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July 8th BOS Agenda
The Wellfleet Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on Tuesday July 8, 2008 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center Long Pond Room, 715 Old King's Highway, Wellfleet, MA 02667

Public Hearing
PROPOSED licensing, LIBRARY and Beach FEE Increases

Current Fee:
Suggested Fee:
Annual All Alcohol License
Annual Beer & Wine License
Seasonal All Alcohol
Seasonal Beer & Wine License
Extension of Seasonal Liquor License (Dec 1st – Dec 31st)
One Day Beer & Wine
One Day All Alcohol
One Day Entertainment
Taxi Driver
Registration for all/any applicant
Inspection Fee (one or all inspectors - Fire, Health, Building)
Use of Town Property
$50.00/day for non-profit 501c(3) required
$100.00/day for profit
(Fee does not include any accrued DPW/Police/Fire staff time in conjunction with event)
For-Profit Advertising/Display of pamphlets within Beach Sticker Office
$50 per season
Current Fee:
Suggested Fee:
Meeting Room Rental Fee
Faxes (per page)
$1.00 for 1st page, $.50 for following pages ($10 max)
$1.00 per page (no $ max).
Beach (2009 Season)
Current Fee:
Suggested Fee:
One Week
Two Week
3 Day
Use of Town Property and Special Beer & Wine License
Request from David Myers representing WOMR for use of Baker’s Field Tent and surrounding space on Saturday September 13th from 9AM – 9PM for a Benefit Concert “Boogie on the Bay”.

Open Session & Announcements

New Business
A.      Use of Town Property
¨       Request from Kevin Ouellette representing City Lights TV, requesting use of Cahoon Hollow Beach on July 12th from 2pm – 12AM for a film shoot.
¨       Request from Laurie Roles requesting use of Mayo Beach, 8:30am – 9:30am Monday, Wednesday & Fridays from June 30th – Sept 5th; for exercise & health awareness Circuit Training.
B.      Re-appointments
Cultural Council – Susan Weegar
Zoning Board of Appeals – William Nicholson
Personnel Board – Joseph Archambault
Water Protection Collaborative – Emily Beebe
Open Space Committee – Bob Hubby
C.      Landing Strip Access
C.      Personnel Board
D.      Parking Enforcement
E.      Energy Audits
F.      Approval of IRS Standard Mileage Rate
G.      Discussion on Community Garden Proposal
H.      Discussion on Special Town Meeting (possibly Monday October 27th)

IV.     Old Business
A.      Disposition of Town Owned Land
¨       Wastewater Committee to receive referrals?
B.      Planning Board’s Review of Zoning By-law Amendments

V.      Correspondence

VI.     Minutes
¨       June 24, 2008

VII.    Future Meetings & Agendas

VIII.   Executive Session

Posted:  Town Hall, July 3, 2008 11:15am dr  July 3, 2008 11:15am egh