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BOS Agenda
The Wellfleet Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on Tuesday June 24, 2008 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center Long Pond Room, 715 Old King's Highway, Wellfleet, MA 02667

Open Session & Announcements
¨       Independence (from Fossil Fuel) Day

New Business
A.      Appointments
¨       LCP Implementation Committee – Dale Donovan, Barbara Gray, Paul Pilcher, Alan Platt and Manuel Smith
¨       Planning Board – Griswold Draz
Cable Advisory Committee – Tom Cole and Betsy Williams
Open Space Committee – Jan Plaue, Lynn Southey, Janet Doherty, Cynthia Hope, Bob Jackson, John Portnoy
Community Preservation Committee – Jan Plaue, Barbara Gray
Planning Board – Steven Oliver and Ronald Harper
Conservation Commission – Virginia Page
Coastal & Pond Access Committee – Morton  Miller
Zoning Board of Appeals – Vernon Jacob
Historic Commission – Ashley Fawkes - Sylver
C.      Use of Town Property
¨       Request from Sick Day for use of White Crest Beach, Maguire’s Landing, Newcomb Hollow and Cahoon Hollow, June 1st through October 1st during daylight hours.
¨       Request from Little Overhead for use of Whitecrest Beach, June 1st through October 1st during low tide only.
¨       Request from Fun Seekers for use of Whitecrest, Newcomb Hollow, Cahoon Hollow and LeCounts, May through October, Daily.
¨       Request from Cape Cod Surf Camp for use of Whitecrest from May through October
D.      Disposition of Town Owned Land
E.      1440 Chequessett Neck Rd.

IV.     Old Business
A.      Planning Board’s Review of Zoning By-law Amendments

V.      Correspondence

VI.     Minutes
¨       June 10, 2008

VII.    Future Meetings & Agendas

VIII.   Executive Session

Posted:  Town Hall, June 20, 2008 11:15am dr  June 20, 2008 11:15am egh