand renourishment.  He stated sand cannot just be pumped on the beach.  He is hoping the construction of the revetment would be in December 2005, and that a temporary drift fence might hold the beach until that time.  Abutter O’Reilly stated he has a revetment and his beach hasn’t changed.  

Banner questioned if there was an order of conditions from a previous NOI for CYCC.  Agent Hillary will check the files.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue to October 19; seconded by Dottie Dolan, passed 7-0.
5:37  D. Allen Brash, C of C, 135 Nauhaught Bluffs Rd, Map 21, Parcel 9:  A site visit was made.  The stairs were relocated towards the land.  Cyndi Moe moved to grant the Certificate of Compliance/ seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.

5:40  Stanford and Dorothy Ross, Request for Amended Order of Conditions:  945 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 98:  Revetment replacement.  Roy Okurowski of Coastal Engineering represented the applicant.  The original revetment was constructed of cinder block and the Order of Conditions was to repair with a hard face.  Due to the prohibitive cost involved, the applicant  

requests the use of rocks placed at an angle and make repairs with fabric at the coastal bank.  The original Order of Conditions required using a steel line from the top of the embankment to transport the concrete.  The staircase to the beach will be replaced in order to get the materials to the beach.  Okurowski proposed vertical markers  be placed in the stones as bench marks.  Ed Reynolds moved to approve the Amended Order of Conditions; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 6-1.  

Further discussion took place regarding revetments.  Flaherty stated he and Agent Greenberg will be trained on the GPS program and will be able to identify all locations.  

Franklin reported an engineering study will have to be performed to determine if there are any problems with the culverts under Route 6 at Black Fish Creek before any Disaster Mitigation Grant  money could be applied for or received.  

John DeBlasio moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 7-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary