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Board of Health Minutes 06/24/09
Wellfleet Board of Health
        Minutes of Meeting of  June 24,  2009
Senior Center, Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:   Richard Willecke, Lezli Rowell, John O’Hara, Kenneth Granlund, John O’Hara, Agent Hillary Greenberg, and Assistant Agent Andrew Petty
Regrets:  Alex Hay

Chair Willecke called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  

1.      Title V Variances Requests
a)      O’Neil, 200 Briar Lane, Map 13, Parcel 114,  Chicken Coop.  Rowell recused. Mr. O’Neil stated he would be using a three bin composting system for the manure.  He stated he has no intention of having a rooster at the present time.  Two letters from abutters were  read into the record objecting to a rooster on the property.   Willecke stated he wanted a detailed manure management plan.  It was recommended a rooster could be borrowed if he wanted to pursue having baby chicks.  Kenneth Granlund moved to approve the chicken coop with the condition there be no rooster on a permanent basis; seconded by Alex Hay; passed 5-0.  Agent Greenberg stated the permit will not be issued until a manure management plan is made available and that O’Neil will have to go before the Conservation Commission and the ZBA.
b)      Pattyson, 31 Samoset Ave, Map 28, Parcel 119, well variance.  David Lajoie represented the applicant, who described where the new well would be located.  It was determined there would be no new conditions to the septic variance approval created by the well replacement.  Lezli Rowell moved to approve the variance request for a new well with no conditions; seconded by John O’Hara; passed 4-0.    

2.      Business
DPW – Closure of Transfer on July 4 in 2010.  Paul Lindburg represented the DPW and stated that it is normally a slow day.  Because the 4th of July falls on a Saturday, the DPW will remain open.  It was recommended by Lindburg that the transfer station be closed on all 4th of July except when it falls on a Saturday.  He supplied numbers for the activity on the 4th  of July as well as other days to compare activity over a three year period.  Lezli Rowell requested additional data for activity on Monday holidays and regular Saturday activity. The Board stated that they are concerned with Saturday transfer service availability in general as turn-over days, with renters leaving and needing to dispose of their trash. It was noted that without service, littering problems occur.  Ken Granlund moved that the transfer station would be closed on the 4th of July with the exception if the 4th falls on a Saturday; seconded by Lezli Rowell, passed 4-0.   

III.          Licenses

IV      Minutes: meeting minutes to be addressed at the next meeting.

V.      Correspondence:  Lezli Rowell reviewed the correspondence.

VI        Other Business        
A letter was discussed regarding second hand smoke from cigarettes and cigars on the beaches.  The author was concerned with the message it sends to children as well as the littering of butts on the beach.   Willecke stated the only jurisdiction the Board has is the town beach areas directly in front of the parking lots.  He also explained that there would have to be a public hearing to regulate non-smoking areas.  There was discussion on placing “smoke free signs” in specific areas.  If any non-criminal citations were issued, the Police Department would have to follow up.  Agent Greenberg stated she would be willing to contact Tom McCain in Barnstable for information on how they instituted their smoking bans.  There was discussion regarding having one beach designated as smoke free.  Ken Granlund disagreed with imposing limitations on this.  The Beach Department and Police Department would have to get involved, and then it would have to be posted for a hearing at a future date.

Agent Greenberg gave an overview of the Emergency Drill scheduled and the phone chain.

Agent Greenberg discussed the Pearl restaurant, particularly the open window area between the outside and the kitchen.

Agent Greenberg stated she has received several phone calls regarding NStar’s plan to use herbicides to spray by the power lines.  

Agent Greenberg stated that the technical school will be making copies of the newsletter.

Agent Greenberg stated Judy Tesson will have to come before the Board of Health and Zoning Board of Appeals if she ever wants to have pigs again on the property.  

Ken Granlund motioned to adjourn; seconded by Lezli Rowell; passed 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary