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Board of Health Minutes 03/09/11
Wellfleet Board of Health
Minutes of Meeting of March 9, 2011
Senior Center, Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:~ Lezli Rowell, John O’Hara, Ken Grandlund, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos, Assistant Agent Andrew Petty, and Christine Bates
Regrets:  Richard Willecke and Alex Hay
Vice Chair Rowell opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.  
1.      Title V Variances Requests

1.      Zehnder, 10 Wood Lot Rd., Map 23, Parcel 101, Residential Stable/Chickens animal permit application.
Ben Zehnder stated this is for his use for eggs and agricultural sustenance,  and described the area where the coop would be located.  He stated that the chickens will be housed in a fenced area and gave a brief description of the manure management plan.  He stated this has been approved by the Zoning Board.  Ken Granlund moved to approve the permit for residential stable/chickens; seconded by John O’Hara; passed 3-0.

2.      PJ’s, 2616 State Hwy, Map 23, Parcel 40, Septic Upgrade.  David Lajoie represented the applicant, and stated this system had been previously approved.  Lajoie stated that the installation determined that the SAS will be about 4 to 5 feet deep to address that newly created type of variance, the system will be vented.  Ken Granlund moved to approve the variance; seconded by John O’Hara; passed 3-0 with conditions:
a)      The design flow to be limited to 5,032 gpd, to serve 142 restaurant seats and 1,200 square feet of retail space.
b)      There is to be no conversion of use without Board of Health review.
c)      Any replacement of on-site well connection with Municipal Water supply shall be done under benefit of proper plumbing and electrical permits, and authorization by the Water Commissioners, and in compliance with the Water System rules and regulations.  
d)      Any restriction in design flow and all conditions shall be recorded against the deed for the property at the Registry in Barnstable, and proof of deed recording shall be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.
e)      Water meter to be installed in structure with readings to be submitted to the Health  Department quarterly

2.      Business

Wellfleeter, 275 Kendrick Ave.  Coastal Engineering did not attend the meeting to discuss installation.  John O’Hara moved to continue to April 13; 2011; seconded by Ken Granlund; passed 3-0.  

Catering Licenses.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos  stated that there are currently no catering licenses or fees established for Wellfleet and by the food services sections of the State Sanitary Code, catering providers are to come to the Board of Health for a license.  She recommended a $50.00 license fee. John O’Hara moved to establish a $50.00 fee for a catering license; seconded by Ken Granlund; passed 3-0.

StreetStreet10 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 14, Parcel 142.  Emily Beebe represented the owners and wanted to have a discussion regarding the options for the property.  She stated this is an existing single family dwelling with two cesspools and one is collapsing.  An upgrade needs to happen quickly, and due to the size of the lot, and surrounding wells, it will be difficult to site a new system.  Beebe provided four options:  1) Move the well to the west, which would maintain 100’ from the abutters property.  2)  Leave the well at the present location.  3)  Put leaching capacity to the east side of the property.  4)  Keep well at present location and place septic system on parcel across the street, which is owned by the same individuals.

The Board recommended hooking up to town water which would eliminate the trigger for an I/A system.  Rowell stated that use of the public road is an issue and wondered if there is a possibility for a cluster system to help other neighbors, if the owners wish to go forward with siting on the undeveloped lot.  Beebe stated she talked with the DPW as well as Rex Peterson regarding placing the septic system on the property across the road, requiring a curb cut, which would then go before Town Meeting requesting an easement.  Ben Zehnder stated this would be similar to a cottage colony that had a deed restriction for placement of septic across paper road from the locus property.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated there is no record of installation or water testing in the files on the new well.  John O’Hara stated it seems that running a water line across the road would be the same cost and using two lots exposes the plan for failure due to the complexity.  Andy Petty stated the best option is to hook up to town water which would avoid an I/A system and simply locating an upgrade to a Title 5 system.        

ATM  Recommendations

Rex Peterson requested a recommendation to grant an easement within Chequesett Neck Road for installation, use, repair and maintenance of a wastewater disposal line.  The Board determined to take no action.

Biodegradable Packaging – Agent Greenberg stated the town is not gaining anything by this project because the town doesn’t have a composting system.  The packaging would go into the garbage.  The members of the Board felt the wording was difficult and Agent Greenberg-Lemos felt that eliminating plastic bags at stores would be a start.  Ken Granlund pointed out that motels, cottages and other businesses use plastic bags for garbage, etc.  Lezli Rowell stated the styrofoam and plastic bags are being moved to Seamass and being incinerated.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated the wording may change in the warrant.  The Board feels this may be premature if the wording is going to be changed.  John O‘Hara feels there needs to be a timeline for what they would like to see in the future, how it will be enforced, and that a composting systems needs to be established at the Transfer Station.  The Board determined to take no action.    

3.      Licenses

IV      Minutes   no meetings minutes will be reviewed due to quorum.

V.      Correspondence  
The Board signed state ethics paperwork.

The Planning Board requested the Board review the preliminary plan for the proposed subdivision for the Zelinsky subdivision plan.  Ken Granlund moved to forward to the Planning Board the Board of Health’s recommendation to approve the Zelinsky subdivision plan; seconded by John O’Hara.  The Board reviewed the plan finding adequate room for a well and septic citing.

The Board reviewed a letter from Paul Sieloff to Mark Vincent of the DPW regarding recycling at Ocean Beaches, which is a pilot program.  Containers will be available for plastic bottles and aluminum cans only.  Signs will also be located at the beaches encouraging people to “carry in and carry out” their waste.  A grant was given to the town for a roll-off container for the collection and recycling of bulky rigid plastics.  A vendor will accept the materials.  Signs and brochures will be used for educational purposes.

John O’Hara moved to adjourn at 8:10 pm; seconded by Ken Granlund; passed 3-0.  
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Bates, Committee Secretary