Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, May 21, 2009
6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room
Members in Attendance: Mr. Zordan, Mr. Cook, Mr. Hill, Mr. Clark, Dr. Timken, Mayor Bingham. Others in attendance: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide, Lorel Purcell O&G, Robert Prentis, O&G, Jerry Rollett, City of Torrington Public Works Director
The meeting opened at 6:32 PM on a motion from Mr. Zordan, seconded by Dr. Timken.
- The Minutes of MRC Meeting of 5/07/09, were read and approved with an amendment from Mr. Hill indicating he had questioned the “location” of plumbing clean-outs, not the “lack of clean-outs” as was stated in the Minutes. The motion to approve with amendment was made by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Hill.
- Mr. Cook informed the committee that the City Hall parking area would not include any space, use or modifications of adjoining church property it would be contained on City owned property only. He further stated that shrubs mistakenly removed from church property would be replaced as soon as verification of the church property line was ascertained.
- Update on status of FFE budget review by Mr. Zordan. Mr. Zordan explained that he had arranged for the local Steelcase office furniture dealer to tour temporary City Hall for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of existing Steelcase furniture. Mr. Zordan explained that he wanted to prepare an inventory of furniture which would be re-used in the renovated building if was in good condition and would fit into the furniture layout. Mr. Zordan stated that all older file cabinets would be utilized in record storage areas. Mr. Zordan is preparing an analysis of the seating proposed for use in the auditorium, as well.
- Ms. Purcell presented the guaranteed maximum construction price to the MRC. The project cost should not exceed $13, 275,000.00. Deducting grants and contributions from the guaranteed maximum price, the project is now on target to cost a total of about $12,750,000.00, or about $2,000,000.00 under the amount approved at referendum.
- A discussion to lock in planned project savings was tabled on a motion from Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Zordan. The topic will be presented again at the conclusion of the demolition phase which will identify unplanned factors to be addressed during construction.
- Mr. Prentis stated that the architect was sending a man to City Hall on 6.26.09 to “map out” the areas of the brickwork which required pointing and/or repair. Mr. Rollett stated that he had notes outlining areas for masonry repair and would send those notes to O&G as well. Mr. Prentis stated that a meeting was being scheduled through Turri Electric to finalize the design of the security and alarm system at City Hall. Turri Electric will contact those required to attend the meeting. Mr. Prentis stated that next steps for O&G were to expedite return of RFI’s, review existing building conditions after demolition. Mr. Clark requested that Mr. Prentis expedite the cash flow projection requested by the City treasurer. Mr. Prentis committed to a one week delivery of the projection.
- Update by Friar Associates. Mr. Roach stated that Friar Associates was processing most RFI’s within the time frame allowed in his contract. Mr. Clark requested that an effort be made to prioritize the process in accordance with construction schedules. Mr. Roach expressed concern that construction changes might be being taken without Friar’s approval.
- Mr. Nocera stated that with the exception of the Engineering Department, there had been little progress in eliminating unnecessary records/furniture/materials from storage areas. Mr. Clark requested that this area be given more emphasis to prevent moving unnecessary items back to renovated City Hall. He stated that it was an unnecessary expense to move unwanted materials.
- Other Business: Mr. Clark asked O&G why the possible deletion of the Probate vault would result in a savings of only $6100.00. Ms Purcell stated that typically “deletes” are provided at a fractional percentages of the bid cost. Mr. Clark stated that if the vault deletion came to pass he would like to negotiate directly with the contractor to obtain a more realistic savings. Ms. Purcell said that could easily be arranged.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion from Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Hill, and unanimously approved by the membership.
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