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Minutes 10/23/2008
Municipal Renovations Committee
October 23, 2008

Members Present: Ed Cook, Alan Zordan, Is Temkin, Bill Hill, Mayor Bingham, Tom  Jerram, Mike Clark
Also Present: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide; Robert Roach, Friar Associates.
1.The meeting was opened at 6:35 PM, on a motion from Alan Zordan  seconded by Tom Jerram .

 The Minutes of the MRC Special Meeting of 10.02.08 were approved on a motion by   Mayor Bingham  seconded by  Bill Hill .
 A review of the status of the Traffic Building portion of the project was presented by  Mike Clark. He indicated that in an effort to reduce costs of removal of polluted soil from  the site,  City officials had been consulted on the viability of gaining approval to a lesser  amount of soil being removed beneath paved areas. Still allowing an 8 inch layer of  subsoil  enhanced and checked by proof rolling, was deemed as acceptable by City  Officials, and was a system that is frequently used in street repaving projects by the City.  Mr. Clark stated that even with this change, the cost to the project was not being  significantly reduced and that other ideas would be presented under agenda item #7. Mr.  Clark suggested that Sunshine Oil Company and others be considered for testing and/or  removal of polluted soil from the site.
 Mike Clark stated that an initial review of the proposed lease for temporary City Hall  had been completed and forwarded to the landlord. The City is now awaiting a response  to requested changes and  State approval of  the proposed vaults, designed by the  landlord’s architect.
 Bob Roach presented an overview of the entire renovation project with special  reference to the City Clerk and Probate vaults. Mr. Roach stated that modular vault  construction was still under consideration, although that system would require  enhancement for State approval. He is working on scheduling a review of his plan with  the State.
 Mayor Bingham announced that a donation of $81,20000.00 had been given by an  anonymous donor too be applied against construction of the Veteran’s Memorial in the  renovated City Hall. The Mayor stated that he is working to find additional donations to  totally offset the cost of the Memorial. Mayor Bingham emphasized that all monies  donated to the project are deducted from the project budget approved at referendum, and  reduce the amount taxpayers will repay against the project bond.
 A review of potential cost savings measures was presented by Alan Zordan, Ed Cook  and Mike Clark. Mr. Clark informed the MRC that he had formed a budget task group to

 review and analyze the status of the project’s projected versus actual costs, with special  emphasis on the Traffic Building and vault requirements . The task group is manned by  Ed Cook, Alan Zordan and Mike Clark. The group is of a common mind that the Traffic  Building cost as presently planned is too high. The group has researched using a pole  building unit versus the foundation supported structure  presently planned.  Mr. Zordan  reported that City officials have given their support towards further consideration of the  pole building, and Mr. Cook advised that all  current plans regarding the existing Traffic  Building arre on hold until further information is reviewed. The halt includes any and all  engineering and soil testing on the Winthrop Street site. Bob Roach was given a spec  sheet from Morton Buildings to review and develop a bid package from. Mr. Clark will  research the procedure to obtain City Council approval of using the manufacturer’s  installer as a cost savings measure.
The task group next addressed the cost of vault construction  at City Hall. The group felt  that the projected cost of the Probate vault is too high. Since a large portion of that cost is  attributable to the vault’s being located on the second floor rather than the ground floor,  Mr. Zordan and Mr. Cook suggested that the Probate suite be relocated to the first floor  with an adjacency to the City Clerk vault, existing foundation and attendant construction  cost savings. Mr. Roach stated that the change could potentially delay the  project due to  required redesign of mechanicals etc. The task group stated that the cost savings might   easily offset the inconvenience of delay and asked that the issue be thoroughly  investigated by Friar, with a report presented at the next MRC meeting. Mr. Clark stated  that until the item cost of the probate vault as currently designed is known there can not  be a valid assessment of the advantage of changing the plan. It was decided that Friar  would develop detailed planning required if the change were made, and the task group  would seek item cost on the vault currently planned for Probate.

 Under Other Business, Mr. Nocera requested that the MRC be present for the Board of  Finance Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 18th at 5 PM. The Committee will be  asked to present an over view of actual versus proposed expenditures, as well as other  financial issues to the board.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM on a motion by  Bill Hill, seconded by Mayor Bingham.
The meeting was adjourned at    PM on a motion from   , seconded by   .