The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present were Chair Gerald Zordan, City Councilors Marie Solani and Greg Cogswell, Building Official Brett Zuraitis, and Corporation Counsel Ernestine Weaver.
Bulky waste ordinance amendment
Building Official Brett Zuraitis explained that the purpose of the amended ordinance was to clean up City streets by reducing the amount of time that trash could remain on the street before the City could lawfully take action to clean up the mess and fine the violator. Marie Solani was concerned about burdening the police department to enforce the ordinance, but it was noted that that was not enforcement provisions are not impacted by the change to the ordinance. Police were previously responsible for enforcement. Gerry Zordan questioned whether the use of the word “conviction” was appropriate. It was decided that that would could be replaced with the more appropriate word “discovery”. On a motion by Marie Soliani and seconded by Greg Cogswell, the Committee voted to recommend the ordinance change to the
full council which would be asked to set a public hearing on the matter.
Refund of building permit fee ordinance
To provide clarification on building permit refunds, Brett Zuraitis suggested that refunds of less than $100 be issued at the discretion of the Building Official and that refunds of $100 or more be issued at the discretion of the City Council. In all instances if a refunds was granted it would be issued to the owner of record of the property. On a motion by Marie Solani seconded by Greg Cogswell, the committee approved the motion to recommend the ordinance to the full committee.
Outdoor dining considerations
Corporation Counsel Ernestine Weaver brought to the attention of the Ordinance Committee that as outdoor dining has increased in popularity and as the street fairs have been so successful, whether the committee would entertain relaxing the alcohol ordinance currently in effect. The city’s ordinance prohibits the sale or consumption of alcohol on all City property. There was a consensus among the group that the alcohol ordinance should be revisited.
There being no further business on a motion by Marie Solani seconded by Greg Cogswell, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Recorder of the Day,
Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Corporation Counsel