6:30 PM
Members Present: Ed Cook, Alan Zordan, Bill Hill, Is Temkin, Mike Clark
Also Present: Stephen Nocera, mayoral Aide; Lorel Purcell, O&G; Bob Prentiss, O&G; Robert Roach, and Brian Solywoda of Friar Associates
The Meeting was opened at 6:30 PM on a motion from Mr.Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook.
Ms. Purcell presented an overview of the bids regarding abatement and demolition. Ten bids were submitted in all. The bid amounts ranged from a high of $1,540,685.00 by Stamford Wrecking Company to the low submitted by AAIS Corporation at $529,000.00. O&G conducted a bid scope review with AAIS Corp and Donair Inc., the second lowest bidder. O&G recommended to the MRC that the low bidder, AAIS be awarded the contract based on their understanding of the project requirement, references, experience and price. The MRC voted unanimously in favor of the O&G recommendation.
Ms. Purcell presented an overview of the bids regarding General Trades. In all, eleven bids were received for the contract, ranging from $1,370,000.00 to $1,897,000.00. The low bid was submitted by Scope Construction,a company with less than three years business history and no experience with a project of the scope of the Torrington City Hall renovation. Further invesigation revealed that there were no permanent employees in the company to provide the work being contracted. Presumably all work under the general trades category would have to have been subcontracted out. This style of contract would place tremendous burden on the construction manager and potentially pose a negative environment for other trades working on the project. The bid presented by Scope Construction also contained
conflictng pricing for the work being bid. O&G recommended that Scope be eliminated from consideration. The MRC agreed unanimously. Ms. Purcell undertook a scope review with the second lowest bidder,Pierce Builders. Although they appeared qualified in all areas, upon review of their bid it was determined that they had neglected to include any of the work required to buy and construct the pole building scheduled for use at the City Traffic Department on Winthrop Street. Pierce requested that their bid be withdrawn. Their request was agreed to. The third lowest bid from W.J. Mountford Company was reviewed and scoped by O&G. Ms. Purcell and others at the scope review were confident that W.J. Mountford had thoroughly reviewed the bid requirements, understood them all and had the experience to accomplish the general trades portion of the project. O&G recommended that the MRC approve W.J. Montford as the qualified lowest bidder of the general trades portion
of the project. The MRC voted unanimously to award the general trades contract to W.J. Montford.
A discussion of the award of the contract for abate monitoring services was presented by Mr. Clark and Friar Associates. Mr. Clark explained that the contract is the responsibility of Friar Associates, but that he had spoken with Bill Wrath of Industrial Health & Safety consultants, Inc, (IH&SC); Friar’s choice for abatement monitoring services. Their conversation centered on agreeing to a “not to exceed” contract amount rather than an open ended contract. Mr. Wrath cagreed to do so. Mr. Clark asked that O&G project manager, Bob Prentiss monitor IH&SC worksheets to verify numbers of tests etc. being charged. Mr. Prentiss agreed to do so and added that any overages would likely be caused by the abatement contractor ‘s performance and
that in those instances the abatement contractor would be charged back for the extra cost. The MRC agreed unanimously to accept Friar Associates choice of abatement monitoring services.
Mr.Clark suggested to the MRC that they vote to rebid plumbing contracts to enable a review of the possibility of changing the scope of that package slightly. Ms. Purcell stated that not all plumbing bids had been scoped yet and that it was too soon to decide if a re-bid was necessary. A motion NOT to rebid the plumbing portion of the project was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Cook and unanimously approved by the MRC.
Ms. Purcell presented an overview of the Electrical Package of the project. Eight bids were received. Thy ranged from a low of $729,390.00 by Turri Electric to $1,087,300 by Delmar Electric. After a thorough review of the scope of the project by O&G with Turri Electric, O&G recommended to the MRC that they award the electrical contract to Turri Electric. The MRC voted unanimously to approve O&G’s recommendation.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made at 7:45 PM by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Hill and approved by all members of the MRC.