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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/12/2007
6:00 PM

Chairman Scott Grierson called the February 12, 2007 Regular Selectmen’s Meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2.      ROLL CALL
Present were Chairman Scott Grierson, Selectmen Charlie Dillon, Heath Higgins, and Chris Eaton, Town Manager Millard Billings, and Recording Secretary Debbi Nickerson.
Members of the public present were Mark Good – Islander, Art Paine, Carey Donovan, Michele Marks, Linda Lord, Becky Hopkins, Scott Phelps, and Laurie Schreiber – Bar Harbor Times.


        A.      MINUTES OF JANUARY 8, 2007      
Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to accept the minutes of January 8th as written.  Motion passed 4 – 0.

        B.      MINUTES OF JANUARY 22, 2007
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to accept the minutes of January 22nd.  Motion passed 4 – 0.

        Warrant 93      6,147.47
        Warrant 94      94,000.00
        Warrant 95      5,211.38
        Warrant 96      148,031.96
        Warrant 97      6,209.60
        Warrant 98      5,211.37
        Warrant 99      32,718.09
        Warrant 100     5,223.00

Selectman Kathi Thurston arrived at 6:04 pm.

        Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to approve Warrants 93 – 95 and Warrants 97 – 100.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to table Warrant 96 till later in the meeting.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Town Manager Millard Billings relayed to the Selectmen that the town has received the exchange for the battery back-up to the elevator that was purchased unnecessarily.  On Warrant 96 is the check for change order #3 for $5,851.34.  Also on Warrant 96 is the 10% retainage check.  The Selectmen asked Town Manager Billings to hold the retainage check until the 4 new issues are corrected.  Mr. Billings spoke with Kurt Backtrum, Mechanical Engineer, who said the air handler does not need to be on a timer.  The air handlers only need to run when there are people in the room and a manual switch would work.  Mr. Billings is going through the general contractor Associated Builders to correct this problem to safeguard the warranties on the air handling system.  Town Manager Millard Billings asked the Selectmen to approve Warrant 96 and he would hold the 10% retainage check until the work is done.
Motion by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to approve Warrant 96 for $148,031.96.  Motion passed 5 – 0.  
Generator, Flagpole and Event Signage are still left to come out of the budget for the New Town Office.

        B.      SALT/SAND SHED
Town Manager Millard Billings sent out Requests for Proposals to 12 Engineering Firms (see attached).  Mr. Billings suggested a smaller building for the salt.  The sand can be stored outside.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to form a Landscaping Committee to landscape the New Town Office and Bass Harbor Parking Lot next to the Post Office.  Motion passed 5 – 0.  

        D.      BAR HARBOR BANK & TRUST
Representatives of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust met with Town Manager Millard Billings about the money the Town has with the Trust Department of the Bank.  In order to have the money insured with the FDIC the money needs to be transferred from the trust side to the retail side.  Bar Harbor Bank & Trust will give the Town 4.87% interest, which is the same rate, after fees, the money earns now.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to approve the change.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
The Selectmen requested the old names be removed from the account information.

Motion by Selectmen Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to approve the Warrant Committee Bylaws that the Warrant Committee approved January 31, 2007.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

        F.      APPOINTMENTS
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to appoint Valerie Jacobs to the Rec Board [for 3 years].  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to appoint Jennifer Abbott to the Rec Board [for 3 years].  Motion passed
5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to appoint Jim Keene to the Comprehensive Plan Committee [for 5 years].  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to appoint Joseph A Wright II to the Southwest/Tremont Housing Authority [for 3 years].  Motion passed 5 – 0.

1.      Army Corps of Engineers says there is still some uncertainty on the Section 107 Navigation fund for this fiscal year (see attached).  Cost estimates have risen.  The Town’s share is now $325,000.00.  ACOE needs a letter of intent to show the towns willingness to sign the agreement (see attached).  The Project Cooperation Agreement package has been approved by
ACOE District Counsel.  They are hoping that Federal Funds will follow.

