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Planning Board Minutes 10/27/2015

1.              CALL TO ORDER
Acting Chairman Spencer Ervin call the October 27th, 2015 meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2.              ROLL CALL
Previously excused was Chairman Mike Ryan.
Present were Acting Chairman/Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin, Planning Board Members Linda Graham, Valerie Haynes, Wayne Patton, and Gus Young, CEO Debbi Nickerson, and Recording Secretary Jan Sprague.
Members of the Public: Bob Cousins, Judy Cousins, Scott Willey Planning Board Member Susan Snyder arrived at 6:06pm.

Acting Chairman Spencer Ervin requested to take out of order Question # 6, at the request of Mark Weber’s representative, Scott Willey.

4.              APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of June 23, 2015. July 14, 2015, July 28, 2015 and September 22, 2015
MOTION by Planning Board Member Valerie Haynes to approve the Minutes of June 23, 2015, second by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin. Motion passed 4-0, with Linda Graham and Wayne Patton abstaining.
MOTION by Planning Board Member Linda Graham to approve the Minutes of July14, 2015, second by Planning Board Member Valerie Haynes. Motion passed 5-0, with Gus Young abstaining.
MOTION by Planning Board Member Linda Graham to approve the Minutes of July28, 2015, second by Planning Board Member Gus Young. Motion passed 3-0, with Valerie Haynes, Wayne Patton, and Gus Young abstaining.
Acting Chairman/ Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin requested in the September 22, 2015 Minutes in 6.D. the word “demoing” be changed to “demolishing”.


6.              NEW BUSINESS:
                A.      Review for completeness a Building Permit Application submitted by Mark Weber to
                perform shoreline stabilization along portions of Mr. Weber’s property.
                Motion by Planning Board Member Linda Graham, with second by Planning Board Gus Young, the Planning Board has review authority and the application is in order. Motion passed 5-0.
        B.      Public Hearing to receive public input concerning item (A). Public hearing opened at 6:05 pm
                Mark Weber’s Agent Scott Willey explained the shore is sliding away and they will use rip rap and boulders about half way up to stabilize the shoreline.
                Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin asked how long the project would take. Scott Willey did not know the answer for sure, he just hoped it was soon because they are running out of time.
                CEO Debbi Nickerson said that 1 abutter was in and saw the application. Planning Board Member Susan Snyder arrived at 6:06pm.
        C.      Action on Public Hearing (B)
        Motion by Planning Board Member Linda Graham that the Building Permit Application submitted by Mark Weber, 44 Clark Pt Rd, dated 10/06/15, does conform to all eight items for proposed Land Use        Standards, second by Wayne Patton. Motion passed 5-0, with Susan Snyder abstaining.
        Motion by Planning Board Member Wayne Patton to accept the Town of Tremont Building Application #610132015BCD submitted by Mark Weber, 44 Clark Pt Rd, dated 10/06/15, second by Linda          Graham. Motion passed 6-0.
        Public Hearing closed at 6:07 pm.

7.              OLD BUSINESS:
        A.      Finds of Fact
                1.      Michael Wagner: Incomplete
                2.      Heath Higgins:    Approved.
                3.      Rusty Bradford:  Approved.
                4.      Lawrence Reed:  Approved.

8.              CEO ISSUES: Cousins Letter and Stop Work Order
Bob and Judy Cousins presented exhibits A, B, and C.
Judy Cousins stated that there was a 2010 application for a greenhouse with different criteria. The CEO added an old paper. The concrete is exactly on the old foot-print. There was a 1989 dispute with the prior owner. The court decided the boundaries. The problem happened in 1985. We didn’t change the foot-print.
Bob Cousins stated that the fence is not the property line. It is 2’ inside the line, (19.3 feet).
CEO Debbi Nickerson stated that she did not add anything.
Bob Cousins stated that they didn’t submit 22’, and 2 rod to 3 rod may have been where the confusion came in. The letter stated we submitted information but the Town submitted this.
CEO Debbi Nickerson said the foot-print has been obliterated
Acting Chairman/Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin asked if he was correct that the issue is proving they are within the foot-print.
CEO Debbi Nickerson said correct, if so they can move on.
Acting Chairman/Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin suggested viewing it in daylight to measure it out.
Planning Board Member Susan Snyder stated that the Planning Board can’t withdraw the violation. She asked if there was a document showing the dimensions of the prior building.

Bob and Judy Cousins showed the Planning Board a document with measurements of 22
x 22.
Planning Board Member Linda Graham suggested a Site Review.
CEO Debbi Nickerson stated that if you don’t prove you’re within the footprint the only option is court.
Planning Board member Susan Snyder stated that the CEO has the authority and it is prudent to go out and measure. I’m not convinced the Planning Board needs to go. We don’t micro-manage CEO violations.
Planning Board Member Gus Young stated that the Planning Board can go out and measure it
Acting Chairman Spencer Ervin and Planning Board Member Gus Young agreed to attend a site visit with CEO Debbi Nickerson to measure it out on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 at 4pm.
Acting Chairman Spencer Ervin stated that the issue is totally - Is it beyond the foot-print, not is it over or under a line.

9.      NOTICES:  None

10.     OTHER:

11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: November 10, 2015

12.     ADJOURN
        Motion to adjourn by Linda Graham at 7:02, second by Gus Patton. Motion passed 6-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jan Sprague, Recording Secretary
Planning Board Chairman:                                          
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