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Board of Health Minutes 04/11/07
Wellfleet Board of Health
        Minutes of Meeting of April 11, 2007
Senior Center, Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Acting Chair Lezli Rowell, Kenneth Granlund, Alex Hay , John O’Hara, Health Agent Hillary Greenberg, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary
Regrets:  Richard Willecke

Acting Chair Rowell called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.  

I.      Title V Variances Requests
a.      Geiges, 20 Belding Way, Map 28, Parcel 4: Permission to have  Fowl
The Geiges’s gave an overview of the location of the proposed pen and the maintenance plan.  Agent Greenberg recommended the manure go into something with a bottom, such as an enclosed composting unit.  Lezli Rowell moved to have Agent Greenberg approve their request to have 5 chickens (no roosters); seconded by Ken; passed 4-0.    

b.      Sanders, 100 Blackfish Lane, Map 30, Parcel 105:  Septic upgrade.
Keith Fernandez of Bennett and O’Reilly gave an overview of the project.  The dwelling is currently served by water from condos and the owners are willing to drill a new well if necessary.  There was discussion regarding the number of bedrooms in the dwelling based on Town history and Agent Greenberg stated she feels this is a four (4) bedroom dwelling based on a site inspection.  The loft is under 70 square feet in size and the owner does not consider it a bedroom.  One room on the first floor would be considered a den based on the floor plan and lack of privacy for the bathroom.  Rowell recommended the owners be notified not to overuse the system.  Based on the fact the design flow will be limited to 440 gpd, no new well is required at this time.   Fernandez will provide a new plan within 7 days of the meeting.  Rowell moves to conditionally approve the 4/12/07 plan and grant the four variances requested for a four bedroom, grandfathered and nonconforming w/ respect to nitrogen limitation, with IA under Remedial Use category with conditions.  Seconded by Alex, with amendment for one more condition; passed 4-0.

c.      Kosinski, 88 Ione Rd, Map 28, Parcel 68:  Septic Upgrade.  David Lajoie represented the applicant and gave an overview of the project.  The owners want to add a second floor on the building without increasing the footprint, keeping the two bedrooms.  The Conservation Commission has approved the plans.  Rowell questioned the well on Parcel 67.  Lajoie sent a letter to the abutter regarding the location of the well (identifying a “paper well”) and has not received a reply as yet.  Agent Greenbert stated the owners have not had enough time to respond to Lajoie’s letter to identify the location of their well.  Rowell recommended Agent Greenberg call the abutter regarding the location of the well, or go for an I/A system.  Agent Greenberg  recommended continuing the case to 5/9/07 in order to give the abutter time to locate their well.  Lezli Rowell moved to continue; seconded by Alex Hay; passed 4-0.   

d.      The Juice, 6 Commercial St., Map 15, Parcel 92:  Install temporary 4,500 gallon tight tank.  Chris Wixson and Matt McKenzie from East Cape Engineering gave an overview of the project.  This is a temporary measure to allow the Juice to open for the season and work towards designing a new Title 5 system.  An inspection report was submitted to determine it had failed based on ground water issues.  Rowell stated this temporary measure would only be good for one year.  Rowell asked if they could reuse the temporary component and they could.  Agent Greenberg is comfortable with the design flow.  Adjusted flow elevation is 6 feet and the observed is 4 feet.  The dimensions of the tank will be 17 x 10.   A water tight test will be conducted.  New lines will be installed.  Agent Greenberg questioned if the Board would accept the plan as submitted because the size of the tank will be different.  Greenberg stated the plan has to go to the State for their approval and they have 30 days to respond.  The owners expressed concern about getting their liquor license and business license from the State.  Rowell moved to approve a temporary 4,500 gallon tight tank.  Discussion took place regarding when the pumping would take place and how to identify the data to determine when the best time to perform the pumping..  Alex Hay seconded Rowell’s motion; passed 4-0.  Rowell moved to amend the motion and add one additional condition which would not allow the business to open until a tight tank has been installed; seconded by Alex Hay; passed 4-0.                
II.     New Business
April is rabies awareness month. (April 30 baiting will take place)  
III.        Licenses were signed

IV.       Correspondence        
        May 5 – Emergency Preparedness Day at the Senior Center
IV.       Meeting Minutes
Rowell moved to approve the 2/28/07 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Ken Granlund; passed  3-0.  

Alex Hay moved to adjourn at 8:10; seconded by Ken Granlund; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates
Committee Secretary