2.      On February 8, 2007 Town Manager Millard Billings met with Roland Dupree at Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) at the Ellsworth office.  Mr. Billings gave Mr. Dupree copies of the deeds to the new dam site, the old dam site, a survey showing the location and perimeters of both lots, tax maps of Seal Cove Pond and names and addresses of abutters to Seal Cove Pond.  Mr. Dupree said that even though the deadline for filing the grant application is March 12, 2007, the Town is too late to be funded for 2007.  It would be better to aim for 2008.  He said his organization requires a Public Hearing with all abutters to Seal Cove Pond in attendance.  If an abutter cannot be present a signed letter stating that they have no objection to construction of a Fishway at Seal Cove Pond is needed.

3.      Town Manager Billings requested to have the lot lines marked on map 14 lot 37 and a road made so the town can use the area back there.  
        Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to authorize Millard to have Tom Benson do the lot line layout for that lot [map 14 lot 37].  Motion passed 5 – 0.

4.      The Public Address System was purchased in 1998.  Northwood Kenway donated half the cost of the system to the Town.  The School then reimbursed the Town for half of the remaining cost (see attached).  The Town owns ¾ of the PA system and the School owns ¼.  The PA system is here at the Town Office and the Selectmen felt it should stay here and the School can come and get it any time they need to use it.  They also refused a residents request to use the system.

5.      On February 12, 2007 the Town Manager, Harbormaster, Chairman of the Harbor Committee and Greg Johnston of CES met at the Seal Cove Ramp to look at the ramp and come up with what needs to be done.  Mr. Johnston will get a sketch to the Harbor Committee for their next meeting.

Chairman Scott Grierson read a letter he received from the Lyons’ (see attached).There was a great deal of discussion and it was decided to have a Work Shop on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, at 5:30 pm to hash out this issue.

        A.      SCHOOL
                Joint meeting to be held March 5, 2007

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of Harbor House’s request of $15,955.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of Island Connections request of $1,000.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of Hospice of Hancock County’s request of $150.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $750.00 for Downeast Health Services.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $3,000.00 for Island Explorer.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $1,846.00 for Washington Hancock Community Agency (WHCA).  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of Downeast Transportation’s request for $297.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.                   
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $1,600.00 for Downeast Horizons.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $1,500.00 for the Bar Harbor Food Pantry.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of $28,875.00 for Southwest Harbor Tremont Nursing Service.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to put all these on the Warrant and recommend passage.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston (inaudible on recording), to go out of order and go right to Other.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Becky Hopkins showed the plans for the different phases of the Veterans Memorial Monument and explained how the school children have raised $7,000.00 so far and that the Cole Museum has pledged to give a matching grant.  She also showed the Selectmen a proof of the book written by the students and the monument dedication is scheduled around June 15th.  She estimated the monument would cost around $25,000.00 and asked the Selectmen for financial support.  The Selectmen suggested she come up with a dollar amount to ask for at Town Meeting. A C Parson’s has volunteered to maintain the grounds of the Monument.  
Motion made by Selectmen Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to approve the plans presented tonight for the Veterans Memorial.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectmen Charlie Dillon, to go back to the agenda.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Motion by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to carry the $5,321.00 for the Comprehensive Plan Committee forward.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to recommend passage of the $2,500.00 for the Historical Society.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage for the Animal Control Officer’s $2,700.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of the Animal Control Officer $2,700.00 request.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to recommend passage of Dispatch for $8,000.00.  Motion passed 5 – 0.
Motion by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Chairman Scott Grierson, to recommend the Fire Department request for $41,850.00 have passage.  Motion passed 4 – 0 – 1.  Selectman Heath Higgins abstained; he is a member of the Fire Department.  
Motion by Chairman Scott Grierson, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to recommend carrying forward the Fire Department’s unexpended balance.  Motion passed 4 – 0 – 1.  Selectman Heath Higgins abstained; he is a member of the Fire Department.  

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to recommend passage of the “Boiler Plate” articles.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to pay $.40 per mile for privately owned vehicles used for municipal use.  Motion passed 5 – 0.

        Appraisals, tax evaluations, letters, etc. for the workshop.

        Workshop to discuss the Paul Hinton bequeath on 2/20/07.
        Next Selectman’s Meeting 2/26/07.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to adjourn.  Motion passed 5 – 0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debbi Nickerson
Recording Secretary

_________________________                               ___________________________
Scott Grierson                                                          Charlie Dillon

__________________________                      ____________________________
Heath Higgins                                                           Katharine Thurston

Chris Eaton