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Minutes 01/15/2009
Municipal Renovations Committee  Minutes of Meeting  Thursday, January 15, 2009  
Mayor’s Office
6:30 PM
Members Present: Ed Cook, Alan Zordan, Is Temkin, Bill Hill, Mayor Bingham, Tom  Jerram, Mike Clark
Also Present: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide; Lorel Purcell, O&G; Robert Roach, Friar  Associates, Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director

The meeting was opened at  6:30 PM, on a motion from Mr. Cook seconded by Mayor  Bingham.

 The Minutes of the MRC Meeting of  12.18.08 were approved on a motion from Mr.  Cook seconded by Mayor Bingham .

 Robert Roach of Friar Associates presented an update on the following:

Status of Traffic Building bid preparation - final design details are being incorporated  into the projected based on information from the engineering department of a company  which supplies buildings of similar description filling same purposes.  

Status of design of third floor addition removal - The plan for the relocation of the   Building Dpt. Is completed. The department will have slightly more room than previously  planned, and the office layout affords all of the accessibilities and features of the original  plan. Plans for the relocation of the Probate Offices and vault to the First floor are  complete and the department has equal space and facilities to the original plan.  

Status of City Hall vault approval by the State of Connecticut - Friar is in the final detail  preparation for presentation to the State for approval. Submission will be within 10 days.

Next Steps for Friar - Completion of construction bid preparation by the end of January.
Lorel Purcell of O&G presented an update of the following:

Status of Moving bids - Bids are due to the City Purchasing Agent on 1/20/09 at 2 PM.  Bids will be opened in public. The MRC will have bids for their review at the 1/29/09 meeting, and will vote on their choice of contract award at that meeting. The MRC choice  will be submitted to City Council on 2/2/09 for their action.

Status of Construction Bids - Construction bids are scheduled to be advertised on or  about 1/29/09.

Status of Traffic Building bids - the Traffic Building will be bid at the same time as the  City Hall project.

Next steps for O&G - completion of construction bids by the end of the month.

 Mr. Clark presented an over view of the walk-through by moving bidders - potential  bidders  were given an introduction and reading of key areas of the bid packet each had  received. A question period followed the presentation in the presence of all bidders. They  were then taken through every City Hall department, storage area and closet to ensure  their understanding of the scope of the work. At the end of the tour an exit interview was  held to field their questions. Many felt that the move would be difficult to complete  within the 2/12 - 2/16 schedule. It was determined during the meeting that “non-essential” items would be moved beginning as early as 2/7 assuming City Council  approval of the MRC recommendation. All present were comfortable that this would  allow the move to be completed by 2/16/09. It was discussed that the Probate and City  Clerk office might have to be moved on either 2/20 or 2/27 due to delays in completion  of the vault at Field Street. They were instructed to structure their bids accordingly as a  worse case scenario. Bidders were instructed to present any additional question to the City Purchasing Dpt. By 2/13/09. They were advised that an Addendum to the bid would  be put on the City website presenting all questions  and the City responses as well as any  other changes additions or deletions to the bid packet.

Mike Clark presented the Field Street refit and Ed Fabbri’s floor plan and moving  procedure - the procedure requires the numbering/labeling of each department item IAW Mr. Fabbri’s floor plan. Numbers on items are to be recorded on the floor plan each  department received; Mr. Fabbri will be responsible for annotating the master floor plan  with each department’s information. Mr. Clark requested that MRC members check their  schedules to see if they could assist during moving days to direct delivery workmen to  the correct location with their pieces.

There was no Other Business.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM on a motion from  Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook .