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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/07/2006
6:00 PM

The regular Selectmen’s Meeting of August 7, 2006 was called to order by Chairman Scott Grierson at 6:00 pm.

2.      ROLL CALL
Present were Chairman Scott Grierson, Selectmen Chris Eaton, Heath Higgins, Charlie Dillon and Kathi Thurston, Town Manager Millard Billings, Recording Secretary Debbi Nickerson.
Members of the public present were Mark Good – Islander, Carey Donovan – Bass Harbor Memorial Library, Pat Roberts – Southwest Harbor Animal Shelter, Jim Roberts – Southwest Harbor Animal Shelter, Marylou Mathews – Southwest Harbor Animal Shelter, Carol Walsh – Southwest Harbor Animal Shelter, Marty Lyons, Beth Lyons, Chad Smith – Town Attorney, Jim Collier – Town Attorney, and Carolyn Gothard.



        Warrant 12      976.50
        Warrant 13      6,340.62
        Warrant 14      6,080.15
        Warrant 15      5,168.02
        Warrant 16      1,241.21
        Warrant 17      1,646.00
        Warrant 18      183.00
        Warrant 19      42,421.38
        Warrant 20      585.75
        Warrant 21      1,795.58
        Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to approve Warrants 12 – 21.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.

        The roof trusses have arrived and the roofers are scheduled to be on the job next Monday.  Selectman Charlie Dillon asked about the vault floor, Selectman Chris Eaton said he thinks he has seen it outside of Goodwin’s.  This Monday the cement was poured in the blocks for the vault and elevator shaft.  On Friday, August 4th, Town Manager Millard Billings received a call from Tom King asking if the town wanted a back-up battery for the elevator.  The original quoted price was $850.00 and Town Manager Billings agreed to the battery.  Tom King called again to say there would be an additional charge of $650.00 for the back-up battery.  Town Manager Millard Billings refused the battery because there will be a back-up generator and the elevator will operate once that is engaged, the Board agreed with this action.  The cement floor has been ground to accept the floor tile and Associated Builders was satisfied.  The toilet in the garage was plugged up and Jimmy dug up the holding tank to see if it was full.  There was nothing in the tank and he discovered H G Reed had plugged the line when they tested it, but did not pull the plug when they were done.  Bangor Hydro requested some trees be cut.  The Public Works Crew cut them down.

        Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to approve the amendments to the By-Laws for the Library (see attached).  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.

        C.      RESIGNATIONS
        Linda Musson from the Bass Harbor Memorial Library Board of Trustees and Jim Geary from the Comprehensive Plan Committee (see attached).
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Chris Eaton, to accept the resignation from Linda Musson from the Bass Harbor Memorial Library Trustees.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to accept the resignation from Jim Geary, Comprehensive Plan Committee.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.

        D.      APPOINTMENTS

1.      Maine Property Tax School was held at UMO the week of July 31 – August 4.  Gary Geaghan, Debbi Nickerson, and Town Manager Millard Billings attended various classes.

2.      Town Manager Millard Billings received a letter dated August 7, 2006 from Harvey Kelley thanking Mr. Billings and the town for the plaque and presentation at the Backside Blast on August 5, 2006 (see attached).

3.      Mr. Billings has been trying to contact Eric Strauss and George Silver about drainage ditches for the Gott’s Island road.  Hopefully Mr. Billings can meet up with them this week.

Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Heath Higgins, to table 7. A. and continue on with the rest of the agenda.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.

August 14th the bids for the Reed Cemetery survey will be opened.  On August 21st the Salt/Sand bids will be opened.  
A Snowplow back-up driver’s policy and other Snowplowing concerns.  

Chairman Scott Grierson mentioned an Emergency Management Meeting in Ellsworth he had received a letter about.  The Meeting is open to all senior town officials and he was wondering if anyone would be going.  Selectman Chris Eaton was interested in attending.  
Selectman Charlie Dillon asked if there would be any Grant money for the generator.  Town Manager Billings will look into it.  
On Thursday, August 10, 2006, Linda Fury will be here to talk about Grant money for the Cape Rd.  The trees are being undermined and when they topple they will wipe out the road.  
Chairman Scott Grierson wanted Mark Good, with the Islander, to know the E-911 addresses are official.
Selectman Kathi Thurston pointed out that Gott’s Islander’s are making an earnest attempt to park elsewhere.  

        August, 21, 2006


Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to go into executive session pursuant to Title 1 of the Maine Revised Statute Ana noted 405 (6) (E) meet with legal counsel.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.  The Selectmen went into executive session at 6:42 pm.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to come out of executive session at 6:57        pm.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.

Chairman Scott Grierson explained the Town of Tremont’s Select Board has been looking for property to use as a parking lot and long term shore access.  Town Manager Millard Billings recounted why the group had convened.  Paul Hinton left four pieces of property to the Southwest Harbor Animal Shelter and Bass Harbor Memorial Library, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyons have a life estate.  The holders of the life estate would like to buy out the Animal Shelter and the Library.  Chad Smith, the town attorney, explained the Tremont Selectmen were involved because the Bass Harbor Memorial Library is an entity of the Town of Tremont and is part of the town.  According to Mr. Lyons, he and his wife have drafted a proposal with the Southwest Harbor and Bass Harbor Memorial Library.  In March, the Selectmen formed a sub-committee to deal with the estate.  Carey Donovan suggested going into executive session to discuss the issues.  Town Attorney Chad Smith advised the Board that they could go into executive session and invite anyone they wanted to join them; however, it is illegal for any of the participants to discuss, outside of executive session, what was discussed in executive session.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Kathi Thurston, to go into executive session pursuant to Title 1 of the Maine Revised Statute Annotated Section 405 Subsection (6) Paragraph (C) to discuss the acquisition or disposition of real property or interest therein because of premature disclosure of the information could predigest the bargaining positions of the Selectpersons and to consult with the town attorney.  Motion passed by a voice vote 4-1.  Chairman Scott Grierson voted against.  The Selectmen went into executive session at 7:17 pm.

Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to leave executive session and return back to the regular meeting.  Motion passed by a show of hands 5-0.  The Selectmen resumed the regular meeting at 8:26 pm.

Motion made by Selectman Charlie Dillon, with second by Selectman Chris Eaton, to continue with their negotiations with any and all parties to gain access to the shore.  Motion passed by a show of hands 3-0-2.  Selectman Kathi Thurston and Selectman Heath Higgins abstained – they are the negotiating committee.

11.     ADJOURN
Motion made by Selectman Heath Higgins, with second by Selectman Charlie Dillon, to adjourn.  The Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debbi Nickerson
Recording Secretary

_________________________                               ___________________________
Scott Grierson                                                          Charlie Dillon

__________________________                      ____________________________
Heath Higgins                                                           Katharine Thurston

Chris Eaton