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Loker Conservation and Recreation Area Forum - Handouts Available
On Tuesday, December 7, 2010, the Board of Selectmen, Recreation Commission, and Conservation Commission sponsored a public forum to discuss potential use of the Loker Conservation and Recreation Area.  The forum was an opportunity for citizens to learn more about the status of the property, to hear about proposals to make better use of this town asset, and to suggest ideas for alternative uses.  To review the material distributed at the public forum, click here.

The public forum is a critical component of the long-range strategic planning process for both the use of the property and consideration of athletic field and community recreation projects.  It is designed to elicit initial public reaction to concepts and to hear any new visions for use of the property.  The Loker forum closely follows the recent Finance Committee presentation on capital planning and debt commitments made by the Town through FY2011.  That presentation included an overview of several potential infrastructure projects and examples of how the additional cost to finance a yet-to-be-determined project would impact our finances. 

The Loker public forum is the beginning of one of several parallel processes to be held over the next 12-18 months during which time citizens can learn more about the choices to be made about projects, offer input on the priority to be given to competing projects, and help town officials chart a direction for public decision among competing alternatives for the future use of this important community asset.