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Board of Health Minutes 05/13/10
Wellfleet Board of Health
                Minutes of Meeting of May 13, 2010,
                       Senior Center, Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:   Richard Willecke, John O’Hara, Alex Hay, Assistant Agent Andrew Petty, and Christine Bates
Regrets:     Ken Granlund and Lezli Rowell

Chair Willecke opened the meeting at 7:07pm.

I.      Title V Variance Requests
        Laschever, Map 35, Parcel 105, 6 Pleasant Point Landing, variance request.  David Bennett represented the applicant and gave an overview of the project.  This is a remedial use which will require filing with DEP.  This will be an I/A Microfast system.   There was discussion regarding the Public Water Supply in the area which serves 66 parcels and Bennett’s discussion with DEP.  Bennett requested a continuation in order to receive green cards from abutters.   Alex Hay moved to continue to 5/26/10; seconded by John O’Hara; passed 3-0.

II.     Business

III.    Licenses

IV.     Minutes

V.      Correspondence

Alex Hay moved to adjourn at 7:24 pm; seconded by John O’Hara; passed 3-0.
        Respectfully submitted,
        Christine A. Bates
        Committee Secretary