Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room
- Approval of Minutes of MRC Meeting of July 30, 2009.
- Overview of project construction status –O&G
To Include:
Traffic Building Construction
Planned changes adding to cost
Planned changes reducing costs
Assistance needed from the MRC or Friar Associates
Overview of work taking place next two week
- Update by Friar Associates.
To include:
Status of readiness for FFE bid advertisement.
- Status of office layout reviews with Probate Department and City Clerk Office. – Mike Clark
- Update on status of office furnishings review – Alan Zordan
- Overview of “reinvestment projects” program and definition and establishment of project savings reserve for duration of work - Mike Clark
Definition of:
Sidewalk replacement
Fountain reconditioning
Antenna Removal
- Update on status of specific project enhancements – Ed Cook
Exterior Lighting Fixtures
Historic Murals
- MRC discussion of reinvestment projects presented by Mr. Cook, to include approval of investigative continuance and/or specific eliminations from further consideration.
- Other Business
10. Adjournment