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2013 Annual Town Meeting - Results on Articles
At Thursday's opening session, the following actions were taken:
Article 1 - by a voice mail, voters adopted three motions to recognize citizens as described in the Warrant
Article 2 - passed over
Article 3 - current year transfers of $165,000 for snow removal and $35,000 for wastewater professional services were approved
Article 4 - OPEB an amendment that would restrict funding until balance of fund equals $1M contribution per year failed 153-182.  An amendment to reduce the request to $98,534 representing contributions by fee-based programs only passed 143-136.  The amended amount passed 218-69.
Article 5 - FY2014 operating budget.  An amendment eliminating funding for Wayland Cares in the amount of $102,671 was adopted 150-122.  An amendment asking the Selectmen to come back to next time meeting with organizational structure and plan to continue Wayland Cares services passed 169-64.  The FY2014 operating budget passed as amended by a vote of 190-30.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 p.m.  

Town Meeting resumed Sunday, April 7 at 1:00 p.m.
Article 5 - motion #2 was amended to remove the Wastewater Treatment Facility from the list of town buildings and assets under the responsibility of the Town Administrator by a vote of 100-65.  Motion #3 (capital budget) passed by a vote of 174-27.  An amendment to change the funding source of the Middle School roof replacement project from free cash to borrowing an additional $500,000 passed by a vote of 172-53 before the project vote was approved by a vote of 203-20 under motion #4.
Article 6 - Compensation for Town Clerk passed 178-14.
Article 7 - Personnel Bylaw and Wage Classification Plan for non-union employees passed by a vote of 161-45.
Article 8 - real estae tax exemptions passed 183-16.
Article 9 - DPW access road and transfer of land to Conservation passed 191-51.
Article 10 - borrowing $11.4M to construct the DPW facility failed to garner the required 2/3's majority while passing 158-95. A separate motion to appropriate and borrow $900,000 to make minimal repairs to the existing DPW facility and to fund further studies related to the access road failed 127-103.
Article 11 - reports to Town Meeting was passed over 209-8.
Article 12 - participation of town employees at town meetings.  The article proposed to add Public Buildings Director and Town Counsel to the list of officials with right to respond to questions on floor of town meeting and would have allowed the entire list to speak on articles.  An amendment to remove town counsel from the list passed 117-90 and an amendment to remove the right to speak (in addition to answering questions) passed on a voice vote.  The vote to include the Public Buildings Director passed by a voice vote.
Article 13 - CPA set aside - passed by voice vote.
Article 14 - appropriating $92,000 for designing baseball fields at Loker Conservation and Recreation Area passed by a vote of 156-57.

The second session of Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.  

The third session of Town Meeting was held on Tuesday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m.

Article 16: TRANSFER AND DISPOSE OF SEPTAGE FACILITY LAND AND ADJACENT TOWN-OWNED LAND ON BOSTON POST ROAD - failed 239 yes, 129 no (it required a two-thirds vote and achieved only 64.5 percent).

Article 17: AMEND ZONING BYLAW CHAPTER 198: RIVER’S EDGE HOUSING OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT - failed 197 yes, 123 no (it required a two-thirds vote and achieved only 64.5 percent).

Article 18: ACCEPT ROADS AS PUBLIC WAYS - passed 200 yes, 63 no


Article 20: AMEND TOWN CODE SECTION 91: REGULATION OF DOGS - failed 39 yes, 145 no.

The third session of Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m.

The fourth session of Annual Town Meeting was held on Wednesday, April 10.

Article 21: CHOOSE TOWN OFFICERS - passed 143 yes, 6 no.

Article 22: SELL OR TRADE VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - passed 159 yes, 7 no.

Article 23: ACCEPT GIFTS OF LAND - passed vote of 206 yes, 6 no.

Article 24: HEAR REPORTS - passed 251 yes, 7 no.

At the completion of the Warrant, the Moderator allowed a discussion and vote on whether to reconsider Article 10: Appropriate Funds for Construction of New DPW Mainenance and Storage Facility and Accessory Structures.  By a vote of 202 yes, 113 no, the motion to reconsider failed to achieve the required two-thirds vote (64.1 percent).

The 2013 Annual Town Meeting adjourned sine die at 8:14 p.m.

Fred Turkington
Town Administrator