Municipal Renovations Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room
Members in Attendance: Ed Cook, Dr. Isadore Temkin, Michael Clark, Alan Zordan, William Hill. Others in Attendance: Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director, Glenn Yeakel, Friar Associates, Bob Prentis, O&G Industries.
- Motion to open the meeting at 6:30 PM by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Hill.
- Approval of Minutes of MRC Meeting of February 4, 2010 minutes were approved on a motion from Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Clark.
- Overview of project construction status –O&G. Mr. Prentis stated that the second and third floors are essentially complete with minor paint touch-up and server room tie-ins remaining. He stated that terrazzo polishing would commence on 3/29 on level 3, and drop to level 2 the following week. A small leak was discovered around one of the skylights, there was no major damage, and the rep will inspect the unit during the next week. Sidewalk replacement is scheduled to begin within two weeks; Mr. Prentis stated that heavier tree work in the front of the building should be completed before the sidewalk work begins. He stated that the rear parking lot would be top paved by late April. The Veterans Memorial installation is slated for the third week in April to insure that there is less risk of damage to
the granite panels. The HVAC system continues to be adjusted and balanced to obtain maximum efficiency.
- Project Three Week Look Ahead – Mr. Prentis stated that all millwork is either installed or will be in place within three weeks, the final elevator inspection will be complete in time for receipt of office furnishings during the week of April 26.
- Project Expanded Schedule through completion – Mr. Prentis stated that the project is still slightly ahead of schedule with City Hall reopening expected on May 17th.
- Overview of Friar Associates work in process to include additional work required on entry stair treads, and update on Veterans’ memorial – Glenn Yeakel stated that the Memorial components have all been approved and most are completed and several are already in storage at the O&G warehouse. Mr.Yeakel stated that 13 travertine stair treads were slated for replacement to satisfy the Fire Marshall’s requirement for slip prevention. Mr. Yeakel stated that the architects would begin inspections in three weeks to compile their punch list for correction. Mr. Prentis stated that he and Mr. Pracuta were in the process of compiling their punch list which would be posted outside each door for use by those effecting corrections as well as subsequent reference for others creating their punch lists. Mr.
Clark asked Mr. Rollett if he would like to be included in the architect’s tour/list compilation. He stated that he would, and Mr. Yeakel agreed to coordinate that schedule.
- Presentation of City Hall Entrance Lighting Restoration – Ed Cook stated that the front entry light fixtures were nearly completely restored to their original condition and that the next step was to send the fixtures to Turri Electric for installation of 21st Century lighting components. Mr. Cook stated that the fixtures would be installed at the last minute, when construction activity was minimal. Mr. Cook furnished photos of the refurbished fixtures which were unanimously praised by all present.
- Presentation on program for future Veterans’ Memorial updates – Mr. Cook stated that he had just received files and documentation from the engraver and that he was working on preparing the procedure for ongoing maintenance of the panels in the Memorial, and would seek bids for that service in the near future.
- Discussion of sidewalk and landscape plans - Mr. Clark reiterated the sidewalk replacement schedule and interfacing landscape installation plan. He stated that the sidewalk design was commensurate with the planned design for the entire downtown plan. Regarding the scope of the landscaping plan he stated that the foundation plantings would all be pruned, trimmed and fertilized, and that all major trees would be trimmed by a licensed arborist, and fertilized as well.
- Other Business: There was no other business
- Adjournment was called at 7:12 on a motion by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Zordan.
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