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Board of Health Minutes 10-27-04
Present:        Richard Willecke, Chair; Lezli Rowell, Anne White, Ken Granlund Jr., Alex Hay;
                 Emily Beebe, Health Agent

Chair Willecke called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.  The meeting was tape-recorded.

Meeting Minutes of September 8 and September 22, 2004

Meeting minutes of September 8 were reviewed and approved with one amendment to be made.  Lezli Rowell Moved to accept September 8 meeting minutes/Seconded by Ken Granlund; Passed 5-0.

Lezli Rowell Moved to approve September 22 meeting minutes as presented; Seconded by Anne White; Passed 5-0.

Meeting minutes of October 13, 2004 will be reviewed at the November 10 meeting.

Title 5 Variance Requests

Kimball, 30 Way #14, Assessor’s Map 9, Parcel 629
The variance request is to install a subsurface septic system.  A letter received from the National Park Service dated October 27, 2004 was read into the record, with concerns for property marking and access issues.  Due to constraints such as lot size, lot configuration, topography, structure locations, water supplies, and/or existing septic system locations, the request is to locate leach area four (4) feet from the property line.  The existing cesspool is close to Gull Pond which is a poor situation.  New well will be located in the South East corner, up hill by road.  It was noted the pond water level is at groundwater level.

Willecke Moved to approve the Felco, Inc. plan dated 09/31/04 and grant the variance requested in the letter of 10/14/04 for the upgrade of septic system to serve a two bedroom structure, in conformity with the Nitrogen Loading Limitation, subject to the following conditions:
1.      Design flow is limited to 234 GPD to service a two bedroom dwelling.
2.      No increase in habitable area without Board of Health review, per terms of variance request letter.
3.      The new well shall be connected and put in service under the benefit of proper plumbing and electrical permits, and the well shall be tested and found potable, with results copied to the Health Department, prior to the issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.
4.       Any restriction in design flow and all conditions shall be recorded against the deed for the property at the Registry in Barnstable, and proof of conditions deed recorded shall be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.
5.      Concrete monuments are to be placed on property bounds and repair of the 40 foot roadway will take place.
Lezli Rowell Seconded; Passed 5-0.

Steiner, 3 Indian Neck Road, Map 28, Parcel 231
Upgrade proposed for two new subsurface septic systems to serve two dwellings on one parcel.  Rowell read letter dated October 12, 2004 with the variance requests.  Presented by David
Lajoie of Felco, Inc. , there are two existing dwellings with no expansion planned, with proposed two new wells and septic systems.  Steiner wants to subdivide the property.  Property consists of one dwelling with four (4) bedrooms on one acre, and a two (2) bedroom dwelling located on the property in an area  in excess of 20,000 square feet upland.  Rowell stated she would like to see this as a cluster system to avoid wetland variances.  She noted the marine resource and fresh water delineations are not clear on the plan provided.  White asked if the proposed leach area could be moved to another location of which Lajoie stated it would be a problem with the requirement of the systems to be 24 feet apart.   The Board were in agreement they would prefer to see a cluster system.  Lajoie requested a continuance to November 10, 2004.  Willecke Moved to grant continuation; Seconded by Rowell, Passed 5-0.

Blake, 275 Main Street, Map 21, Parcel 87.  Susan Blake was represented by David Lajoie of Felco Engineering.  In July 2004, one of the cesspools behind the  house collapsed, and Felco submitted a Title 5 plan depicting an upgrade to the system.  A water test was submitted, dated 09/29/04 and showing the nitrate level at 1.9 mg/L and sodium at 49 mg/L.  Ms. Blake hired EZ Doze It to inspect the collapsed cesspool and found that the damage had not affected the leaching capacity or functioning of the system, as the top row of blocks that form the riser had collapsed.  Felco requested that the Board allow a simple repair be implemented to the cesspool, and that they consider the plan for future installation at such time as the system actually fails, although an upgrade is not required at this time.  The Board appeared reticent to review/approve plans for a system that might not be installed within the three year life span of the variances.  Rowell Moved the applicant may apply for a repair permit to replace the chimney course of block of the existing cesspool, provided that the applicant return to the Board of Health on November 10 with a set of final plans; Seconded by White; Passed 5-0.

Discussion of Septic System Inspection Result (failure)

Kemper, 150 Commercial Street, Assessors Map 21, Parcel 87.
Failed septic inspection due to poor water quality. Three wells are located within 100 feet of the leaching pit, and two wells showed nitrate levels in excess of 5 mg/L.  Tests performed on
June 23, 2004 showed the following results:
1)      Locus Welkl: Nitrates at 20 mg/L, Sodium at 45 mg/L, and 0 VOC’s.  
2)      Abutters on Parcel 88: Nitrates at 8.0 mg/L, Sodium at 94 mg/L, and 0 VOC’s
3)      Abutters on Parcel 120:  Nitrates at 2.5 mg/L, Sodium at 63 mg/L, and 0 VOC’s.

The applicant was represented by Jason Ellis, who asked the Board to consider eliminating the two contaminated wells by connecting the properties to the public water system.  Willecke replied that the Board could not predict who would be able to connect to the water system at the present time, and that the Board needed to look at more immediate solutions.  Rowell was concerned about the 9 bedroom intensity of use on such a small lot.  The Health Agent informed the applicant that the well would need to be replaced and the leaching area would need to be addressed somehow.  She suggested that the engineer examine the possibility of using an I/A nitrogen reducing system, and that a site visit be arranged in order for tthe Health Department conduct a bedroom count of both buildings on the property.  Jason Ellis indicated that he would arrange the inspections.  Rowell Moved to continue the hearing to November 10; Seconded by Willecke; Passed 5-0.

Other Business

Failed septic inspection report and transfer of deed for Dowler, 114 4th Street, Lt. Island, Map 40, Parcel 108.  The existing system has passed inspection and appears to be functioning
properly; however, the existing setback between the leaching pit and the well on site is less than 100 feet, therefore, required testing the well.  The water quality in the well exceeded allowable levels, and the contamination required re-siting the well; however, the size of the lot prohibited siting the well on the Dowler’s property.  Their system inspection and designer, Jason Ellis, requested that the Board approve the new well be located in the paper road of 4th Street which is under the control of Dowler and an agreeable abutter in order to improve the setback requirements, and provide safer water.  The Health Agent developed a set of findings for the Board that addressed the unique situation of this particular case.  The Board accepted the findings and approved the concept of locating the well in the 4th Street road layout, as it is a paper road.  The Board asked to see a site plan showing the new well location if variances would be required, prior to drilling the well.

Meeting Schedule

The Board agreed that their regularly scheduled meeting of November 24th would be an unfortunate event, given the Holiday on the following day.  Granlund Moved to eliminate the meeting of November 24 from the schedule; Seconded by Willecke, Passed 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary