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ConsComm Minutes 12/01/04
Date:           December 1, 2004
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Edwin Reynolds, Co-Chair, Ginie Page, Co-Chair, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, Cyndi Moe and John DiBlasio   Regrets:  Paul Banner
Staff Present:  Emily Beebe, Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Business meeting called to order at 4:05 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page  

Business Meeting:
Certificates of Compliance
Town of Wellfleet, Lt. Island Bridge soil borings.  Abby Franklin Moved to grant a Certificate of Compliance; Seconded by John DiBlasio; Passed 6-0.
Peter Pearson, Off Bay View Ave, Map 35, Parcel 212, Rock Revetment and beach stairs.  Erik Mitchell made a site visit and recommended granting the Certificate of Compliance with conditions.  The bank needs to have a study done in the spring and complete the dune in the spring.  Mitchell noted there is a barge on the beach which needs to be removed.  It was decided a letter would be sent to the Shellfish warden and Bobby Wallace, the owner of the barge.  Abby Franklin Moved to grant the Certificate of Compliance with conditions; Seconded by John DeBlasio; Passed 6-0.
Doris P. Bishop, 385 Pilgrim Spring Road, Map 29, Map 238, Construction of a new dwelling and Title 5 Sewage.  Emily Beebe reported the driveway is located out of the buffer zone and the as-built plans are in compliance.  Cyndi Moe Moved to grant the Certificate of Compliance based on the as-built plan; Seconded by John DiBlasio; Passed 6-0.

Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2004 were reviewed with recommended amendments.  Abby Franklin Moved to approved as amended; Seconded by Dottie Dolan; Passed 6-0.

Herring River Restoration Project – update presented by Erik Mitchell.  Erik had distributed a detailed report on the activities taking place regarding the project.  He stated this is the biggest salt marsh restoration project on the upper East Coast.  Mitchell recommended sending the report to the BOS for their consideration and petition them to take a vote.  We would then request  the BOS to write a letter of support to the Wetland Restoration Program subject to certain caveats, including items #2 and #3 of the report, subject that a MOU would be signed and a Comprehensive Plan developed.  Mitchell stated there is funding available as well as legal counsel and facilitators at no cost to the Town.  Studies are being made on the sediment movement in the area, the depth of the water, aquatic and habitat life.  The results of the studies will determine the what structure will be in place, what the timing would be, what construction would need to be done at High Toss Road, what we would expect in terms of eco-systems, fresh water, etc.  A study needs to be done on the Rosenberg’s property.  Abby Franklin Moved to send the memos to the BOS to update them on the progress of the Herring River Restoration project and petition them to write a letter of support of the project in theory with caveats as proposed; Seconded by Dottie Dolan, Passed 6-0.
Public Hearings

5:08     Paul and Janice Long, 57 Wigwam Street, Map 35, Parcel 158, AOOC:  Addition.  Gordon Peabody explained that Matt Long did not make arrangements for a pre-construction walk through and changed the original plans from sonotubes to a frost wall.  The wall will be in the same footprint.  The decision to change the plan was due to the harsh winter weather of last year.  Ginie Page noted the garden close to the water should not have any fertilizer added nor should the garden be enlarged.  Dottie Dolan Moved to grant an Amended Order of Conditions,  Seconded by Ed Reynolds; Passed 6-0.

5:15     William Deyesso, 995 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 95:  AOOC:  Beach Renourishment.  David Lajoie stated the beach renourishment would be done by an end loader at low tide.  Beebe stated the property is in a critical location that is being monitored for sediment.  She recommends sending a copy of the AOOC request to John Portnoy to determine if the renourishment will make any impact on the study.   Discussion took place if the renourishment should take place on the bank versus the beach.  David Lajoie will get in touch with John Portnoy and ask the following:
What is the pattern of the sand movement and where is it going?
Will this renourishment project affect the monitoring of the sedimentation study?
Should the renourishment take place on the beach or the bank?
  Abby Franklin Moved to continue to January 5, 2005; Seconded by Cyndi Moe; Passed 6-0.     

5:35    George and Estelle Watson, 300 Pleasant Point Ave, Map 35, Parcel 146:  RDA:  Installation of        new septic system.  Stephanie Sequin, Engineer from Ryder and Wilcox Engineering stated the work zone is within 100 feet of the coastal bank.  Silt fencing will be provided.  The existing well is located on the abutting lot and will be abandoned.  Steve Golotte, abutter located at 280 Pleasant Point, is going to move his septic and well.  The old leaching area will be pumped out.  John DiBlasio Moved determined the findings as a Negative 3; Seconded by Ed Reynolds; Passed 6-0 with the condition the septic permit will not be issued until Golotte’s well and septic are completed.  

5:45    Elizabeth Currier, 1065 Chequesset Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 91, NOI:  Reconstruction of dwelling (Cont’d from 11/03/04).  A request for a continuation was received.  Cyndi Moe Moved to continue to January 5, 2005; Seconded by Abby Franklin; Passed 6-0.

Business Meeting Cont’d)
Abby Franklin distributed drafts of the Harbor Management Plan and asked the Commission to provide comments for the NRAB and Water Quality portion at the next meeting.
Cyndi Moe Moved to adjourn meeting at 6:00 pm; Seconded by John DiBlasio; Passed 6-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary