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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/11/2006
6:00 PM
1.         CALL TO ORDER
The September 11, 2006 Regular Selectmen’s Meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Chairman Scott Grierson.
2.         ROLL CALL
Present were Chairman Scott Grierson, Selectmen Charlie Dillon and Heath Higgins, Town Manager Millard Billings, and Recording Secretary Debbi Nickerson.
Members of the public present were Mark Good – Islander, Laurie Schreiber – Bar Harbor Time.
Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to accept the minutes of August 21st as written.  Motion passed by a show of hands 3-0.
      Warrant 29      5,281.84
      Warrant 30      2,491.50
      Warrant 31      7,709.39
      Warrant 32      4,172.70
      Warrant 33      4,398.26
      Warrant 34      149,793.97
      Warrant 35      6,209.48
      Warrant 36      166,585.89
        Town Manager Millard Billings explained the Town has always used Chris Eaton’s company Harbor Divers to set and pull moorings.  The Selectmen agreed with Mr. Billings that as long as Harbor Divers is called on to do the same work that they have always done there is no conflict. 
     Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to approve Warrants 29 – 36.  Motion passed by a show of hands 3-0.
6.         NEW BUSINESS
            A.            UPDATE NEW TOWN OFFICE
Town Manager Millard Billings informed the Selectmen of the Town Office progress.  Town Manager Billings also told the Selectmen of his conversation with Ralph Pinkum of Emergency Management.  Mr. Pinkum informed Mr. Billings the chances of getting a FEMA grant for the generator were far fetched.  Brad Reed, of HG Reed, said a generator that would handle the elevator would be very expensive.  Stanley Elevator has been contacted to find out what it would cost to put in Stanley’s back-up battery system for the elevator.  Goodwin’s will start on 9/13/06 digging the lines for the parking lot lights.  Then the conduits and the bases will be installed and the rough grade will be completed on the parking lot area.  Then the paving will begin.
A three-way Stop sign at the intersection of Steamboat Wharf and Bernard Rd. is not a DOT matter.  MMA felt the Town’s Ordinance addressed Stop Signs, but it was out dated in that it referred to the Chief of Police and needs to refer to the Tremont Road Commissioner (see attached). 
Selectman Kathi Thurston arrived at 6:16 pm.
MMA recommended the Selectmen adopt a new Traffic Control and Parking Ordinance, and then at town meeting have the old ordinance repealed.  The Selectmen felt the Ordinance should address the trailer parking issue in Bernard, Reed’s lot, the Fire Department, and Heath Point.  Chairman Scott Grierson asked Town Manager Millard Billings to write a draft for the next meeting.
            C.            RESIGNATIONS
Chairman Scott Grierson read Jon Crossman’s resignation (see attached).  The Selectmen suggested asking the Harbor Committee to change the day and date of the meetings.
Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to accept Jon Crossman’s resignation from the Harbor Committee.  Motion passed by a show on hands 4-0.
            D.            TOWN MANAGERS REPORT
                        1.            Work on Gott’s Island Roads has been completed.
      2.   On Friday, September 1, 2006, Town Manager Millard Billings received a phone call asking for work to be done on the other Fire Rd. that goes to Gott’s Island Head concerning a wet spot in the Road.  He will investigate and make recommendations for next summer.
      3.   A Public Works employee is out on medical leave.
      4.   The search for a new Public Works Employee is on going until October 1, 2006.
      5.   The Town’s Equipment Trailer is at Gordius Garage waiting for repairs.  The Town Manager used his own equipment trailer to take the Kubota Tractor to Dorr’s Equipment for repairs.  The Ford 650 has gone to Bangor Truck and Equipment to have the dump body removed to the equipment trailer and a sander and snowplow installed.
      6.      HCPC Regional Transportation Plan asks for a letter of support (see attached).
            Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to sign a letter of support for the Hancock County Planning Commission submitted before September 14th.  Motion passed by a show of hands 4-0.
      7.   The Town received a MMA dividend check for $1,362.00 along with a Press Release prepared by MMA (see attached).
      8.      Harbor Master Stewart Murphy and Town Manager Millard Billings pulled the outer float from Seal Cove.
      9.      Town Manager Millard Billings sent a letter to Shelley Winchenbach with Time Warner Cable (see attached).
      10.      Hancock County bids for salt/sand came in with International Salt the low bidder (see attached).
7.         OLD BUSINESS
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to send these letters to Island Institute and Maine Coast Heritage Trust reference access to the working water front letter (see attached).  Motion passed by a show of hands 4-0.
Motion made by Selectman Kathi Thurston, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to go into executive session pursuant to Title 1 Maine revised statue annotated section 405 sub-section 6 paragraph C to discuss the acquisition or disposition of real property or interest therein because premature disclosure of the information would prejudice the bargaining position of the Selectpersons.  Motion failed by a vote 2-2.  Selectmen Kathi Thurston and Heath Higgins voted for; Chairman Scott Grierson and Selectman Charlie Dillon voted against.
Chairman Scott Grierson and Selectman Charlie Dillon asked Selectman Kathi Thurston and Heath Higgins to approach the appropriate parties and hammer out a proposal for the property.
            Real Estate
9.            OTHER
Selectman Heath Higgins suggested requesting Friends of Acadia assist with getting bike lanes when 102 and 102A are done. 
Town Manager Millard Billings received a letter from a concerned citizen about bicycle safety on Rte. 102 (see attached).  Selectman Kathi Thurston suggested asking the State to remove the “Designated Bike Way” distinction.  Selectman Charlie Dillon suggested requiring all bikes be registered to pay for bike lanes.
Chairman Scott Grierson reminded Town Manager Millard Billings that nothing has been done about the alwives yet. 
Selectman Charlie Dillon asked about snowplow drivers and if the fees suggested were acceptable.  Town Manager Billings said there have been five applicants for part time snowplow drives.  Two have voiced interest in being back-up drivers with their own equipment.  Letters have been sent to Gott’s and Goodwin’s requesting prices incase the town needs their assistance.
            CEO Millard Billings sent a Notice of Violation (see attached).
            September 25, 2006
11.            ADJOURN
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to adjourn.  Motion passed by a show of hands 4-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debbi Nickerson
Recording Secretary



_________________________                                                ___________________________
Scott Grierson                                                                                         Charlie Dillon
__________________________                                  ____________________________
Heath Higgins                                                                                          Katharine Thurston
Chris Eaton