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New Online Payment Service Provider

Effective January 1, 2017, the Town changed its online payment service provider.  City Hall Systems is now the provider for on-line payments.  City Hall Systems provides all the amenities that MCC provided, but City Hall Systems also offers taxpayers and utility customers these enhanced features:
  • Reprint copies of their bills,
  • Having direct access to the history of their payments, and
  • Having a live help link  to assist tax payers and utility customers if there are issues  
With City Hall Systems there is no fee for e-checking.  There is a 2.95% fee for credit card payments, which is reduced from MCC’s 3%.
Sign up with City Hall Systems.

Two items of note:  
  • Because there is a lack of billing history, you will need pay an initial bill on the City Hall Systems before being able to sign up for automatic notifications, etc.  
  • In the interest of protecting your personal information, we strongly recommend you delete your checking account information from MCC.  
We believe your experience with City Hall Systems will be beneficial.  Any questions regarding the new system may be directed to Treasurer/Collector Zoe Pierce at 508-358-3635.