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Cons Comm Minutes 06-01-05
Date:           June 1, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Ginie Page, Co-Chair, Edwin Reynolds, Co-Chair,  John DiBlasio,  Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, and Paul Banner.

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page  

Business Meeting:

Page stated a suit has been filed by Richard Cain on behalf of Ellie Harris regarding the Pyles hearing.  Agent Greenberg will review the file with Sarah Flores and report back to the Commission.

Page asked if the Commissioners had any further input regarding the Goss Road project.  She reviewed the May 18 comments.  Banner questioned if the Board of Health can set standards on stricter septic systems and water issues.  Agent Greenberg stated no tests have been done as yet on the water, and each lot will have to have potable water.  DiBlasio stated he would like to see each dwelling have their septic pumped each year.  

Agent Greenberg reported on Red Tide and expects the situation to last a minimum of one month.

Moe reported there will be a hearing on the Herring River Restoration MOU on June 28, 2005 at 7:00 pm at the library.

Jurisdictional Opinion:

Newton, 16 Hillside Avenue, Map 35, Parcel 98:  Requesting to put a wood deck over existing patio.  Moe moves to approve; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Chet Lay, 335 Forrest Road, Map 16, Parcel 612:  Replace existing porch using posts.  Dolan moved to approve; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Richard Lay, 245 Gull Pond, Map 8, Parcel 61:  Repair damage on driveway.  Moe moved to approve; seconded by Banner, passed 7-0.

Moe moved to change the regulations of jurisdictional opinions to state they are valid for one year to complete work; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Agent Greenberg reported the property at 50 Cyprus Street which had no DEP number posted or silt fence  was complete.  She was told there were problems with posting the number due to weather issues.

Agent Greenberg issued a letter to Moby Dick for violations and invited them to the June 15 Conservation Commission meeting.

A letter is being composed on behalf of Skip Norgeot from the Commission.  DEP stated they will not issue a number until they receive requested information from Norgeot.  

Franklin stated she is concerned with a stake holders advisory board for the Herring River Restoration MOU.  She would like the Commissioners to hold the meetings, summarize the concerns, and submit to the technical committee to ensure the project is going correctly.  Dolan did not agree with Franklin stating it would be a conflict for the Board and Banner stated it should be the stake holders responsibility.   Agent Greenberg will be meeting with Nancy Finley of the National Seashore and Rex Peterson on June 2.

Franklin recommended appealing the determination of where the mouth of the river is delineated.  She moved to authorize Agent Greenberg to write a letter contesting DEP’s findings; seconded by Dolan, passed 7-0.

Franklin questioned if the tidal restrictions were opened on Black Fish Creek, would it decrease the flooding on Route 6.  She moved to request Peterson look at the issue; seconded by Moe; passed 7-0.

Agent Greenberg stated the Boriskin’s are moving patio stones used to make a revetment and there is no need for them to come before the Commission.

Dottie Dolan volunteered to join the Community Preservation Committee.

DiBlasio moved to approve meeting minutes of May 4 with amendments; seconded by Dolan;
passed 7-0.

Moe moved to approve meeting minutes of May 18 with amendments; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Menegay Trust will come before the Commission on June 15, 2005.  


Franklin reviewed letters authored by Agent Greenberg.  
Beach Clean Up at Duck Harbor on June 4. (flyer)
Lt. Island Project / Estuary plans
Workshops available

The Commissioners have been questioned about the MA. Audubon project on Lt. Island.  It was suggested the town make a statement that parking is not going to be totally eliminated, and walking paths will be open.  It was agreed any correspondence we receive regarding the project will be date stamped and forwarded to Audubon.

5:00    Downs, 46 Sandpiper Hill Road, Map 22, Parcel 6:  Certificate of Compliance.  A site visit was made.  Everything is complete according to conditions.  Banner moved to grant the C of C; seconded by DiBlasio; passed 7-0.

5:05    Axelrod / DeFrancheschi, 20 Peace Valley, Map 8, Parcel 231:  RDA:  Replace existing screened in porch.  Agent Greenberg stated the applicant contacted her and stated they found another way to complete project without having to come before the Commission.

5:10    Turpin, 393 Bound Brook Way, Map 6, Parcel 10:  NOI:  remodel dwelling.  Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering represented the applicant.  Only a septic plan was provided, and he stated the applicant proposes an addition to the dwelling.  He stated it would be out of the 50 foot buffer zone.  It was noted there is prickly pear (endangered specie) on the property which needs to be flagged.  Page recommended Brady supply new plans to include construction protocol, elevations, lot coverage, general notes, property boundaries, house footprint, egresses, and plantings.   Brady stated part of the dwelling is in Truro, and the applicant is purchasing some land from an abutter.  The upgraded septic system will be 63 feet from Wellfleet’s wetlands and 6 feet from Truro’s wetlands.  Agent Greeberg stated she wants a letter from the Town of Truro.  Franklin moved to continue the hearing to July 6, 2005; seconded by Reynolds;
passed 7-0.

5:30    Young, 35 Old Salt Lane, Map 42, Parcel 72:  NOI:  Construct retaining wall and landscaping (Cont’d from 05/18/05).  A site visit was made.  Young did not produce all the abutter green cards.  A discussion took place where the 50 foot and 100 foot lines were located.  He stated he wants to landscape the septic system area by planting trees and plants.  The proposed retaining wall will keep soil from eroding into the leaching area.  Agent Greenberg questioned if there was vehicle parking on the leach field and Young responded no.  Banner moved to approve the January 25, 2005 plan; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0 with conditions.  Moe will be the supervisor.

5:48    Young, 35 Old Salt Lane, Map 42, Parcel 72:  NOI:  Extend deck.  The Commissioners noted some of the posts of the deck are not secured at the footing and not up to building codes.  Young stated he would go to the Building Inspector after receiving approval by the Commissioners.  He was advised he would have to come back to the Commissioners requesting an amendment if additional footings and posts needed to be installed.  The six current footings in the ground are in the wetlands.  The Board had not received a DEP numbers as of the hearing.  Moe moved to continue to July 6, 2005; seconded by Franklin; passed 7-0.  Young is to provide a copy of the abutter letter and a list of abutters.  

 Page moved to adjourn at 6:13 pm; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine Bates
Committee Secretary