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Athletic Fields Master Plan
As you may know, the Recreation Commission has been working with Gale Associates, a consultant specializing in planning and designing athletic fields and recreational facilities, to develop a master plan for athletic fields on town and school land.  The process is a comprehensive effort involving participants, athletic leagues, and school officials.  The purpose of the planning effort is to determine the types of athletic fields that will be needed into the future based on demographics and input from user groups and to integrate that information into the inventory and condition of existing fields and available parcels for future field development.  That information has resulted in a draft plan for capital maintenance and recommendations for future field development.  Once reviewed and accepted by the Recreation Commission and the Board of Public Works, the plan will serve as a foundation for future capital improvement plan budget requests.

The draft plan can be accessed on the website.  Go to departments, click recreation, then click the Downloadable forms link.  From there you can access two folders - the first is the School Field Use Master Plan Study and the second is the Town Field Use Master Plan Study.   Within each folder, we have attempted to break down the report into tabs that correlate with the written document for easier viewing and to make them easier for you to download.  Keep in mind that some of these tabs are still very large documents that may take a while to open on your computer.  As always, we also have written copies of this document for review at Recreation Department offices on the first floor of Town Building.

Nancy McShea                                                                    Fred Turkington
Recreation Director                                                             Town Administrator