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BOS Agenda Feb 12, 2008
The Wellfleet Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on Tuesday February 12, 2008 at 7p.m. at the Wellfleet Public Library, 55 West Main Street, Wellfleet, MA 02667

I.      Public Hearing
A.      Amend Shellfish Regulations
(Requested by Shellfish Advisory Committee to postpone till further notice)

B.      New Annual Wine & Malt On Premise License
Wellfleet Town Pizza, Inc., Briton Luhmann mgr, d.b.a. Wellfleet Town Pizza, 55 Commercial Street.

II.     Open Session & Announcements

III.    New Business
A.      Appointments
¨       Thomas J. Powers, Jr. - Special Police Officer
¨       Ned Hitchcock II – Wastewater Planning Committee
¨       LeRoy Spaniol – Local Housing Partnership
¨       Martha Carroll – Cultural Council
¨       Rebecca Taylor – Shellfish Advisory Committee
B.      Elaine McIlroy representing Wellfleet Housing Authority, requesting transfer of:
¨       Lots 110, 111, 143 7 145 on Map 16 for the purpose of developing affordable housing
¨       Portion of land & building on Lot 2.1 on Map 13 for the purpose of developing affordable housing.
C.      Suzanne Thomas – Flex Bus Support
D.      Approval of Small Cities Grant Flyer to be placed in Spring Tax bills
E.      Ted Malone representing Housing Resources – Gull Pond Road Housing
F.      Computerization Report from Finance Committee
G.      Business License Renewals
¨       General Business License – Flea Market
¨       Weekday Entertainment – The Juice, Wellfleet Cinemas, Wellfleet Drive In/Flea Market, Sam Cooks, Winslow’s Tavern, The Wicked Oyster, Sweet Season’s, Lighthouse Restaurant
¨       Sunday Entertainment – Wellfleet Drive In/Flea Market, Sam Cooks, The Wicked Oyster, Sweet Season’s
¨       Common Victualer – Mac’s Shack, Mac’s Seafood Takeout, The Juice, A Nice Cream Stop, Wellfleet Cinemas, Wellfleet Drive In/Flea Market, Blue Willow Fine Foods, Wellfleet Miniature Golf, Dairy Bar & Grill, Sam Cooks, Maurice’s Campground, Hatch’s Fish Market, South Wellfleet General Store, Winslow’s Tavern, The Wicked Oyster, Sweet Season’s, PJ’s Family Restaurant, The Lighthouse Restaurant, The Box Lunch, The Best of the Wurst
¨       Class IV – Wellfleet Village Mobil
F.      Annual Town Meeting, April 28, 2008

IV.     Old Business
A.      Wellfleet Fire Station Construction Change Orders – Proposed Motion would authorize Fire Chief and Project Manager to authorize change orders of up to $10,000 per change order, and a total of $100,000 in total change orders. Once $100,000 amount is reached the Fire Chief and Project Manager would have to request and receive additional authority from the Select Board at a public Select Board meeting.
B.      Kevin McHugh representing Environmental Partners regarding Uncle Tim’s Bridge Update
C.      FY2009 Budget
D.      Town Administrator Goals – see memo from Chairwoman Jacqui Beebe, dated 1/11/08.

V.      Correspondence

VI.     Minutes
1.      January 22, 2008
2.      January 29, 2008

VII.    Future Meetings/Agendas

Posted:  Town Hall, February 8, 2008 3pm dr  February 8, 2008 3pm egh