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Planning Board Minutes 01/09/2007


Chairman George Urbanneck called the Planning Board meeting of Tuesday, January 9, 2007 to order at 6:05PM.

2.      ROLL CALL

Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Wayne Patton, Alden Gray, Linda Graham, Mike Ryan, Rick Nickerson, CEO Millard Billings and Recording Secretary Heidi Farley.

Members of the public present were: David Herrick, Aimee Picard, Michael Farley, Bernard Boisvert, Richard Helmke, Tammy Crossman-Turner and James Gray.




Planning Board members noted that on page 1, under subdivisions A.second line the word “is” should be “in”, on line 7 “employee” should be “employ”, line 11 “suggestion” should be “restrictions” and line 12 “approving” should be “accepting”.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approve minutes of December 12, 2006 as amended, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 6-0.


        A.      Application submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust tp amend deed restrictions on lot 9 of approved subdivision.  The property is located in the Residential/Business zone on Map 5 Lot 28H.

MOTION by Linda Graham to accept corrections for David Herrick’s rewriting of the restrictions for revised subdivision plan for Mt. Gilboa Subdivision, seconded by Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 5-0-1.  Planning Board member Alden Gray abstained.

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to accept revised subdivision plan, seconded by Mike Ryan.  Motion passed 6-0.


        A.      Application submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust to construct 2 roads in approved subdivision, Mt. Gilboa Way 1200 ft and Cousins Creek 600 feet.  The property is located in the                                        Residential/Business zone on Map 5 Lot 28H.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to table this application until Mr. Herrick can resubmit application with reduced maps, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.

After reviewing subdivision maps and some discussion with Mr. Herrick the Planning Board told Mr. Herrick that he will need to amend his plan and the Board will then have to hold Public Hearings.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to reconsider previously approved Subdivision plan submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick trust, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 6-0.

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to rescind previously approved Subdivision plan submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust, seconded by Planning Board member Mike Ryan.  Motion passed 6-0.

        B.      Application submitted by Tremont School to construct an unheated 21 foot by 36 foot greenhouse.  The property is located in the Residential/Business zone on Map 15 Lot 18.

CEO Millard Billings reported that the Selectmen are in full support of this project.

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to table this application until further information is submitted, seconded by Planning Board member Wayne Patton.  Motion passed 6-0.

        C.      Application submitted by Scott Hero, Bernie Boisvert representative,  to construct 3 foot wide by 12 foot long stairs to the waterfront and to remove and replace existing 12 foot by 14 foot shed.  The property is located in                 the Harbor Shoreland zone on Map 5 Lot 49B.

Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck explained to Bernie Boisvert, representative for Scott hero, that Mr. Hero will also need to file a floodplain application and make a decision about relocating or constructing a new shed.

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to table this application pending further information, seconded by Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.

Tremont School Representative Tammy Crossman-Turner resubmitted Tremont School Application with additional information as requested by the Planning Board.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to reopen agenda item 6 B, seconded by Planning Board member Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.

MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approve Tremont School application dated January 2, 2007 to construct a 21 foot by 36 foot greenhouse, seconded by Planning Board member Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.



8.      CEO ISSUES


9.      NOTICES

Chairman George Urbanneck and Planning Board member Linda Graham would like to attend the Hancock County Planning Commission meeting.

10.     OTHER

Planning Board member Rick Nickerson expressed concern about lack of attendance at the Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee meetings.


January 23, 2007.  Mike Ryan will not be here.

12.     ADJOURN

MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to adjourn at 7:20PM, seconded by Chairman George Urbanneck.  Motion passed 6-0.

Respectfully Submitted,
Heidi Farley

Chairman George Urbanneck