Regular Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 05:32pm. Councilors Zordan, Soliani, and Cogswell were present. Also present were Timothy Waldron, Mayor’s Aide, and Raymond Rigat, Corporation Council.
Item 1: Discussion of proposed resolution approving acceptance of the Northwest Hills Council of Governments. Councilman Cogswell informed the subcommittee that the planned consolidation is scheduled to begin on 01/01/2014, and that the State wants consolidation and more cooperative measures with consolidated regional agencies. He feels that adoption of the proposed resolution will put Torrington at the forefront of continued progress towards that goal. The proposed resolution now needs to go to a public hearing.
Councilman Cogswell moved to approve the proposed resolution. His motion was seconded by Councilperson Soliani, and passed by unanimous vote.
Item 2. The Committee discussed the creation of a Committee for the Disabled to advise the City on the needs of the disabled and to make recommendations. Tim Waldron explained the purposes and benefits of such a committee. Councilman Zordan asked the Corporation Counsel to prepare a proposed resolution within 12 weeks. The Corporation Council will work with the Mayor’s Aide in drafting a proposed resolution for the establishment of such committee. Mr. Waldron indicated that he could find sample documents from similar committees in other Connecticut municipalities.
Item 3: Councilman Zordon brought up the issue of creating a new ordinance allowing the sale of beer at Torrington Titans games. Councilperson Soliani, seconed by Councilman Cogswell moved that the subcommittee recommend the City Council conduct a public hearing to examine the question of whether beer sales should be allowed at Torrington Titan’s games. The motion passed unanimously. Councilman Cogswell made it emphatically clear that he was only supporting a public hearing on the question, and was not indicating his ultimate support of beer sales at the Titans games.
Councilman Cogswell moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Councilperson Soliani. The motion to adjourn passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:54pm.
Raymond J. Rigat, Esq.
Acting Secretary