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Planning Board Minutes 02/13/2007


Planning Board meeting of Tuesday, February 13, 2007 was called to order at 6:00PM by Chairman George Urbanneck.

2.      ROLL CALL

Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Wayne Patton, Linda Graham, Alden Gray, Mike Ryan, Rick Nickerson, CEO Millard Billings and Recording Secretary Heidi Farley.

Members of the public present were: Joanne Harper, Sandy Gray, Pamela Bean, David Herrick, Susan Snyder, Richard Helmke and Jack Lewis.



4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 9, 2007

MOTION by planning Board member Wayne Patton to approve minutes of January 9, 2007, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 6-0.


A.      Application submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust to remove deed restrictions from the Mt. Gilboa Subdivision and to amend Subdivision to enlarge lots 8 & 9.  The property is located in the Residential/Business Zone on Map 5 Lot 28H.

David Herrick explained to the Board that he has removed the deed restrictions and added an acre to each of lots 8 & 9 of the Mt. Gilboa Subdivision.

Chairman George Urbanneck read through the subdivision checklist to make sure the application was complete.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to accept amended Mt. Gilboa subdivision application as complete submitted by David Herrick for Herrick Family Trust, dated 1/16/07, seconded by Planning Board member Wayne Patton.  Motion passed 6-0.

Public Hearing will be on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 6PM.
B.      Application submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust to construct 2 roads in approved subdivision, Mt Gilboa Way 1200 feet and Cousins Creek 600 feet.  The property is located in the Residential/Business Zone on Map 5 Lot 28H.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approve application for roads submitted by David Herrick for Herrick Family Trust, seconded by Planning Board member Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.


A.      Application submitted by Joanne Harper for a home occupation permit to operate a redemption center on her property.  The property is located in the Residential/Business zone on Map 6 Lot 41.

Mrs. Harper explained to the Board that she would like to open a redemption center on her property on Dow Point.  She said at the most 3 trucks a week would be coming through and that she is creating a horseshoe for the trucks to go around, there will be no trucks parked on the road at any time and all mess will be kept inside, nothing but one dumpster outside.  All bottles will be stored overhead inside the garage until pickup and the only employees will be her two handicapped children.

Neighbor Jack Lewis expressed concerns that the Redemption Center would change the character of the neighborhood, there may be odors in the summer, excessive traffic, more noise and that there is a blind spot on that road.  He also said that he believes that the road isn’t wide enough for State standards and that the Post office will not deliver mail on that road.

Chairman George Urbanneck went through all 4 standards of a home occupation with the board voting on each one.

1.      A home occupation is carried on by a member of the family residing on the property and has no more than two additional employees.

All Board members agree.

2.      Home occupations shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the property for dwelling purposes and does not change the essential residential character of such property.

All Board members agree.

3.      A home occupation shall not create noise, dust, vibration, odor, smoke, glare, electronic interference, fire hazard, or any other hazard or nuisance to any greater degree or more frequent extent than that normally experienced in an average residential structure in the zone in which located.

Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Wayne Patton, Alden Gray and Rick Nickerson agree.  Planning Board members Mike Ryan and Linda Graham disagree.

4.      The home occupation use must satisfy the home occupation parking requirements in addition to the residential parking requirements.

Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Wayne Patton, Alden Gray Linda Graham and mike Ryan agree.  Planning Board member Rick Nickerson disagreed.

MOTION by Planning Board member Wayne Patton to accept Town of Tremont Application for Joanne Harper to operate a home occupation in her garage, seconded by Alden Gray.  Motion passed Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Wayne Patton, Alden Gray and Rick Nickerson voted in favor and Planning Board members Linda Graham and Mike Ryan voted against.

Chairman George Urbanneck urged Joanne Harper to keep it inside and neat.  Mrs. Harper promised that she would.

B.      Review proposed changes to Zoning Ordinance submitted by the Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee.

Planning Board reviewed changes suggested by the Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee, found a few things to add and sent it back to the committee for revising.  They will review changes again at their next meeting.

C.      Review mandated fresh water wetland reclassifications.  

Planning Board reviewed the mandated fresh water wetland reclassifications (see attached).  The reclassifications need to be upheld now.


A.      Adopt 2007 budget request

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to adopt budget request (see attached), seconded by Planning Board member Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.

8.      CEO ISSUES


9.      NOTICES


10.     OTHER

Planning Board member Mike Ryan asked CEO Millard Billings to add to the Building Permit Application that Condominium applications require a declaration as proof of legal standing.  Planning Board agreed.

11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING February 27, 2007

12.     ADJOURN

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to adjourn at 7:45PM, seconded by Mike Ryan.  Motion passed 6-0.

Respectfully Submitted
Heidi Farley
Recording Secretary

Chairman George Urbanneck