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Board of Selectmen September 9

The Wellfleet Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 7 p.m. at the Wellfleet Public Library, 55 West Main Street, Wellfleet, MA 02667

I.      Open Session & Announcements
II.     New Business
A.      Appointments
Relief Dispatcher for Wellfleet Police Department – Edward Mitchell.
Call Department members of the Wellfleet Fire Department – Samuel Blakeslee, Eleanor Moody.
B.      Re-appointments - none
C.      Report on status of Herring River Restoration Project [Gary Joseph].
D.      Change orders for Uncle Tim’s Bridge [Rex Peterson].
E.      Change order for Fire Station propane tanks [Chief Silverman].
F.      Tax bill insert for house numbering and driveway clearing [Chief Silverman].
G.      Proposal to apply for State Revolving Fund for possible water system project [Town Administrator].
H.      Use of Town Property
¨       Sally Wonders, president of the Friends of the Council on Aging, for use of Town Hall lawn on Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008 and Saturday Sept. 20, 2008 from 9:30am to noon for sale of tickets for COA transportation program fundraiser.
I.      Proposed repair to floor at Council on Aging [COA Director].
J.      Discussion of surfing issue at Maguire Landing [Beach Director].
K.      Solar powered lighting grant program [Town Administrator].
L.      Local Historic District Study Committee [Rex Peterson].
M.      Planning Board Zoning By-law Revisions [Rex Peterson, Dennis O’Connell].
III.    Old Business
A.      Budget-related changes to Charter [Town Administrator].
B.      Possible non-commercial signs by-law amendment [Town Administrator].
C.      Receipt of Energy Star plaque [Town Administrator].
D.      Discussion of joint BOS meeting in Truro and also possible Town of Eastham participation [Town Administrator].
IV.     Correspondence
V.      Minutes
¨       August 12, 2008 Board of Selectmen meeting.
¨       August 19, 2008 Board of Selectmen meeting.
¨       Note to Town Records: August 26, 2008 meeting not held.
VII.    Future Meetings & Agendas
1.      September 23, 2008 Meeting
¨       Joint meeting with FinComm (tentative).
2.      October 14, 2008 Meeting
¨       Joint BOS meeting in Truro.
¨       Discussion of DPW Vehicle Rollover Policy.
¨       Use of Town property, Senior Center, Marina, Board of Health and Transfer Station fees.
VIII.   Executive Session

Posted:  Town Hall, Sept. 5, 2008 11:15 am dr,  Sept. 5, 2008 12:15 pm rp