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Planning Board Minutes 08/12/2014

1.      CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 pm by Vice Chairman Spencer Ervin
2.      ROLL CALL: Planning Board Members Spencer Ervin – Vice Chairman, Wayne Patton, Susan Snyder, Valerie Haynes, Debbi Nickerson - Tremont CEO, Linda Graham, Mark Good – Islander, Murray Lloyd – Agent for T                imothy & Tobey Kelly, Tobey Kelly, Richard Hanelius, Mary Ann Hale, and Kevin Buck – Tremont ZOAC
4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 22, 2014
        Motion by Susan Snyder, with second by Wayne Patton, to approve the minutes of April 22nd as written.
        Vote 3 yes 1 abstaining – Spencer Ervin was not at the meeting.
5.      SUBDIVISIONS: None
        A.      Election of Officers
                Motion by Susan Snyder, with second by Wayne Patton, to nominate Mike Ryan as Chairman.
                Vote 4 yes 0 no
        Motion by Wayne Patton, with second by Valerie Haynes, to nominate Spencer Ervin as Vice Chairman.
        Vote 3 yes 1 abstaining – Spencer Ervin abstained
        B.      Review for completeness a Building Permit Application submitted by Murray Lloyd, agent for Timothy & Tobey Kelly, to install beach access stairs on property located at 146 Tremont Rd.
                The Planning Board reviewed the application and materials presented. The Findings of Fact were checked item by item.
                Motion by Wayne Patton, with second by Susan Snyder, that the application be deemed complete.
                Vote 4 yes
        C.      Public Hearing to receive public input concerning item (B).
                Opened Public Hearing at 6:10 pm.
                Agent Murray Lloyd and owner Tobey Kelly explained the project. There was no public comment.
                Closed the Public Hearing at 6:13 pm.
        D.      Action on Public Hearing (C)
        Motion by Valerie Haynes, with second by Wayne Patton, to approve these 8 items of TZO Section VIII.
        Vote 4 yes
        Motion by Wayne Patton, with second by Susan Snyder, to approve the application submitted for Thomas and Tobey Kelly.
        Vote 4 yes
E.      Review for completeness a Building Permit Application submitted by Richard Hanelius to build a 600 square foot in-law apartment.
        The Planning Board Members discussed who had the authority to issue permits for the 600 square foot in-law apartment authorized in the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Board came to the consensus that all              routine applications for a 600 square foot apartment go to the CEO for approval.
F.      Public Hearing to receive public input concerning item (E). None
        G.      Action on Public Hearing (F) None
        A.      Set Public Hearing date for Site Plan Review & Tremont’s Zoning Ordinance Section VIII.B.3
                Public Hearing will be held on September 9, 2014 at 6:00 pm
        B.      Review Findings of Facts regarding the Planning Board’s April 22, 2014 review of a Building Permit Application submitted by Robert Cousins to construct a building in the same foot print as the building the burned          12/4/2013 at 45 Harbor Drive in Bass Harbor.
                Motion by Susan Snyder, with second by Wayne Patton, to approve the Findings of Facts.
                Vote 3 yes 1 abstaining – Spencer Ervin was not at the meeting. Spencer Ervin signed the Findings of Facts as the Vice Chairman and invited the 3 other members that were present at the meeting to sign, which                       they did.
8.      CEO ISSUES: None
9.      NOTICES: FEMA has advertised in the Federal Register and will publish in the Ellsworth American and Islander on August 7th and 14th. A 90 day appeals period will open and anyone requesting a change in the map can            submit documentation to make the changes. I have already submitted a road name correction and I will continue to submit these as they come in. FEMA has outlined the appeals process and I will be happy to assist any   person wishing to appeal.
10.     OTHER: None
11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: August 26, 2014 & September 9, 2014
12.     ADJOURN
        Motion by Wayne Patton, with second by Susan Snyder, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Debbi Nickerson
Code Enforcement Officer Paste Minutes Here